
Throughout modern geographical thought and study, agricultural geography in particular has been primarily reliant on biophysical data for analysis (i.e. climate, soils). However, more recent inquiries in planning and land conservation have acknowledged the important role of both ecological and socio-economic activities in determining agricultural land use and location. As the American West continues to experience rapid growth and change, especially in rural areas, the relationship between the human and non-human world has become especially noteworthy as high rates of land conversion and development threaten wildlife corridors, sensitive ecosystems, native species, and natural fire regimes. For these reasons, it is imperative that spatial analyses of agricultural land change in the West be examined both from both physical and human geography criteria. To do this, the use of geographic-information-systems (GIS) will be invaluable.

Brown, D. G., Johnson, K. M., Loveland, T. R., and D. M. Theobald. 2005.

Rural land-use trends in the conterminous United States, 1950-2000. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 15(6): 1851-1863.

This study attempts to create a large national-level data set concerning land-cover data and population changes over a fifty-year period. Combining Landsat satellite data with US Census information for each decade, the researchers aimed to summarize changes in population densities, farmland, and county-level transitions from non-metropolitan to metropolitan classification. Data sources for population were acquired from the US Census, although the temporal scale did no match that of the Census of Agriculture, forcing the researchers to use dates with the closest correlation. Interestingly, the study classified agricultural land as land in crops, justified by the fact that cropland indicators are generally the most consistent and reflect the most intensive use of agricultural activity. Challenges faced in creating the data set included finding historical sources of land cover information as well as dealing with only county-level data, which is admittedly too large for finer-scale analysis of fragmentation processes and land use change, not just land cover. While this data sat was successful in representing national trends in population and land cover changes, the authors recognize a need for further research in land use activities and corresponding demographic data.

Brown, K., and M. Pisarski.

GIS Analysis to write a comprehensive county farmland preservation plan. ESRI Virtual Library. Accessed 15 January 2007.

This study responds to the need for a GIS tool to aid in determining which farmland parcels qualify for agricultural land protection under New Jersey’s purchase and transfer of development rights program. In order to create relevant maps, the authors describe the use of ArcGIS and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to combine data concerning soils, current zoning from the State Planning Area criteria, and farm parcel location relative to other agricultural economic activities. In order to meet the project’s objectives, the three data sources were converted to a raster format where each variable was assigned a value related to their attributes. The combination of all of these layers resulted in the Prioritized Farmland Layer which was later further analyzed to produce a final map with information including which farm parcels were already located within zoned agriculture areas and which parcels still required protection from encroaching urban sprawl and suburban development. This article shows how local-level planning bodies can effectively and efficiently spatially analyze natural amenities like prime farmland, a large issue affecting rural Western communities.

Carsjens, GJ, and W van der Knapp. 2002.

Strategic land-use allocation: dealing with spatial relationships and fragmentation of agriculture. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 58 (2-4): 171-179.

In response to the need for topographical analysis of land-use in Dutch agriculture, this study explores the use of GIS as a tool for aiding in farmland planning and policy. To accomplish this goal, two case studies are explored, each relying on three phases of geographical analysis: (1) the exclusion of land parcels deemed unsuitable for agricultural activity (either diary or pig farming), (2) examination of remaining parcels for future farmland used based on multi-criteria evaluation (MCE), and (3) analysis of results. In both the dairy and pig farming examples, creating and employing a GIS allows for the creation of maps indicating locations where agriculture would be best suited. Overall, this study effectively meets the needs of agricultural planning, which must take into account biophysical factors as well as spatial correlation and socio-economic data.

Greenwood, R. W. 2002.

Using MapServer to Integrate Local Government Spatial Data. Proceedings of the Open source GIS – GRASS users conference. Trento, Italy: 1-7.

