Approved Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting


21 June 2000

Welches, Oregon

  1. Meeting called to order by Bill Huxhold, President, at 9:00am. Present: Bill Huxhold, Harlan Onsrud, Greg Elmes, Barbara Buttenfield, Stephen Hirtle, Harvey Miller, Art Getis, David Mark, Carolyn Merry, Lynn Usery, Richard Wright, Max Egenhofer, Dawn Wright, Suzy Jampoler
  2. Status of the Portland Meeting: Everything is in order for the start of the Assembly
  3. Minutes of the Board Meeting Feb 7, 2000 morning, unanimously approved
  4. Minutes of the Board Meeting Feb 7, 2000 afternoon, unanimously approved
  5. Financial report Jampoler for Abler
    1. Audit: Jan 1, 1999 through Dec 31, 1999 completed. Distributed to the Board. Total assets $193,000 on Dec. 31. Second year of a voluntary audit.
    2. General report: Jan 1, 2000 through June 15, 2000. Assets 314,600, net income $99,251. Most of income from grants received and not yet paid to sub-award universities. Member dues outstanding: ACSM, AGS, U. of Arizona, U. of Iowa, MIT, U. of Colorado, Rutgers, U. of Georgia. U. of Massachusetts, U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Virginia Commonwealth University, U. Pennsylvania: in good financial condition: focus in next half year will be on more aggressive member recruitment campaign. Motion to approve financial report: Getis: Second: Onsrud: Approved
    3. Summer Assembly meeting loss will be approximately $21,500. UCGIS is obtaining additional services from the resort in exchange for not meeting the room guarantee.
    4. The Congressional reception came close to meeting the budget target.
    5. UCGIS employee status: Suzy Jampoler has tried to hire a part-time assistant, and has widely advertised the position in the Washington DC area. No one has applied for the position. On an interim basis, she will offer the job to her son. Prior to the winter board meeting, she will advertise a list of tasks throughout the UCGIS membership and ask for applicants. She will report to the Board at the winter meeting on the search and provide an employee report.
  1. Appointments/Reappointments
    1. David Mark was appointed chair of the Nominating Committee.
    2. David Mark has resigned as co-chair of the Policy Committee.
    3. Richard Wright has agreed to stay on as Education Committee chair, but would like an active member of the committee to be recruited. Richard will ask Ken Foote if he is interested.
    4. Lynn Usery remains as Research Committee chair.
    5. Max Egenhofer remains as Research Projects Committee chair.
    6. Carolyn Merry remains as Membership Committee chair.
    7. Dawn Wright remains as Communications Committee chair.
  1. Secretary
    1. Buttenfield nominated and Merry seconded the nomination of Jeff Hamerlinck as UCGIS Secretary: Motion approved.
  1. Committee chair status reports
    1. Nominating: Call to the delegates for nominations will occur
    2. Policy Committee will meet in the afternoon to plan the Winter Meeting and will report to the Board on Saturday.
    3. Education Committee will meet this afternoon. Procedures for outstanding teacher award will be developed.
    4. Research Committee. Forty-two student abstracts were received. Twenty-one papers are published on the web and in paper copy distributed at the Assembly. There will be a discussant for each of the six oral presentations. Award for best paper and best poster will be awarded at the student poster competition. Money for the best poster award ($250) will come from the Research Committee budget. The emerging research themes will be presented on Thursday.
    5. Research Projects Committee. FGDC is evaluating its funding program. An award was made to Alan MacPherson at SUNY Buffalo. A new cooperative letter of agreement with FGDC is being negotiated.
    6. Membership Committee. Florida State University and Arizona State University will be recommended for admission at the Council meeting. Minnesota, North Carolina and Utah have completed the five-year renewal process, and their web sites are up-to-date.
    7. Communications Committee. A newsletter will be written before each meeting. List serves are working fine. Members can add and drop themselves from the lists.
  1. UCGIS grant application process and policy. A proposal to NSF for educational curriculum development was not submitted. The completed proposal was not completed by the deadline. Board agreed that guidelines needed to be developed for future proposal applications. The Research Projects Committee was tasked to develop a plan for proposals submitted through UCGIS. The guidelines will be approved by the Board and published on the web.
  2. 2001 Winter Meeting will be defined at the Saturday Board meeting.
  3. 2001 Summer Assembly will be held in Buffalo, New York. The core meeting will be Thursday through Saturday. Mark is considering developing a festival of GIS over ten days before and after the meeting.
  4. UCGIS co-sponsored meetings.
    1. GIScience 2000 Oct. 28-31. 256 abstracts have been received for about 100 paper slots. There are seven invited speakers for keynotes. Program will be available on the web. A panel of journal editors will be held. Twelve journal editors have committed to attend.
    2. International Education Meeting July 17-19, 2000. UCGIS has endorsed the Conference, which is led by CSUSB/CSU/ESRI.
  1. A Board meeting was set for 8:00am on Saturday.
  2. Motion to adjourn the meeting approved.