In partial completion of the requirements of Geo 565 Geographic Information Systems and Science

at Oregon State University, Winter 2007




Annotated  Bibliography


Baker, M.E., M.J. Wiley, and P. Seelbach. 2001. GIS-based hydrologic modeling of riparian areas: Implications for stream water quality.  J. Am. Water Resourc. Assoc. 37 (6): 1615-1628.


This study uses terrain-based GIS models to predict spatial patterns of shallow, subsurface hydrologic flux and riparian hydrology. Predictions of riparian hydrology are linked to patterns of nutrient export.  Model results suggest that the influence of vegetative structure largely depends on the hydrologic environment. This study illustrates how terrain-based GIS models are useful tools in understanding the role of hydrologic flow in riparian ecosystem function and stream water quality.


Francisco, O. S. Koka, J. Nelson. 2006. WaterNet: A GIS Application for the Analysis of Hydrologic Networks Using Vector Spatial Data. Transactions in GIS. 10 (3): 355-375.


Traditionally, stream and sub-watershed characterization in GIS has been accomplished using a DEM-based terrain analysis approach.  Due to the large amount of vector hydrographic data, however, accurately representing the data using DEMs has been challenging.  This study describes the use of WaterNet, a GIS/hydrologic application that enables users to integrate and analyze stream and sub-watershed networks using a vector format. Although it is common to find hydrologic inconsistencies between streams and sub-watersheds such as streams crossing drainage divides, WaterNet corrects the irregularities and joins the two datasets. Through topologic relationships of streams and sub-watersheds, WaterNet can perform traces that calculate cumulative network parameters, such as flow lengths and drainage areas. Because WaterNet is capable of developing topologic relationships from GIS attribute tables, the calculation process is easier to implement.


Hyatt, T., T. Waldo, T. Beechie. 2004. A Watershed Scale Assessment of Riparian Forests, with Implications for Restoration. Restoration Ecology. 12(2):175-183.


In this study a Geographic Information System was developed to analyze the salmonid-bearing waters of the Nooksack River basin of northwest Washington and small tributaries that contribute wood or effective shading.  The GIS was combined with air-photo interpretations and field data to map the riparian areas that are likely to provide wood and shade to small- and medium-sized streams. The size and composition of each riparian stand was examined to determine whether trees were large enough to contribute logs that would form pools in the adjacent channel. GIS layers of passing and failing riparian stands were created and combined with land-use and threatened fish distribution layers and analyzed for potential restoration.


Kyriakeas, S.A., M.C. Watzin.  2006. Effects of adjacent agricultural activities and watershed characteristics on stream macroinvertebrate communities . Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 42(2): 425 – 441.


 In this paper a GIS was used to evaluate the effects of local land use and land use/land cover on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams located adjacent to cornfields, streams where cows had unrestricted access, and reference locations without agriculture. At each local site, macroinvertebrates and a variety of habitat parameters were measured upstream, adjacent, downstream, and farther downstream of the local land use. The GIS was used to calculate the drainage basin area, land use/land cover percentages in each basin, and the distance from sample sites to the stream source. This study highlights the importance of using a GIS to evaluate local and watershed factors that influence stream community composition.


Leipnik, M., K. Kemp, H. Loaiciga. 1993.  Implementation of GIS for Water Resource Planning and Management. J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt. 119(2): 184-205.


This paper discusses the process of implementing GIS for water resource planning and management. Due to the unique aspects of water and water-related problems users are encouraged to carefully plan out the raster and vector data to be used for each project. Raster-based GIS packages are more appropriate for management, inventory, analysis and representation of resources that are distributed continuously across the landscape, such as forests and soils.  Vector-based packages are more appropriate in applications in which the locations of objects such as roads or political boundaries are specifically defined. Both raster- and vector-based GIS software have many spatial-analysis capabilities, including but not limited to: overlay of thematic layers, buffer-zone generation and area calculation. One current challenge with GIS systems is that they don’t handle temporal variability and indistinct boundaries very well. For water-resource projects, users are encouraged to consider which type of GIS package is most appropriate for the project. For example, in some cases, more than one GIS program may be optimal, however, may require learning more commands and additional acquisition costs.


McKinney, D.C., X. Cai.  2002.  Linking GIS and water resources management models: and object-oriented method. Environmental Modeling & Software. 17: 413-425.


