Consider the main biochemical reaction for life in the sea, and on earth in general:
6H2O + 6CO2 + energy + nutrients = C6H12O6 + 6O2
Focus on left side of equation
What is in short supply in the sea and thus limits the amount of life in the ocean??
Most important primary producers of complex sugars and oxygen
Nutrients absorbed by plants through diffusion across a semi-permeable membrane
Phosphorus (P) as Phosphate PO4 (-2)
Silicon (Si) as Silicate SiO4 (-2)
Phosphate and Nitrate in the Pacific
Essential to the growth of phytoplankton
If these biolimiting nutrients increase in sea water, life increases
If these biolimiting nutrients decrease in sea water, life decreases
Where would you expect to find the highest biomass in the Pacific??
CZCS Global Primary Production
O2 is high in the surface and mixed layer
O2 decreases to a minimum at base of thermocline
O2 then steadily increases with depth
How and where is oxygen produced in the sea???
6H2O + 6CO2 + energy + nutrients = C6H12O6 + 6O2
How can oxygen be mixed downward from the atmosphere into the ocean?
Last update: May 13, 1999