The Butterfield Stagecoach was loads of fun and turned out to be one of my favorite rides.
The horses are well taken care of.
Back to Camp Snoopy for the show!
Camp Snoopy show with Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Linus
... and SNOOPY of course!
The lovely home of the Tepano Padgetts in Los Osos
Their neighbor has a cool bus!
Pilgrimmage to Apple headquarters in Cupertino on the way to Stanford
Dawn at 1 Infinite Loop, Apple headquarters
Dan in front of the main Apple building
Memorial Court at Stanford University, one entry way to main campus, heading toward chapel and tower of Hoover Institute. I was invited to campus to give a seminar to the Department of Environmental Earth System Science (EESS).
Stanford Chapel
Gorgeous interior of chapel
Stanford campus.
Stanford campus. Picture taken by my hostess, Dr. Karen Seto of EESS.