Draft Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting


24 June 2000

Welches, Oregon


  1. Meeting called to order by Bill Huxhold, President, at 9:00am. Present: Bill Huxhold, Harlan Onsrud, Greg Elmes, Barbara Buttenfield, Stephen Hirtle, Harvey Miller, Art Getis, David Mark, Carolyn Merry, Lynn Usery, Richard Wright, Max Egenhofer, Dawn Wright, Suzy Jampoler. Guest: Molly Hirtle
  2. The agenda was set:
  3. Approval of Board of Directors Minutes from June 21, 2000

    Schedule of upcoming UCGIS meetings

    Relationships with other organizations

    Cooperative agreements and grant application process

    Nominating Committee

    Other business

  4. Hirtle moved and Buttenfield seconded that the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting, June 21, 2000, be approved as amended. Motion approved.
  5. UCGIS meetings:
    1. Winter meeting: The winter meeting will be scheduled in Washington DC in mid-February. Suzy Jampoler will schedule the meeting for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in early February when Congress is expected to be in session. She will work with the Policy Committee to identify a congressional sponsor. The program will consist of: Board of Directors meeting, Council meeting, workshop on how to visit Congress, a congressional breakfast at the US Capitol, a showcase of member projects planned for the Rayburn Building, a federal agency presentation to UCGIS members on grant opportunities. Details will be announced on the UCGIS web site.
    2. Summer 2001 meeting: The Summer meeting will be held in Buffalo, NY, from June 21-23, 2001. A student program similar to this year’s will be included in the meeting, contingent on adequate funding. The program committee will include the Research and Education Committee Program chairs, the Executive Committee, and David Mark, the local arrangement chair. Other suggested activities included a session on the highlights of the GIScience 2000 meeting, and Intergraph technology meeting. It is anticipated that the registration will be about $135 per delegate.
    3. Onsrud moved and Elmes seconded a motion to approve the University of Georgia as host for the Summer 2002 meeting. Motion approved.
    4. A call to members to host the 2003 Summer Assembly will be forthcoming.
  1. Relationships with other organizations:
    1. A proposal is being submitted to NSF by UCGIS and AGILE to sponsor a joint research meeting in Rome in September 2001. Topic is GIS and Society. Elmes and Onsrud are the leads on the proposal.
  1. Cooperative agreements between UCGIS and other organizations
    1. The Research Projects Committee(RPC) met to develop a plan on how projects will be handled. The committee proposed creating a new standing committee entitled the Sponsored Programs Committee (SPC). The RPC would be a sub-committee under the SPC to broker agreements with federal agencies. Other ad-hoc sub-committees could be formed as needed. The tasks of the SPC would include: approval of submissions of projects to outside agencies; finding proposal reviewers; approving the submission of the proposal through UCGIS; publishing a deadline when proposals must be received by the committee (the deadline would be two months in advance of the granting agency deadline); report on results to the Executive Committee; and oversee workshops. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee would be chosen by the Board. This committee structure would require a change in the by-laws. Onsrud, Egenhofer and Mark will draft wording to present to the Board and members for consideration, and a Council vote in February 2001.
  1. Nominating Committee: Onsrud moved and Miller seconded that the nominating committee be composed of David Mark (Chair), Stephen Hirtle, David Tulloch, Max Egenhofer, Judy Olson. Motion approved.
  2. Other business:
    1. Buttenfield moved and ____seconded a motion to improve the definition of cartography when the UCGIS brochure is updated. Suggested wording would be: Cartography involves the analysis, design, visualization, and generation of various forms of maps, and can take advantage of animation, user interaction and analytical processing. Motion approved.
    2. Getis requested a committee be set up to evaluate, and possibly formalize, the relationship between UCGIS and NCGIA.
    3. Education Committee
    1. GIS Day will continue to be sponsored as long as it does not conflict with UCGIS policy.
    2. Model Curriculum committee will reorganize with two meetings. Possible sponsorship of the meetings will come from Intergraph and Smallworld. A one-page outline of the meeting agendas and costs will be submitted.
    3. Committee recommends two awards for the UCGIS Education Award, and recommended that the outstanding educator award recipient does not have to be a UCGIS member.
    4. A GIS distance learning sub-committee will be formed with Dawn Wright as the chair. Potential members of the committee are Susan Nolen, David DiBiase, and Ken Foote.
    5. The committee recommends that UCGIS form a sub- committee of the Education Committee for accreditation and certification. UCGIS should take an active role in establishing educational standards for certification and accreditation. Bill Huxhold and Lyna Wiggins will be asked to be members of the task force.
    6. A suggestion was made to form an Educational Standards Committee.
    1. GIS and Health Conference. Getis and Jampoler are working with USGS to finalize the details for the meetings. Getis suggested that the first meeting be held in San Diego.
  1. Getis moved and Buttenfield seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion approved.