UCGIS 1999 Annual (Summer) Assembly

MINUTES (submitted by John Radke)

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, Wednesday, June 23, 1999 (8:30 - 1:pm )

Minneapolis, MN

The meeting was brought to order by President Greg Elmes at 8:33am.

Present: Elmes, Jampoler, Myers, R.Wright, D.Wright, Getis, Huxhold, Kemp, Merry, Rugg, Radke, Mark. (McMaster and Craig briefly attended to report on specific items)

Guest: Mavro Salvimini

  1. Discussion of Items for Agenda -
  2. Motion: Adopt minutes of Board Meeting Monday, November 9, 1998 (FT Worth, Texas) - Mark proposed , and Rugg seconded that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved as appeared on the home page. (Motion Carried).

3) Introductions: Elmes introduced Jampoler and Mavro Salvimini. Craig welcomed UCGIS to Minneapolis.

4) Financial report - Delayed until Saturday when Ron Abler will report.

5) Appointments/Re-appointments of Chairs of Standing Committees

Discussion of the appointments and it was noted that Bob Rugg's position (Research Management Committee) technically expires at this meeting and must be re- appointed

6) Report on Congressional Reception June 8, 1999

Elmes gave a report on the success of the Congressional Reception. Mark and R. Wright both commented on the meeting and the great poster displays from 23 member universities. Approximately 200 people attended the UCGIS affair, many of them government and congressional staff. Elmes suggested we continue and strengthen the connections with congress. Huxhold suggested we keep this in mind and take advantage of this at GIS Day. Elmes suggested we be more focused next year.

7) Strategic Plan discussion

Elmes stated that although we have a Strategic Plan, it is an ongoing process and we need to assess what we have achieved and what we have not. Mark briefly reported on some of what we achieved and a discussion followed.

Motion: Huxhold proposed (Mark second) that the board direct the chairs of each committee that on an annual basis, beginning with this falls meeting, to report to the board on the status of action items relevant to their committee in the strategic plan. (Motion Carried). [unanimous]

8) By-laws changes

Elmes reported that a copy of the proposed changes existed in each member's packet and they did make the 30 day cutoff date.

9) Executive Director

President's evaluation - Elmes thanked Jampoler for her great work and stated that her performance was exemplary. This was followed by a round of applause by the Board. Elmes will write up a formal report on the Executive Director's performance.

10) Committee and Chair status reports

Policy and Legislation - A discussion took place about the timing for future Congressional events, reason's for each event and GIS Day were discussed.

Education Committee - R. Wright - committee has about 20 members. Reported at the Geo Data Forum. Discussed the UCGIS model curriculum working group and a proposal to fund it. A discussion of the GIScience Education Challenges Workshop On Accreditation and Certification Preliminary Agenda followed. Kemp provided a brief description of the afternoon events. It was clear that Accreditation and Certification would be discussed both at URISA and NSGIC this summer and UCGIS needed to have a presence.

Break (10:20-10:33am)

Elmes - discussion of the Program Chair for the summer assembly and how this year communication and coordination was problematic. Potential solutions were discussed and it was agreed it should be an important point of discussion for the Sunday Board Meeting.

Motion: Kemp proposed (Getis second) that we recommend a bylaw change that reflects "in the Summer Assembly Meeting the Board appoints the Program Chair of the Summer Assembly Committee for the following year". (Motion Carried). [unanimous]

Motion: Kemp proposed (D. Wright second) that Greg Elmes be Assembly Chair of the Summer Assembly for next year. (Motion Carried). [unanimous]

Research Committee

McMaster provided an update.

Research Management Committee

Rugg handed out a Request for Proposal associated with FGDC and discussed our ongoing research agreement with them. Rugg pointed out that they have one vacancy on the committee.

Membership Committee

Merry handed out a set of view graphs she will show at the meeting and summarized her presentation to the Council Meeting later this week. Merry was asked to prepare a report on the international member discussion for the fall.

Communication Committee

D. Wright presented a report on the web site (its move from Ohio to Oregon) and the news letter.

Motion: D. Wright proposed (Mark second) that we formally commend John Snowden on his great work managing mail and the web site for UCGIS. (Motion Carried). [unanimous]

Committee on Committees

Kemp presented a report on the various committees, their status as committees and renewal times.

Guest Presentation (11:31-11:51am) Prof. Mauro Salvemini (from Universita Degli Studi Di Roma) reported to the Board about AGILE, its organizational structure, its mission and what it was doing as an organization. Drew some parallels to UCGIS.


11) 2000 Meeting status report

D. Wright reported on the facility for the 2000 meeting in Oregon. A discussion followed on future Summer Assemblies.

12) Cooperation with the Program Committee for the Driven by Data conference for UCGIS fall meeting.

Did not discuss

13) Membership issues

New members

5-years membership renewal

Government memberships

Did not discuss


14) Public relations promotions

Did not discuss


15) Student Poster Awards

Did not discuss

16) Cooperative agreements




Did not discuss

17) Roles and goals of meetings

Elmes presented his interest in getting all those disciplines that have not yet participated in UCGIS, to participate.

18) Schedules for meetings

Did not discuss

19) Other Business

Did not discuss


Meeting adjourned 12:58pm.