This article provides an intriguing examination of GIS data organization within a single county, Teton County, WY, which is also notable for its recent rapid growth rates and planning limitations (only three percent of land in the county is privately owned). In this case, GIS data for individual land parcels was originally being held in five different DBMS, with limited to no interaction between them. The author was hired to consolidate the databases and make them accessible to a variety of parties, resulting in the creation of a web-based GIS that was less expensive in software costs and reduced local staff training time. After ruling out the use of MapXtreme and ArcIMS, MapServer, the open software choice, was selected for the project. The biggest challenge was providing an efficient means of displaying the variety of attribute data, including parcel owner and address, deeds and other legal documents such as easements. This article is also a useful tool in that it identifies the sources of such land use and ownership data that is integral to planning for agricultural and open spaces, such as development regulation, building and construction permits, tax assessments and where to find them at the local level.

LaGro, J. 1998.

Landscape context of rural residential development in southeastern Wisconsin (USA). LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY 13: 65-77

This study focuses on the problem of rural residential development and sprawl in rural locations in Wisconsin. Applicable now to most Western states, this issue is examined through the inclusion of a multitude of different data sources, including aerial photographs, historic and current land use maps, tax assessment records, and various soil survey maps and documents. Using the locations of three different types of sewer systems, whose criteria for placement are based on land suitability for development, the study creates a GIS to analyze trends in rural sprawl in previously undeveloped land parcels. The author is successful in creating adequate representations of sewer placements over time, therefore demonstrating the more recent rural residential development in Wisconsin that is enabled by the allowance of alternative sewage systems.

O’Looney, J. 2000.

Using GIS to promote Community Viability: Land Use Planning. In Beyond Maps: GIS and Decision Making in Local Government. Redlands: ESRI Press. pp. 133-153.

This chapter outlines numerous uses of GIS in local government land use planning and regulation, using specific, municipal-level examples. Applicable to agricultural land use planning, the author identifies several such uses of GIS: determining amount of land that needs to be left undeveloped for open space, calculating amounts of land under various zoning classifications, and calculating proximities of land uses that might conflict or be highly compatible. This is important for agricultural land management as incompatible land uses, such as residential development, can result in nuisance claims by both parties. Because farmland preservation often cites the preservation of open spaces as an added benefit, the article is also useful in its examination of layers needed in a GIS to determine appropriate locations for open space planning. These layers include land use and parcels, zoning classifications, transportation corridors and greenbelt locations.

Radeloff, V. C., Hagen, A. E., Voss, P. R., Field, D. R., and D. J. Mladenoff. 2000.

Exploring the spatial relationship between census and land-cover data. SOCIETY AND NATURAL RESOURCES 13: 599-609.

This study acknowledges the important relationship between ecological and socio-economic data inclusion in GIS tools. Using a northwest Wisconsin case study as an example, the authors combine Landsat high resolution imagery with census data to uncover relationships between land cover and housing densities in an area growing due to amenity migration and recreation resources. Challenges with this type of study included differences in spatial resolution between census and satellite sources, requiring additional steps in the creation of the GIS to combine the layers that included reformatting the census information (housing density) into raster-compatible data. This was accomplished by creating a cell size that was appropriate for the Landsat data. The study concludes with warnings about making assumptions of causation in this research area, such that it would be irresponsible to claim that housing density causes variations in land cover. Using the example of farm locations and pine tree coverage, it is equally likely that the poor soils that pine trees thrive on are unsuitable for agriculture.

Ricker, T. P.

ArcGIS & Farmland Assessment. ESRI Virtual Library. Accessed 15 January 2007.

This article outlines primary steps and procedures for creating a GIS for farmland assessment purposes. While the author is negligent of human-oriented data sources, this study does provide integral information for researchers or policy-makers who would like to build their own GIS based on land parcels, land use and soil survey data. One of the most pressing issues is the use of current and accurate data sources and maps in order to properly correlate between layers and avoid errors in calculation. Data sources recommended in the article include aerial photography, a county- or municipal-level parcel map, and soil surveys from the NRCS. In recent dates, most of this data is already available in a digital raster format, which can be converted to vector format for a research project. The combination of the three data sets, parcels, soils, and land-use, can then be combined into an overlay file where all attributes are combined in each polygon and available in a database. Overall, this article serves as a basic introduction to using ArcGIS to perform more basic farmland assessment tasks, but remains ignorant of socio-economic data that could be obtained from census data, as included in more recent academic studies.

