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Olivia Odom



A. The Odomo Stooges at Claire's Graduation B.Olivia pointing at the Middle Sister, obviously the best sister. C.Home Sweet Home (Buffalo River Valley, Arkansas)


GEO 565 Annotated Bibliography

The Use of GIS in Water Resource Management



Belmonte, C., Gonzalez, M., Mayorgo, V. and Fernandez, C. (1999). GIS tools applied to the sustainable management of water resources -Application to the aquifer system 08-29 Agricultural Water Management. 40(2) 207-220.


This study developed a GIS in order to better manage the large amounts of hyric information from a larger study of an aquifer system. The system integrates information from different sources with the cadastral subplot as a common reference, expedites the control and monitoring of real-time plans and estimates the spatial and temporal distribution of water exact rations from the aquifer for irrigation systems.  Such estimates are integral for hydrogeologic modeling. AGIS’s visualization capability enables a more bottom up approach to decision-making because users can easily see the maps that are produced from the data




Bhaduri, B (2000). Assessing Watershed-Scale, Long-Term Hydrologic Impacts of Land-Use Change Using a GIS-NPS Model. Environmental Management 26(6) 643-658.


This project created a long-term hydrologic impact assessment model to address the gaps in current hydrologic modeling- runoff from small, low-frequency storms. Long-term climate, soil and land use data are used to calculate average annual runoff and nonpoint source pollution at the watershed scale. The model is linked to a GIS for generation and management of input and output and display of results. The model is a powerful tool for identifying environmentally sensitive areas in terms of nonpoint source pollution potential and for evaluating alternative land use scenarios for nonpoint source pollution management.



DeAngelis,D, Gross, L, Huston, M, Wolff, W, Fleming, D,  Comiskey, E, Sylvester, S (1998). Landscape modeling for Everglades ecosystem restoration. Ecosystems. 1(1), 64-75.


A restoration project in southern Florida is using ecosystem and population-level modeling to help in the planning and evaluation phases.  They are using a tool, Across Trohic Level System Simulation (ATLSS), to predict the responses of higher trophiclevel species to the proposed restoration. With ATLSS, they use a GIS for basic landscape data like vegetative cover and hydrology. ATLSS simulations can compare the landscape dynamic spatial pattern of the species resulting from different proposed water management strategies.




Frankenberger, J., Brooks, E., Walter, T., Walter, M., and Steenhuis, T. (2002). A GIS-based variable source area hydrology model. Hydrological Processes. 13(6)805-822.


This project developed the Soil Moisture Routing model that simulates the hydrology for watersheds with shallow sloping soils. The model combines elevation, soil and land use data into a GIS.  From the integration of the model and a GIS, spatial distribution of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, surface runoff and interflow can be predicted throughout the watershed. This tool is particularly important for the control of nonpoint source pollution because it is carried by the runoff over saturated areas. This model is being used in the Catskills of New York to reduce the non-point source pollution from manure fields into NYC’s drinking water. The model is very accurate.



Heinemann,A, Hoogenboom, G, & de Faria, R (2002). Determination of spatial water requirements at county and regional levels using crop models and GIS- an example for the State of Parana, Brazil. Agricultural Water Management. 52 (3), 177-196.


This study showed that crop simulation models linked to GIS can be an effective planning tool to help determine irrigation requirements for river basins and large watersheds. This paper describes how to interface crop models with a GIS to extend the capabilities of the crop models to a larger level.  The model incorporates irrigation requirements, annual runoff and annual nitrate leaching. To achieve effective planning, accurate information is needed for crop water use requirements, irrigation withdrawals, runoff and nitrate leaching as a function of crop, soil type and weather conditions at a regional level.



Ines, A., Gupta, A., and Loof, R. (2002). Application of GIS and crop growth models in estimating water productivity. Agricultural Water Management. 54(3)205-225.


The objective of the study was to apply crop growth simulation models coupled with GIS to analyze water productivity, which is an indicator of water use efficiency. The project analyzed water productivity of three crops (corn, peanuts and rice) during 3 growing seasons at the basin scale. Simulations were done for existing and potential agriculture areas. Water productivity was studied in the spatial and temporal dimensions at times of water limitation. The results showed that the spatio-temporal analysis of water productivity could provide substantial information for water saving opportunities and strategies in irrigated agriculture.




