Applications of GIS in Fisheries Management
The work below represents annotations of recent journal articles which discuss applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the management of fisheries resources, whether commercial or recreational.  GIS has many uses in this field and the annotated sources below are intended to provide a representative sample.  The goal of this project was to provide a learning experience for the author so that he may better understand how GIS is used in his potential career field.  
Annotated Bibliography:
Castillo, J.,Barbieri, M.A., and Gonzalez,A. Relationships between sea surface temperature, salinity, and pelagic fish distribution off northern Chile. ICES J. of Mar. Sci. 53:139-146 (1996)
In this study, the authors used GIS techniques to analyze the spatial distribution of three pelagic fisheries (anchovy, sardine, and jack mackerel) off the coast of Northern Chile.  This information was analyzed in relation to surface temperature and salinity profiles.  Data on the distribution of the fish was collected via hydroaccoustic estimations.  This information was obtained simultaneously with the collection of temperature and salinity data, during seasonal research cruises from 1993-1994.   Not surprisingly, the analysis showed that the distribution of the three species was associated with strong thermal and haline fronts.  Perhaps more interestingly, the results also showed a stratified distribution of the three species of fish together.
Creque, S.M., Rutherford, E.S. and Zorn, T.G. Use of GIS-Derived Landscape-Scale Habitat Features to Explain Spatial Patterns of Fish Density in Michigan Rivers. N. Am. J. of Fish. Man. 25:1411-1425 (2005).
    Multiple linear regression analysis of a regional fish and habitat database was used to determine the possibility of using GIS derived landscape-scale habitat variables to explain the spatial variability in the density of five sport fish in the river’s of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.  Both small scale (site) and large scale (landscape) processes are important to fish distributions.  Understanding the relative importance of these processes can help direct management and research efforts to be conducted at the correct scale.  Ultimately, this study found that traditional site-scale habitat variables explained less of the variation in fish density than landscape scale variables.  There is considerable unexplained variability associated with the GIS derived models (associated assumptions and limitations), but they provide insight into important habitat variables (such as temperature) that effect fish distribution patterns on a large scale.  The authors concluded that these findings indicate that coarse measurements obtained from GIS analysis can be useful in predicting the density of individual fish densities and this tool would be especially helpful to managers needing to make low-cost widespread decisions.    
Franklin, E.C. et al. Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Tortugas Region, Florida. Mar. Geodesy. 26:19-24 (2003).
   This study was part of a fisheries independent monitoring program in association with the Dry Tortugas National Marine Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.  These MPAs were interested in expanding their no-take zones in response to the decline of coral reefs and reef fish stocks in Florida.  To allow for a habitat-based, stratified random sampling design of reef fish, the authors created a digital benthic habitat map of the coral reef and hard-bottom habitats.  This was done using a GIS which allowed for the synthesis of several different types of data, including bathymetric surveys, side-scan sonar, in situ visual analysis and aerial photogrammetry.  Similarly to some of the work done in our Geo 565 labs, a classification scheme was developed based on nine reef habitat types found from 1-30 meters depth. A significant outcome was that from their mapping the authors were able to provide estimates of area by habitat type for the location of new no-take zones in the Tortugas region.
Keleher, C.J. and Rahel, F.J. Thermal Limits to Salmonid Distributions in the Rocky Mountain Region and Potential Habitat Loss Due to Global Warming: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Approach.  Trans. of the Am. Fish. Soc. 125:1-13 (1996).
   In this study the authors used a GIS to combine various databases to analyze the impact of global warming on salmonid populations in Wyoming by comparing spatial distributions expected under various warming regimes.  Temperature is known to limit the distribution on juvenile salmon in the region.  That is, salmonids are not found in streams where mean July air temperature exceeds 22oC and therefore salmon are highly susceptible to climate forcing.  An increase in 3 oC, as predicted by some global climate change models, in mean July air temperature was shown to reduce the area of suitable salmonid habitat by 38.5 % in Wyoming and by 49.8% in the Rocky Mountain Region.  In general, an increase in air temperature resulted in greater habitat loss in the Rocky Mountain Region than in Wyoming.  The authors concluded that this was because as warming occurs, salmon are forced into increasingly higher elevations.  These populations would then become fragmented as suitable habitat is distanced from main river channels and limited to cold headwater streams.  Thus, by use of a GIS the authors were able to store and organize spatial data, make predictions on the impacts of global warming to salmon populations, and conclude that global warming will result in habitat loss and population fragmentation.
Milner, N.J., Wyatt, R.J. and Broad, K. HABSCORE- applications and future developments of related habitat models.  Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 8: 633-644 (1998).