Tulloch, DL, Myers JR, Hasse, JE, Parks, PJ, and RG Lathrop. 2003.

Integrating GIS into farmland preservation policy and decision making. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 63 (1): 33-48.

The authors outline and weight the costs and benefits of creating a GIS for farmland preservation strategies. Using a New Jersey city as a case study, an area experiencing strong development pressures and already having made a geospatial database, the system includes numerous weighted criteria for its analysis of which farmland holdings are best incorporated into a farmland preservation program. The criteria include productive soils, the compatibility of adjacent land uses, the distance to the nearest protected farm, and public approval and action on farmland preservation in general, as indicated by right-to-farm laws and zoning, for example. By organizing this data and applying the appropriate weights, area officials could avoid manual computation of these values, saving time and avoiding error. Notable of this approach was the incorporation of a wide number of data sources, the county alone providing data on land parcels, tax assessments, zoning, roadways and transportation, hydrology and open space. State and federal bodies like the NJ DEP and NRCS supplied other data, like soils and wetlands coverage.

Ventura, S. J., Niemann, B. J. Jr., Sutphin, T. L., and R. E. Chenoweth. 2002.

GIS-enhanced land-use planning. In Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems. W. J. Craig, T. M. Harris, and D. Weiner (eds). New York: Taylor and Francis. pp. 113-124.

This study examines the use of GIS and land information in influencing local planning efforts. The case study was conducted in Dane County, WI, which, while one of the most rapidly growing area in the Midwest, also maintains some of the highest agriculturally productive land, lending itself to contentious debate over land use issues. In order to determine whether the provision of geospatial information affects community land use decision making, the researchers partnered with the local university, two planning bodies and ESRI to conduct a series of outreach events, ranging from public forums (including online), publications, software trials and training, and hands-on planning scenarios where community members and officials could access and analyze geographical data about the county that was made accessible largely by the efforts of the university’s Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility. While the study was too short-term to make final conclusions about how these activities would eventually affect land use decisions in the county, preliminary observations indicate that citizen awareness and training in GIS has greatly enhanced public awareness of land use issues, whether a developer, farmer, or urbanite in Dane County.

American Farmland Trust

Strategic Ranchland in the Rocky Mountain West: Mapping the threats to prime ranchland in seven Western states. Available online at:
Last Accessed 13 February 2007.

This web page, hosted by American Farmland Trust (AFT), serves to provide public information and outreach regarding the relationship between population growth rates in the Rocky Mountain West and ranchland protection needs. Rural residential development (RRD) is listed as a root cause of ranchland threats in CO, ID, UT, NM, WY, AZ, and MT. The AFT states that protection of these lands is important due to their contribution to local and regional economies as well as open space and ecosystem services. In order to map which lands are most at risk, the AFT determined appropriate properties based on (i) high quality land for both agriculture and wildlife, defined by development densities, location in reference to public lands, water availability, and land cover; (ii) threatened lands, defined by projected growth rates and road corridors; and (iii) the combination of both categories, such that prime land threatened by RRD is identified. Results in the form of a GIS show that high rates of threatened lands occur in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and are often located in high elevation valleys as well as lower grasslands in vicinity of regional mountain ranges. Overall, this site provides a basic overview and justifications for protecting private ranchland in the West, although because the investigators are from a land trust, it could be possible that information is limited to presenting only this view (i.e. the argument against protecting rangeland in water-limited areas is not elaborated on).

An example of the final product for the state of Montana is shown below. Areas marked as red indicate "strategic ranchlands at risk."