Using GIS to Prioritize Watershed Restoration Efforts in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
An Annotated Bibliography
Students planting native riparian vegetation
by Eric Hartstein
GEO 565

Watershed restoration in the Willamette Valley has undertaken many forms; from in-stream work that adds coarse woody debris into rivers and streams for fish habitat, planting native riparian vegetation that provides bank stabilization, wildlife habitat, and helps maintain cool water temperatures, to upland oak restoration.  A major challenge for agencies dealing in natural resources and community groups interested in restoration is how to prioritize work given the wide variety of actions that can be taken.  Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows planners and managers valuable tools including mapping, storing and managing data, analyzing spatial relationships.  The following annotated bibliography shows how GIS can be an asset to restoration planning.  The articles focus on biological and physical factors, but also touch on the social aspects which are crucial for building community support for sustained restoration.
Using GIS to display riparian buffer
Beachler, R.E.  1996. “Hydrologic and Hydrographic Database Design in Support of Anadromous Fisheries Restoration Planning.”  ESRI 96 Conference Paper.
This is an interesting paper that should give restoration project planners encouragement as to how far planning has advanced and improved in the past ten years.  In 1994, a working group was established to prioritize restoration projects in the Klamath Basin, an important west coast watershed for anadromous fish species.  In order to accomplish their task, GIS layers of anadromous fish presence, and historical habitat were assembled.  Additionally, hydrologic unit boundary data layers were added (which at the time appeared to be a relatively new way to plan restoration, given the amount of space dedicated to this task).  Finally, land ownership layers were incorporated to give planners an idea of not only location of high quality restoration habitat, but political feasibility as well.  This paper gives a good overview on how GIS plays an important planning role, particularly when public funds are used for restoration.  Given that during the 1987-1995 timeframe, zero planning dollars were allocated to the Lower Klamath sub-basin, while nearly $1.7 million was spent on restoration, one wonders how effective these projects have been.
Heller, D., McCammon B. and Uebel, J.  June 2002. “Pacific Northwest Region, Forest Service. Basin-scale Restoration Prioritization Process”.  Pacific Northwest Region, USDA Forest Service.
This straightforward paper documents how the U.S. Forest Service prioritizes Pacific Northwest basins for restoration.  It is intended for use at the 3rd field hydrologic unit, but the model can be followed at a finer scale more pertinent to localized groups.  This model introduces three categories of weighted analysis:  aquatic condition, watershed sensitivity, and management intensity.  Within each category, additional indicators are also weighted.  After categories are summed and weighted, total basin scores are tabulated.  GIS layers were used for many of the indicators within the categories including “surface erosion risk, mass failure risk, and road density.  These data were matched with other data such as 303 (d) listings, presence of threatened and endangered species, and biodiversity.  Interestingly, the paper describes a professional panel convened to make qualitative decisions based on the existing data.  This suggests that while quantitative data and GIS utilization has aided in the prioritization process, there remains a human element involved in important decision making.
A completed stream restoration project in Sweet Home, OR.
Sugumaran, R., Meyer, J.C., and Davis, J. 2004. “A Web-based Environmental Decision Support System (WEDSS) for Environmental Planning and Watershed Management” Journal of Geographical Systems  6:307-322.
This paper discusses a Web-based program for GIS maps in Missouri using “off the shelf” data layers available to the public, such as endangered species, soils, digital elevation, watershed boundaries, etc.  These layers were compiled and made available on the Internet, with a user friendly-design.  Web-based users have the option to weight different variables in order to create a map which suites their purpose (i.e. endangered species locations).  This allows for managers, planners, or community groups to prioritize based on the agency or group’s own criterion.  This author attempted to access the web-site and was unsuccessful.
Hyatt T. L., Waldo T. Z. and Beechie T. J. 2004. “A Watershed Scale Assessment of Riparian Forests, with Implications for Restoration” Restoration Ecology 12(2): 175-183.
The authors seek to identify a model that assists planners in conducting riparian restoration projects.  Riparian zones are important for fish species as they provide shade and lead to the formation of pools which provide refugia for spawning and rearing fish.  This study used field data and aerial photos to conduct a GIS analysis.  The study area was the Nooksack, Skagit, and Stillaguamish watersheds in Washington State.  The study identified salmonid-bearing tributaries and measured the adequacy of large woody debris given the size of the tributary (i.e. medium size trees would allow for pool formation in small and medium size streams, but not in some large streams).  The researchers found that 40% of the streams in the study area provided sufficient wood that would form pools in that area, 23% likely will not provide sufficient wood, with another 15% indeterminate.  The remaining areas were in lakes, or mainstem rivers.  The results of the model were field-tested, with a 69% match, with the majority of error occurring in the indeterminate range, thus allowing for restoration planners to utilize the model to prioritize riparian restoration projects.