    This article consists of four main sections.  In the first section, the role of habitat evaluation methods (HEMs) were explained in regards to fisheries management.  The second section introduces HABSCORE, a new system of salmonid stream habitat measurement and evaluation that is based on empirical models and site features.  HABSCORE and other HEMs are compared via the ability of a particular model to explain variance in fish population density in the third section.  Finally, in the forth section the authors consider other contemporary HEMs, but conclude that future fisheries applications will require the combination of GIS-based classification schemes and site-based classification schemes, an approach that is being developed through HABSCORE.  Go HABSORE go.  Note- this article ties in well with concepts addressed by Keleher and Rahel (1996), discussed above.
Pecquerie, L. et al. Distribution Patterns of key fish species of the southern benguela ecosystem: an approach combining fisher-dependent and fishery-independent data. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 26: 115-139 (2004).
    In this paper, the authors were interested in applying ecosystem-based fisheries management in the southern Benguela ecosystem.  It was decided that comprehensive quantitative information on the distributions of key marine species was needed.  To meet this need, six sources of data were combined in a GIS to map the spatial and temporal distribution of 15 key fish species in the Benguela system.  Unfortunately, biases as a result of major sampling differences prevented detailed analysis of certain species, but maps of the density distributions are presented along with the method used to create them.
Perez, O.M., Telfer, T.C., and Ross, L.G. Use of GIS-Based Models for Integrating and Developing Marine Fish Cages within the Tourism Industry in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Coastal Mngmt.31: 255-366 (2003).
    The authors of this study used GIS and other similar technology to build a spatial database that incorporated identified criteria (such as distance from shore) thought to have an influence in successfully integrating marine fish-caged aquaculture with the tourism industry in Tenerife.  The criteria were grouped into sub categories and then combined to produce a final output that indicated the most suitable areas for cage-based aquaculture to exist along side the tourism industry.  The results indicated that a majority of the Tenerife coastline was suitable for such as a project.  However, the authors also noted that GIS does not provide a definitive answer to a given problem; GIS can only generate outputs to a range of input data.  The analysis in this study indicated some if the limits to where aquaculture can be placed.
Rowe, D.K. et al. Use of GIS to predict effects of watr level on spawning area for smelt, Retropinna retropinna, in Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Fish. Man. & Ecol. 9: 205-216 (2002).
A 3D GIS model of bathymetry and substrate composition was developed and used to calculate the total area of smelt, Retropinna retropinna, spawning habitat for five different water levels of Lake Taupo in New Zealand.  The results showed little change in spawning area over the first 50 cm below natural maximum lake levels, but spawning habitat greatly decreased over the next 1.4m, indicating that a 30% reduction would occur at the natural minimum lake level.  The model was substantiated by anecdotal evidence that high lake levels in the spring result in high smelt recruitment.  Thus, higher water levels mean greater spawning habitat area for the smelt.  The authors conclude that their model could have applications for the effect of lake level change on other biota such as microphyte algal cover.
Rubec, P. J.  1999.  GIS as a tool for research, management and placement of artificial reef fisheries. Pages 112-121, In: Florida Artificial Reef Summit ‘98, Proceedings of a  conference held 5-7 March 1998 in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Florida Department of  Environmental Protection, and Palm Beach Country Department of Environmental  Resources Management.
    This article details the use of GIS in planning the location of artificial reefs, which can serve as essential fish habitat.  These artificial reefs can provide shelter from predation and associated fish will forage over the surrounding area.  Thus, the use of artificial reefs can be an important fisheries management tool.   However, artificial reefs must be placed in a suitable habitat and may be a part of an overall zoning structure or plan, which allows for differing levels of human use.  The application of GIS to conduct spatial analysis can ensure the proper placement of artificial reefs, reduced user conflicts, and the creation of a successful MPA.
Valavanis, V.D. et al. Critical regions: A GIS-based model of marine productivity hotspots. Aquat. Sci. 66: 139-148 (2004).
    In this study, a GIS model for the identification of marine productivity hotspots (defied as areas of high chlorophyll concentration and low temperature distribution) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is developed.   Spatial data from a variety of sources including monthly satellite imagery of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), sea surface temperature (SST), and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll concentration is integrated to map anomalous distributions of these parameters.  The geographic distribution of these anomalies is used to identify areas of above average chlorophyll and below average SST (potential hotspots).  These locations were then compared to fishery production data indicating both under-exploited areas and over-exploited areas of the Mediterranean that require immediate management actions.
This website was created by C. Mac Barr on March 16, 2007 in accordance with Geo 565- GIS and Science course requirements. GEO 565 was offered by Oregon State University and instructed by Dawn Wright, Winter 2007
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