BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, Tuesday, November 10, 1998 (10:00 - 2:00:pm )

FT Worth, Texas

The Council meeting was brought to order by President Greg Elmes at 10:10am.

Present: Elmes, Radke, Palmerlee, Saalfield, Getis, R. Wright, D. Wright, Dobson, Mark, Kemp, Onsrud, Lam, Buttenfield

Guest: David Gibson (University of Florida)

  1. Discussion of Items for Agenda -

Elmes thanked Mark for his great leadership over the past year.

Board appointed Radke as Secretary and Abler as Treasurer.

Mark started a discussion about the power of the Executive Committee which is made up of the President, Past President, and President Elect.

Motion: Kemp proposed , and Lam seconded that the Executive Committee be authorized to act on behalf of the Board in between meetings for the up coming year, assuming the rest of the Board is consulted by telephone or by email. (Motion Carried).

2) Minutes: Elmes suggested we print the minutes of yesterday's Board meeting and adopt them later in this meeting.

3) President's Remarks: Elmes made opening remarks about his role as the President and committed his time to UCGIS. Stated that the Strategic Plan is key and that we operate from that. Goals to conduct a smooth running annual assembly, productive committee work, to insure financial stability in the organization and strengthening our networks of communication. We must strengthen these networks: 1) within the Board, 2) within our membership and between UCGIS and external organizations, and 3) insure communication within the individual campuses of our membership. Elmes noted that our individual member portfolios need to be renewed and that we need to insure these are completed on time.

4) Implications for Strategy:

Discussion of the Strategic Plan, priorities and the Needs Survey. The Board agreed to appoint a new Strategic Planning Committee with Hamerlink as the Chair. This committee would include Huxhold, Mark, Lam and Elmes. The first charge of the Strategic Planning Committee would be to cross tabulate the Strategic Plan with the Needs Survey.

Time frame for membership increase to 80. A short discussion about recruiting took place where Palmerlee mentioned that a few potential members were very close to joining.

  1. Budget:
  2. Palmerlee handed out a UCGIS Balance Sheet along with a projected 1999 Budget and discussed in some detail each item. The 1999 Annual Assembly in Minneapolis was discussed with regard to the registration fees and it was proposed that delegate and member fees should be similar ($140. was suggested) and student fees should be considerable less ($60. was suggested).

    Motion: Mark proposed , and Kemp seconded that we accept the budget for 1999.

    The discussion that followed suggested that we need to document the expenses from the budget in more detail. Other 1999 expenses were discussed and additions were suggested to the budget.

    Motion: Buttenfield proposed , and Mark seconded that we add $4,000. for expenses to the 1998 budget for the Search Committee. (Motion Carried).

    Motion: Kemp proposed , and Buttenfield seconded that we increase the Travel and Entertainment budget for 1999 to $6,000. (Motion Carried).

    Motion: Buttenfield proposed , and Lam seconded that we accept the budget for 1999 as amended. (Motion Carried).

  3. Bank Resolution:
  4. Palmerlee discussed the signature authority and the board decided to leave it as it is with Abler and Mark.

  5. Review of Council Meeting:
  6. Items arising - actions mandated by Coucil:

    Action Plan for dealing with Government Members - Buttenfield stated that she had proposed that we generate a process for dealing with this class of members and not deal solely with Government Members. Dobson suggested a Support Membership category.

    Motion: Kemp proposed , and Buttenfield seconded that we charge the Membership Committee with the task of investigating the proposed government affiliate/supporting membership category, insuring that attention is paid to: 1) the impact on our relationships with Congress, and 2) whether this should be an Affiliate Member or new membership category, and recommending action to the board by 1999. (Motion Carried).

    Discussion on the title of the Research Management Committee lead to the Board directing the Committee on Committees to take the name Project Administration to Rugg and his committee.

    Palmerlee made a point of clarification for the minutes that the responsibility for actively drawing relationships with other organizations is the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

    Annual meeting 1999 / Annual meeting 2000:

    A discussion of the content of the meeting for 1999 was undertaken and R. Wright was charged with considering: involving students, maximizing interaction, pursuing funding opportunities, bringing in top experts, open problem sessions, soliciting ideas from membership, revisiting the member Needs Survey, integrating research, education and policy, do not forget our original challenges, and focus on some productive activities.

    The Executive Committee will work with the 1999 committee and D. Wright on the 2000 Annual Assembly.

    GIS/LIS '99 - Options on where we would meet next year was discussed if there is not a 1999 GIS/LIS.

  7. Report from Executive Director Search Committee:
  8. Elmes suggested putting an add in the Washington Post. This was seen as an executive decision and passed to the President.

  9. Board Communications:
  10. Elmes stated we need to communicate more than just by email. Radke will forward to the group the specifications for video conferencing on the Internet.

  11. New Business:

The Thursday Panel session will include Mark, Elmes and McMaster.

Motion: Adopt minutes of Board Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 1998 (Ft. Worth) - Lam proposed , and Mark seconded that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved. (Motion Carried).

Meeting adjourned 1:30pm.