Culvert preventing fish passage
Long, E. 2005.  “Using GIS to Connect Watersheds and People.”  Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ESRI User Conference.
This concise paper shows how GIS can be utilized by non-profit community groups to assess watershed conditions, plan projects, evaluate effectiveness of past and present projects, and, importantly, accurately convey to the public what the issues are in the watershed.   The author briefly discusses two case studies in which a community groups have used GIS for the duration of project planning, implementation, and outreach to community members.  The ease and effectiveness of the latter GIS application appears to impress the author greatly.
Marcus, L. and Lackey, L.  2005.  “Prioritizing Restoration Activities for Salmonid Habitat within a Watershed.”  Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ESRI User Conference.
In an attempt to prioritize restoration efforts in the Maacama Creek watershed, which is a large tributary to the Russian River in California, the authors utilized GIS to assemble data layers that guided the prioritization process.  Aerial photographs were obtained from three different time frames (1942, 1961, and 2000) and analyzed using the Georeferencing tool available from ESRI.  Through this analysis the following layers were made:  watershed roads, extent and density of riparian buffer, and vegetative clearing for agriculture and timber harvest over the given time frame.  The results of the analysis point to widespread logging, and road building in the watershed during the early 1960’s.  Further analysis shows that cleared areas from the 1960s have re-grown as hardwood, rather than coniferous forests, which has resulted in a decrease in riparian function for salmon habitat.  With these analyses, the authors were able to prioritize tributary restoration into high, medium, and low categories, with the highest falling in areas with already cool water but deficiencies in the riparian corridor.  Low priorities were in the lower watershed where upstream land practices have degraded habitat.
Constructing a rock weir
Oetter, D.R., Askenas, L.R, Gregory, S.V., and Minear, P.J. 2004 .  “GIS Methodology for Characterizing Historical Conditions of the Willamette River Flood Plain, Oregon.”  Transactions in GIS, 8(3):  367-383
This paper discusses the changing floodplain and riparian area of the Willamette River since European settlement in the Willamette Valley in the mid-nineteenth century, and a quantitative method of analysis for prioritizing floodplain restoration and conservation.   The authors used digitized survey maps of the Willamette River from 1850, 1895, and 1932, in addition to orthophotographs from 1995 to identify main channel delineation, channel complexity, and dams or revetments along the banks.  Additional data on flood plain vegetation was acquired from 1850 and 1995.  The authors analyzed the GIS layers, and established that due to human manipulation, the Willamette River has lost much of its sinuosity, side channels, and floodplain vegetation, particularly in the upper reaches between the cities of Eugene and Albany.  Analyzing these historic data gives planners and managers a useful tool in prioritizing floodplain restoration efforts and targeting areas for restoration that had high levels of floodplain complexity and are not currently overdeveloped.
Parisi, D, Taquino, M., Grice S.M., and Gill D.A. 2003.  “Promoting Environmental Democracy Using GIS as a Means to Integrate Community into the EPA-BASINS Approach” Society and Natural Resources, 16:205-219
This fascinating paper casts a social science dimension on to watershed management, a variable that is too often ignored by watershed managers.  The authors use the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) BASIN model, which advocates that a holistic view of ecological and physical conditions of unique watersheds should drive management systems instead of a “one-size-fits-all” approach.  This paper argues for an even more inclusive management regime which takes into consideration socio-economic factors.  In the study, communities in Mississippi are defined (<10 minutes from an established center) and identified using GIS, watershed boundaries are established, and a sample watershed is chosen for analysis which has an urban, wealthy, and educated sub-watershed downstream of a more rural, extraction-based sub-watershed that lacks its downstream neighbor in most socio-economic variables.  However, and contrary to many expectations, when residents are sampled during a survey measuring “community action toward the environment”, the results show that the rural sub-watershed had a higher level of community activeness toward environment issues.   This is important research, as it contradicts social expectations for watershed restoration and management.  Incorporating this social model into a management strategy should assist in achieving community support and reducing hostilities over natural resource issues.
Richey, J. 2001.  “Spatial Techniques for Understanding Commons Issues”.  In Protecting the Commons:  A Framework for Resource Management in the Americas, edited by J. Burger, E. Ostrom, R.B. Norgaard, D. Policansky, and B.D. Goldstein, 273-291.  Washington DC:  Island Press
As human civilization has become more complex, resources in many areas have become scarce, with multiple actors competing for limited supplies.  Global growth in population and economies, in addition to the unknown extent that water resources will be impacted by climate change will put increasing demands on policy makers to ensure that resources are allocated, protected, and managed in an equitable and efficient manner.  As the article notes, government policy and laws are rich in language, but often poor in quantitative criteria with which evaluations can be made.  In addition, the public is often faced with a confusing maze of regulatory agencies at all levels of government, which may be acting without accordance (or even competing) with regards to natural resource management.  Thus, Richey argues for a numerate ethics, which seeks to synthesize various scientific disciplines to create a more equitable and efficient manner to allocate the increasingly scarce resource of water.  To assist in the creation of this paradigm, management regimes should begin by adopting a watershed model that bypasses arbitrarily drawn political boundaries.  Once this has become the standard, GIS has tremendous potential as the tool to capture, store, and analyze a vast array of data important for decision-making.  These quantitative data will not only make for a more equitable and fair allocation of resources, but also more transparent as citizens are able to access GIS through web-based portals.