Kwadjik,J, Lang, B, Parmet, W, Schadler, B, Schulla, J, & Wilke, K (2001). Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources management in the Rhine Basin. Climate Change 49, 105-128.


After constructing the water balance of the Rhine River, researchers were able to input that data into a very detailed GIS RHINEFLOWmodel which enabled them to predict the effects of global climate change. Climate change will likely increase winter discharge as a result of intensified snow-melt and increased winter precipitation and lower summer discharge due to the reduced winter snow storage and increased evapotranspiration.  By using a GIS, the results were considered in more detail and differences were illuminated. These differences can be attributed to different physical characteristics as well as different spatial and temporal scales used in the model. The predictions of global climate change threats to the basin prompted the researchers to suggest a “no regret and flexibility” policy in water management planning.



Leipnik, M., Kemp, K. and Loaiciga, H. (1993). Implementation of GIS for Water Resources Planning and Management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 119(2)184-205.


This paper discusses the process of choosing to develop a GIS for water resource management. It focuses on many facets of GIS that are pertinent to water management and planning. The implementation process begins with a decision to use a GIS, includes the selection of a system, implementation and training, and database development and product generation.  The paper walks through each of these phases and discusses considerations that must be taken in at each one.  Many of these considerations involve critical choices that may pose challenges and costs. They argue that understanding these considerations prior to starting the process can speed up the GIS implementation process.



 Makropoulos, C., Butler, D. and Maksimovic, C. (2003). Fuzzy Logic Spatial Decision Support System for Urban Water Management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.129 (1)69-77.


This paper describes the development of a decision support system for urban water management to provide a tool to synthesize high resolution, heterogeneous information. A three-stage approach was developed and utilized in the example of water demand management. First, the system produces suitability maps for each attribute of each strategy proposed by the user.  The results are aggregated using ordered weight averaging and allows for optimism in the final result. The final stage identifies an optimal management strategy that incorporates water saving techniques and financial constraints. All the data was organized and visualized using a GIS.



McKinney & Ximing, C (2002). Linking GIS and water resources management models: an object-oriented method. Environmental Modeling & Software. 2002, 413-425.


The integration of water resources management models and GISs must include the adaptation of the models to the environment of GIS.  This paper explores the use of an object-oriented method in the modeling of a river basin water allocation problem.  The object-oriented approach to modeling in the GIS environment allows for great flexibility in modeling and analysis. The model is simply a collection of spatial and thematic objects.  A GIS conceptual model integrates this data into an operational framework which is then extended by the development of GIS functions to implement a tight linkage between the GIS and the model.  A tight linkage allows from optimal integration of all processes into the environment of GIS.

In general, a GIS enhances the traditional water resource database by integrating the spatial dimensions of social, economic and environmental factors and presenting an integrated view of the water world. Decision makers can take control of the data input and manipulation through the visual display capacity of GIS and use these tools to make predictions which will aid in complex water resources management problems.



Niemczynowicz, Janusz (1999).Urban hydrology and water management present and future challenges. UrbanWater. 1.


Urban hydrologists must be experts in many fields: hydrology, storm-water management, drinking water supply and consumption, sanitation, wastewater nutrient recycling, wastewater irrigation, urban agriculture, aquifer depletion and recovery, and social equity. Where humans interfere with natural processes, such as in densely urban areas, the complexity of water management increases exponentially. The development of mathematical models and a GIS aids urban hydrologists in managing this ever-growing and complex system. The GIS provides an organizational foundation in the provision of safe drinking water to the residents of peri-urban and squatter areas, thus eliminating the ultimate poverty- lack of clean drinking water.


Rosenthal, Q., Srinivasan, R. and Arnold, J. (1995). Alternative river management using a linked GIS-hydrology model. Transactions of the ASAE. 38(3)783-790


This project generated a GIS-hydrologic model link that can be applied to many river systems. The GIS was used to format input files for the hydrologic model. The GIS and model were used to predict discharge in the Lower Colorado River basin.  The predictions for monthly stream flow were underestimated for the extreme events. The project also illustrated the impact of urbanization of upstream areas on the discharge downstream.



