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Annotated Bibliographies/Analytical Projects of
GEO 565 Students, Fall 2004, Distance Ed

Shinjy Shabuya
Disease Mapping
Brian Wilson
DCS Wireless Network Maps
(analytical project)
Ariella Wolf
Public Health

Annotated Bibliographies of
GEO 565 Students, Summer 2004, Distance Ed

Brittany Steele
GIS and Soil Science
Mary Taber
Wildfire Incident Response

Annotated Bibliographies of
GEO 565 Students, Spring 2004, Distance Ed

Mike Anderson
Linking Fish to Aquatic Habitats
Paola Carrera
Amazonian Hydrology, Habitat Availability, Vegetation Cover

Annotated Bibliographies of
GEO 565 Students, Winter 2004

Alison Ainsworth
Fire & Landscape Level Change
Paul Anderson
Watersheds, Networks
Matt Baldwin
Transportation Engineering
Ron Blacketer