UCGIS COUNCIL MEETING, Monday, November 9, 1998 (1:30-6 pm )

FT Worth, Texas

The Council meeting was brought to order by President David Mark at 1:30 pm

1) Revision of and Items for Agenda - One noted by Onsrud/Radke.

Minutes of Council Meeting, November 9, 1998

Motion: Buttenfield proposed, and R. Wright seconded that the minutes of the last Council meeting be approved as appeared on the home page. (Motion Carried).

2)Executive Report - Mark reported on the member needs survey pointing out those activities that were strongly supported and those that were not. Mark reported that he felt this survey will provide valuable guidance.

    1. Executive Director Report - Tom Palmerlee shared with the council his personal perceptions on the organization and gave advice on defining the goals of UCGIS and carrying the message to congress and others. He also suggested that we need to highlight what we are doing on our individual campuses and share this knowledge with each other. Finally he advised that we need to enhance our resources and get all member institutions involved in contributing to the effort.

3) Search for new Executive Director - Mark reported on the Board meeting and announced the Search Committee (Mark, Osleeb, Dobson, Rugg and Elmes as the chair of the committee). Mark reported that we have been contacted by three good candidates already and we will get an advertisement for the position out as soon as possible. He called for nominees from the Council.

  1. Membership Committee - Merry (Chair of the Membership Committee) discussed the various levels of membership and the ballot. Merry then briefly described each member. A discussion followed which discussed individual applicants and criteria for membership.

Voted for the New Members

5. Nominations Committee - Osleeb (Chair of the Nominations Committee)discussed the process of finding candidates and then presented the list of candidates. Osleeb went through the list and asked each candidate to speak or someone to speak on their behalf (describing their bio).

Voted for President and Board

6. Financial Report - Abler (Treasurer) gave the financial report and stated that the organization was sound and well managed. 7. 1999 Summer Assembly, General Issues - Mark reported that the Board appointed next year's Annual Assembly Program Committee composed of the chairs of the existing standing committees (including the President) and the (incoming) President elect.

7.2 Registration fees for members and non- members - Mark reported that the delegate registration fee would be set at the break even point ($125.), additional people from member institutions if registered early would be charged $215. (with a penalty of $315. for late registration), and the non members rate would be $200. more than the members rate. The student fee would be $125. Palmerlee pointed out that no money had been budgeted from the consortium budget to subsidize the summer assembly.

7.1 Program - McMaster reported on the "Ideas for Minneapolis". He discussed four items that could be accomplished at the June 1999 Minneapolis meeting.

R. Wright (from the education committee) reported on the education component of Minneapolis meeting which included three possibilities:

- model Curriculum

- education aspects of GIScience applications

- status of GIScience education challenges

9.1 Finance Committee - Goodchild briefly summarized the Committee's report, discussing expenses and income in the context of financing the Strategic Plan. In the context of the Member Needs Survey, the report concludes that we table the notion of a Washington office until the membership grows to 80.

8. 2000 Summer Assembly - D. Wright reported that the Millennium Summer Assembly would be June 21-25, 2000 at the "Resort at the Mountain" in Oregon (45 minutes east of Portland).

5. Nominations Committee - election results

Voted for the New Members - Merry reported that all seven were approved as members

Voted for President and Board - Osleeb reported that William Huxhold (President-Elect), Barbara Buttenfield and Robert Rugg (Three year term - director), and Donald Myers (One year term - director).

9. Committee Reports

9.2 Policy and Legislation Committee - Onsrud reported on the UCGIS Congressional Events for the next year and suggested that we spend time learning how to, and supporting initiatives that are already underway. The primary congressional activity this year will be in conjunction with the Geodata Policy Form to be held June 7- 9, 1999.

Other items -

Norm Gunderson (FGDC) reported on the C/FIP objectives:

- Stimulate data collection, sharing and use

- Build federal agencies capacity to implement NSDI and make information available

- Support community NSDI infrastructure development and decision making

C/FIP components:

- multi-agency grant and partnership program

- improve federal agency capability to implement NSDI

9.3 Education Committee - R. Wright reported on findings of the committee over the past year.

9.3.1- Marble Committee Report - R. Wright reported on the development of the model curriculum.

9.3.2- Education Summit Report - R. Wright promoted a special event being held at this meeting (GIS/LIS) including professional organizations.

9.3.3- Formation of Planning Committee for Minneapolis Meetings (this was discussed earlier)

9.3.4- Accreditation and Certification - R. Wright reported about a Model Law Task Force looking into Accreditation and Certification and suggested that UCGIS put a member on this task force to provide a UCGIS perspective on this proposed Model Law. Kemp added that it is important for UCGIS to participate to help interpret and define language in this Model Law.

9.3.5- Other matters from the Education Committee

UCGIS Virtual Seminar - D. Wright reported on the Virtual Seminar and how the course was proceeding. Approximately 30 students are enrolled and 70 people have logged onto the course and participated.

GIS Education - Kemp reported on the results from the educational community and on a proposed GIS education consortium being formed (parallel group to UCGIS and representing the educational community). This group would have a meeting following GIS/LIS next year.

Education Committee - R. Wright called for members to volunteer for the Education Committee.

9.4 Research Committee - McMaster reported on the members of the committee and called for volunteers. Reported on efforts by the committee such as: the ESRI conference and talks with the NRC National Mapping Committee.

9.4.1 Publication of the UCGIS Research Agenda - McMaster reported on a book that is being developed from the UCGIS research priorities, "Research Challenges of the UCGIS".

9.4.2 Plans from the research committee for the 1999 assembly - McMaster suggested that we should not let the basic research priorities go completely and we should stay focused on them.

Dobson suggested that we discuss whether or not Remote Sensing should be broken out from the other data acquisition topics.

[[ 9.4.3 Long range goals for the research committee ]]

9.5 Communication Committee - Mark introduced the committee and its chair for the next two years, D. Wright (November 2000).

9.6 Membership Committee - Merry reported on the Federal Government Membership. Merry proposed that we form a new category (infrastructure membership, federal partner, federal supporter) so that the federal government could support UCGIS infrastructure.

9.7 Research Management Committee - Rugg introduced the committee (Johnson, Hepner and Egenhofer)and called for one other volunteer. Rugg reported on the research contract with FGDC. He discussed the process of designating and soliciting members for projects with FGDC.

9.8 UCGIS/NSGIC working group - Elmes reported on the Memorandum of Agreement with NSGIC. He reported that the President and President Elect of each organization have free access to each other's annual assembly. Elmes was very impressed with the energy in their organization. He reported on the similar situations that our organizations are in and also on the mutual interests.

[[ get the list from Elmes - 6 items for joint cooperation ]]

Propose we are charged with identifying a committee to work on these efforts.

Motion: Cowen proposed, and Wayne seconded that we recommend that the Board form a committee to address external relations. (Motion Carried).

10. Member participation on Committees - Palmerlee delivered the message that we need members on standing committees and called for volunteers.

12. Other Business - Tom Clemons from Intergraph reported on a GIS starter kit for counties within the National Assciation of Counties (NACo)and requested that we get involved.

11. Appreciation and Awards - Mark recognized the out going Board Members (), the members of the Strategic Planning committee (babs-hamerlink, dobson, ?), and recognized the great work of Tom Palmerlee (Tom received a standing ovation).

Palmerlee then thanked the past presidents Will Craig, Jerry Dobson, David Mark and gave them an appreciative plaque.

Motion: Getis proposed, and Saalfield seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion carried (5:36pm)