Sample,D, Heaney, J, Wright, L, & Koustas, R (2001). Geographic information systems, decision support systems and urban storm-water management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, May/June, 155-161.


The complexities of urban surfaces, flow paths and conduits that demand extensive spatial data make urban storm-water models a perfect match for a GIS. Geographic boundaries of the hydrologic basin are generally translated into boundary conditions of the urban storm-water model.  This work uses an untraditionally small, neighborhood scale to analyze urban storm-water. Much of the work using GIS in water resources has been conducted in natural hydrology and large-scale, river- basin hydrology. GIS has long been used in water resources due to the early availability of remotely sensed spatial data suited for water resource analysis.

However, a GIS and a storm-water model are not the only tools needed to manage storm-water effectively. An integrated decision support system must be established to deal with the complexity of tools required to fully support a hydrologic decisions. A DSS will integrate state information, dynamic processes information and plan evaluation tolls into a single software implementation.



Reitsma, R.F. (1996). Structure and support of water-resource management and decision-making. Journal of Hydrology, 177(3/4), 253-268.


Defines a decision support system for water resource applications as computer-based systems which integrate state information, dynamic or process information and plan evaluation tools into a single software implementation. State refers to data that represent the system’s state at any point in time. Process information represents the first principles governing resource behavior. Evaluation tools refer to software used to transform raw data into information used for decision making.



Shamsi,U (1996).Storm-water management implementation through modeling and GIS. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. March/April.


Innovative at the time, this project employs both raster and vector GIS formats in the development of a watershed-wide storm-water management plan by integrating a lumped parameter hydrologic model with a planning level GIS. Taking a watershed-wide approach to stormwater management prevents the downstream harm often associated with local stormwater management approaches.  The implications of a watershed-wide management plan developed through GIS are the elimination of the problems caused by a lack of watershed-wide policy, criteria, laws and guidelines for development of stormwater programs and facilities.



Shamsi, U.M. (1998). “Chapter 11: ArcView applications in SWMM modeling.” Advances in modeling the management of stormwater impacts, volume 6, W. James, Ed., Computational Hydraulics International, Guelph, Ont., 219-233


There are three forms of information exchange between ArcView GIS and the EPA storm water management model) SWMM): interchange, interface and integration, listed in order of complexity.  Integration combines a SWMM graphical user interface with a GIS to provide a complete data environment. Shamsi points out the advantages of a GUI and provides a summary of software features and needs for SWMM interfaces.



 Tim, U. and Jolly, R. (1994). Evaluating agricultural nonpoint-source pollution using integrated geographic information systems and hydrologic/water quality model. Journal of Environmental Quality. 23(1) 25-35.


This paper describes the integration of a distributed-parameter model with a GIS to examine nonpoint sources of pollution in an agricultural watershed. The integrated system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of several alternative management strategies in reducing sediment pollution The GIS generated and spatially organized the various data to support the modeling. The distributed-parameter model predicted water quality variables within a watershed. The model simulated a 41 and 47% reduction in sediment input if vegetative filter strips and contour buffer strips, respectively, are installed. If both are implemented, it predicted a 71% reduction in sediment yield within the watershed. By integrating a simulation model with a GIS, nonpoint-source pollution can be better managed.



Xu,Z, Ito, K, Schultz, G, & Li, J (2001). Integrated hydraulic modeling and GIS in water resources management. Journal of Computations in Civil Engineering, 15(3), 217-223.


This study demonstrates that the integration of a physically based distributed model and GIS may successfully and efficiently implement the watershed-based water resources management. This study uses an example watershed to show how physically-based distributed models can be integrated with a GIS in watershed-based water resources management.  A GIS first processes the spatial data. The data is then used by the model to predict runoff hydrographs by simulating evapotranspiration, snowmelt, infiltration, aquifer recharge, ground-water flow and overland and channel runoff. A GIS then displays the model’s results.  The benefits of using this process are its ability to examine a wider range of alternatives that would be impossible by conventional methods and its real-time nature that provides for living management that can be modified and updated by water managers if the conditions in the watershed change.