This paper focuses on developing tight linkages between GIS and water resources management models. Although a GIS can offer spatial representation of water resources systems, the unique aspects of water resource management problems generally require a special approach to developing GIS data structures. In this study, a river basin water allocation problem is modeled as a collection of spatial and thematic objects; a conceptual GIS data model is then created to integrate the physical and logical components of the modeling problem into an operational framework. The object-oriented approach, which is used to integrate the data, models and user interfaces with the GIS environment, creates flexibility for modeling and analysis.


Oetter, D.,  L. Ashkenas, S. Gregory, P. Minear (2004). GIS Methodology for Characterizing Historical Conditions of the Willamette River Flood Plain, Oregon. Transactions in GIS  8 (3): 367–383.


This study focuses on using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assess potential conservation and restoration phases of the historical Willamette River flood plain. Using cartographic and photographic data sources the GIS was developed to map the active channels, side channels, islands and tributaries for four separate dates.  Flood records and other boundaries were used to partition the flood plain into spatial subsets for analysis. Selected river and flood-plain variables were made available for a spatial model to prioritize prospective locations for flood-plain restoration. The GIS was also used to map the riparian and flood-plain vegetation characteristics for pre-European settlement and modern time periods. This study shows the effectiveness of GIS in the restoration and conservation of historical floodplains.


Russell, G., C. Hawkins, M. O’Neill. 1997. The Role of GIS in Selecting Sites for Riparian Restoration Based on Hydrology and Land Use. Restoration Ecology. 5 (4s): 56 – 68.


This study uses a geographic information system (GIS) to map the relative wetness and land cover within a watershed. Relative potential wetness values were derived from U.S. Geological Survey 30-m digital elevation models by calculating the flow that would potentially accumulate at all 30-m × 30-m pixels within the water-shed. Land cover was derived from a Landsat scene covering the 1500 km2 study area. Sites with similar land cover values were then ranked for potential restoration according to wetness values, size and proximity to existing riparian vegetation.  Sites with medium or high wetness values and extant vegetation were identified as potential preservation sites, and agricultural or barren sites with medium to high wetness were identified as potential restoration sites.


        Wong, K.M., E. Strecker, M. Stenstrom. 1997. GIS to Estimate Storm-Water Pollutant Mass Loadings. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 123 (8):737-745.


This paper discusses the development of a land-use runoff model through the integration of a geographic information system (GIS) and an empirical runoff model.  The goal of the study was to estimate the annual pollutants emission to the Santa Monica Bay, California watershed so that sub-basins with the largest contribution of each pollutant could be identified. Catchments with high contributions were prioritized and scheduled for the development of a monitoring program and application of Best Management Practices (BMPs).  The authors point out that there are many factors that need to be considered in evaluating stormwater management alternatives.  Cost-effectiveness, which is a principal factor, is generally measured by either reduction in specific pollutants or mass removal at least cost.   This study shows how the integration of a non-point source model and a GIS can be a powerful tool for assisting watershed managers in developing control strategies to improve water quality within local drainage systems.


        Xu, Z.X., K. Ito, G.A. Schultz, and J.Y. Li. 2001. Integrated Hydrologic Modeling and GIS in Water Resources Management. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 15: 217-223


This study demonstrates how the integration of a physically based distributed model and a GIS can be successfully and efficiently implemented with watershed-based water resources management.  Spatial data is processed by the GIS. The soil, land classification, topography, and stream channel of a catchment are geocoded into layers, and the attribute information for each layer is used to construct database attribute tables. The model, which is used to simulate runoff hydrographs, operates at a daily time step on 1 x 1 km grid squares and simulates hydrologic processes such as evapotranspiration, snowmelt, infiltration, aquifer recharge, ground-water flow, and overland and channel runoff. Model results are displayed using GIS.  The objective is that the model will be used by local water authorities to simulate the impact of proposed land development scenarios on water resources. This paper illustrates the benefits produced by the use of GIS in watershed-based water resources management.














 K. Michele Lizon

 Oregon State University    






GIS and Water Resources


Water resources management is a broad subject representing diverse water features such as lakes, reservoirs, watersheds, rivers, streams, canals and groundwater aquifers. GIS enables water resource scientists and managers to link spatial patterns associated with watersheds, groundwater, riparian areas and ecological systems.  The strength in GIS lies within our ability to utilize GIS by better understanding the unique linkages between surface water and groundwater; riparian areas and ecosystem species richness; and land-use practices and water resources availability.