While in Alvin, today I came across a creature so hideous in appearance that I almost fainted. It tried to attack my submersible, but with skilled maneuvering prowess, I avoided its sharp, grabbing claws, and with quick swift movements I used Alvin's sharp shooting missiles to pierce the creature and then pull its limp body up to the boat. The missiles didn't kill the beast; they just put it to sleep. I have 2 hours to examine this creature, and get the opportunity to take biochemistry and oceanography to another level. With an anxious beating heart, I now begin to study this creature.

It appears to be a giant spider. Its body is about 6 feet in diameter. Its legs are 8 feet long. I am taking extensive pictures of this creature. It seems to have all the characteristics of a spider, it is just much bigger.

One of the photos I managed to take of this strange creature before it excaped!

I must have taken too much time examining the Giant Spider, because it started to awake from its slumber. It jumped off the lab table and onto the deck. It was incredibly nimble and accurate in its motion for its size. Without giving me any attention. It jumped out of the boat and into the sea. I watched it swim away. I'm disappointed, but feel fortunate at have seen such an elusive and mysterious creature!

This page is by Faris.

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