Steel E. A., Feist B. E., Jensen D.W., Pess G. R., Sheer M. B., Brauner J. B. and Bilby, R. E. 2004. “Landscape models to understand steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) distribution and help prioritize barrier removals in the Willamette basin, Oregon, USA.”  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci./J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat. 61(6): 999-1011
In this study, a model was created to predict winter steelhead redd densities in four Willamette Valley watersheds.  Numerous landscape GIS layers were assembled, and a linear mixed model developed to assist in prioritizing fish passage barrier-removal in the Calapooia, South Santiam, North Santiam, and Mollala watersheds.  The findings suggested that landscape features such as geology, vegetative cover, and climates were good predicators of redd locations, thus suggesting that the model would be beneficial for managers and/or restoration groups seeking to prioritize fish passage barriers.  Interestingly, the model predicted five barrier locations which do not have significant upstream habitat blocked (in terms of total stream length), but offer high predicted redd densities, which likely would have been missed during standard analysis for fish passage.
Villeponteaux, J. and Elder, D. 2000. “Management Assessment: Roads Crossing Inventories Using GPS and GIS.” Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ESRI User Conference
The authors (and project coordinators) describe an agency-community group partnership that resulted in a road crossings assessment using GIS to assist in prioritizing efforts.  Road crossings in the Klamath National Forest, where the assessment took place, are a large contributor of fine sediment to fish-bearing streams which degrades critical habitat.  Crossings also alter stream hydrology, create habitat fragmentation, and can impede the passage of woody debris.  To assess the problem, the project partners used aerial and field data to identify all road crossings within the watershed.  From there, the partners created a prioritization process for treating problem crossings.  Using criteria such as, “risk of failure”, “consequence of failure”, “potential impacts”, and “opportunity” for treatment, over 800 sites were identified, mapped, and ranked in order of priority for treatment.  Utilizing GIS technology, the partners were able to conduct a successful and efficient inventory to prioritize future restoration projects.
Adding coarse woody debris, rock barbs  and planting native vegetation helps control erosion and provide fish habitat
Websites of interest for using GIS to prioritize watershed restoration projects
Benton Fish Passage Program
This innovative program utilizes GIS as both a mapping and analytical tool to prioritize fish passage barriers in Benton County, Oregon.  It is unique in that volunteers gather data using GPS units, and following ODFW fish passage criteria.  Once data is collected, it is entered into the GIS, where barriers are prioritized using a variety of physical, biological, and social criterion.
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The BLM maintains a web-based GIS database that features data layers that cover mainly BLM land.  However, some private land that is adjacent to BLM-managed areas is included, which is important when planning projects with a watershed perspective.  Data layers available include:  critical spotted-owl habitat, 10 M Digital Elevation Maps, and noxious and invasive weed inventories.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
ODFW offers several GIS datasets useful for prioritizing watershed restoration projects, particularly those which impact niative migratory fish.  For instream and riparian projects, a fish distribution dataset is useful for prioritizing projects with ESA-listed fish species, and to ensure regulatory compliance.  For prioritizing fish passage projects, ODFW has a fish barriers dataset, though it should be cautioned that the data was collected in the late 1990s and does not include private lands.
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) offers a GIS watershed council boundary dataset, and links to the Oregon Geospatial Clearinghouse.  The website also contains restoration priorities by subwatershed which show what watershed councils see as the main limiting factors in their respective watersheds.
Known fish passage barriers in the South Santiam Watershed
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory
The USFWS offers this on-line mapping service that allows the user to interact with raster and vector wetland data.  The user can zoom to investigate delineated wetlands and historic wetland presence at the local level.  The site also offers wetland shapefiles for download, which allow the user additional level of data manipulation and analysis.
Watershed Restoration
This handy paper transcends the myriad of regulatory agencies to show what types of GIS data are available, and where they can be found.  This site should be of particular interest to those in the Western United States.
Willamette Basin Explorer
This website is an interactive web-based GIS of Oregon’s Willamette Basin.  It offers the user a wide range of mapping and analytic tools in studying many of the Basin’s natural and political features.  There are many layers of particular importance for restoration planning, including aerial photos, wetland delineation, fish and wildlife presence, and historic river channels.
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