BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, Monday, November 9, 1998 (8:30 - 1:pm )

FT Worth, Texas

The Board meeting was brought to order by President David Mark at 8:35am.

Present: Mark, Osleeb, Onsrud, R.Wright, Saalfield, Kemp, Lam, Dobson, Getis, Elmes, Radke, Palmerlee, McMaster, Merry

Guest: Bob Rugg

  1. Discussion of Items for Agenda -
  2. Motion: Adopt minutes of Board Meeting October 28, 1997 (Cincinnati, OH) - Onsrud proposed , and Saafield seconded that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved as appeared on the home page. (Motion Carried).
  3. Discussion of where the minutes should physically exist. After the minutes have been accepted they should exist in a physical file at Ohio State.

  4. Motion: To appoint Carolyn Merry as Chair of the Membership Standing Committee - Osleeb proposed , and Dobson seconded that Carolyn Merry serve as Chair of the Membership Standing Committee for two years (until June 2000). (Motion Carried).

4) Discussion of Executive Director position.

Motion: Executive Director Search Committee - Kemp proposed , and Getis seconded that Mark, Osleeb, Dobson, Elmes and Rugg serve as the Search Committee for the Executive Director position. (Motion Carried).

  1. Discussion of Nature of Committees.
  2. Motion: Osleeb proposed, and Onsrud seconded that we create a temporary committee on committees (consisting of Kemp, Merry and Mark) to examine all existing committees and determine their status (whether they should be standing, ad hoc, and how long standing). (Motion Carried).

  3. Discussion of Membership.
  4. Motion: Elmes proposed, and Dobson seconded that we charge the membership committee to review criteria for membership and issue a report to the Council. Kemp proposed a friendly amendment that we request the Membership Committee report to the board prior to presenting to the members as a whole. (Motion Carried).

    Merry gave a report on the Federal Government Membership category… It was decided that a proposed new category would be briefly presented for information at the Council meeting.

    Motion: Onsrud proposed, and Lam seconded that the Board support the Membership Committee's recommendation for all four member applicants and three affiliate member applicants be admitted to UCGIS. (Motion Carried).


  5. Report from Research Committee - McMaster previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting. The book that will result from the UCGIS research priorities, "Research Challenges of the UCGIS", was discussed.

Discussion of what could be accomplished at the June 1999 Minneapolis meeting.

Motion: Kemp proposed, and Dobson seconded that next year's Annual Assembly Program Committee be composed of the chairs of the existing standing committees (including the President) and the (incoming) President elect. (Motion Carried).

8) Report from ad hoc Finance Committee - Goodchild previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting.

Motion: Elmes proposed, and Osleeb seconded that we accept the report from the ad hoc Finance Committee. (Motion Carried).

  1. Report from ad hoc Research Management Committee - Rugg previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting. Discussed the FGDC contracts. It was suggested that we rewrite the call for the NSDI contract.

Motion: Elmes proposed, and Osleeb seconded that we accept the report from the ad hoc Research Management Committee. (Motion Carried).

Motion: Kemp proposed, and Elmes seconded that written reports from each committee be submitted to the Executive Director, one week after their presentation (Motion Carried).

10) Discussion of the hotel contract for the 2000 Annual Assembly (Oregon).

Motion: Dobson proposed, and Kemp seconded that we authorize Mark to sign the contract with the hotel. (Motion Carried).

  1. Discussion of the Financial report - Palmerlee provided the Board with a report from Abler.
  2. Motion: Kemp proposed, and Getis seconded that the ad hoc Finance Committee should consider the size of the reserve that we have and how it should be invested. (Motion Carried).

  3. Report from Nominations Committee - Osleeb previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting. Osleeb recommends that we start the process before the summer Annual Assembly.

13) Report from Policy and Legislation Committee - Onsrud previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting which focuses on the UCGIS Congressional Events.

Motion: Onsrud proposed, and Elmes seconded that the primary congressional activity this year will be in conjunction with the Geodata Policy Form. (Motion Carried).

14) Report from Education Committee - R. Wright previewed his report that he will present to the Council Meeting and mentioned a number of sessions at the current conference. Kemp reported on a proposed GIS education consortium being formed (parallel group to UCGIS and representing the educational community). Accreditation/certification was also discussed.

Motion: Dobson proposed, and R. Wright seconded that UCGIS add their name to the sponsorship of the education conference, "GIS Education for the 21st century: coming of age". (Motion Carried).

Motion: Elmes proposed, and Onsrud seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion carried (12:58pm) (unanimously).