UCGIS Summer Assembly
Board of directors meeting, Sunday, June 27, 1999


The meeting was brought to order by President Greg Elmes at 8:08am

Present: Greg Elmes (chair),William Huxhold, Harlan Onsrud, Art Getis, Richard Wright, Karen Kemp, David Mark, Ron Abler, Nina Lam, Dawn Wright, Bob McMaster, Bob Rugg and Suzy Jampoler

2) Approval of minutes

Minutes of Board Meeting on June 23, 1999

Revisions: Amend minutes under 5) add Policy Committee chair expires at this meeting, change spelling of Mauro Salvemini

Minutes of Special Board Meeting on June 25, 1999

Noted that draft needs completion.

3) Financial report (Abler)

Report presented as per Council meeting, June 26

4) Executive Director (Jampoler)

Summary of activities: Need for an assistant noted. Requested reduction of her hours in order to hire a local assistant starting September. Suggested hiring a student from George Mason U., one of our members.

Focus for next year: Membership promotion. Develop overhead rate for proposals. Coordinating lobbying methods. Compile expertise list.

Membership in American Society of Association Directors requested. Approved.

Elmes acknowledged the efforts made by Jampoler to build the foundation for our organization.

Jampoler thanked everyone for the help she received in putting together the Summer Assembly.

Board asked the President to send letters commending the efforts of Will Craig and Richard Wright in organizing the meeting to the Presidents of their universities.

5) Appointment/Reappointment of Chairs of Standing Committees

Research Committee: suggestion that the hand over be delayed until the next meeting due the completion of the Research Challenges book, but also that the next chair needs to be in place now.

Research Projects Committee:

Policy Committee: Harlan Onsrud's term be extended to the next winter meeting.

Communications Committee:

Note: the Education Committee chair's two year term expires at next year's summer meeting.

6) Committee and Chair status reports

7) Membership - five year renewal

Noted that 10 members have volunteered to renew their membership by the next meeting. Renewal requires revision of each member's webpages to outline current activity and status of GIScience on the campus. Renewals to be directed by a revised application procedure to be developed by Jampoler and Merry. Membership Committee to give the entire membership formal notice of the revised procedure and due dates for reapplications.

8) 1999 Summer Assembly Review and Followup

White papers: to be posted on the web by August 1, 1999. Formal publication may follow through the new electronic URISA Journal, with the likelihood of a special issue of the print version of the journal to be edited by Elmes and R.Wright to contain our papers.

Membership in the L1 Committee of the Information Infrastructure Standards Panel of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI): Membership is currently paid up but no current official participants have been identified. Rugg estimates $50,000 annual cost to be full participants.

Membership Committee:

GIS Day: UCGIS logo to be appended to all promotional materials on GIS Day '99. Webpages of UCGIS members who are organizing GIS Day events should be linked from the UCGIS website. Education Committee to ensure that members are informed of ideas and plans.

ESRI User meeting: Jampoler to request space at the Education Fair. Elmes to organize the booth.

9) Schedules for meetings

Next council meeting:

CGI meeting in fall: Abler outlined the plans for the meeting (Nov 10-14, 1999 at Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles). Elmes, Onsrud and Jampoler have been appointed members of the Program Committee.

Long term meeting planning: Jampoler asked that we make decisions on the 2001 summer assembly and set a procedure for choosing future meeting sites. Elmes noted that we may not want to always attach to the GeoData Forum.

10) Cooperative agreements

NSGIC: ED to check for and prepare formal language for this agreement.

MAPPS: Elmes to communicate with Kass Green (incoming MAPPS president) regarding how to further our relationship.

Task Force on Model Law:

11) Nominating Committee:

13) Other Business:

Executive Committee:

AGILE/UCGIS Conference: Executive Committee will pursue the AGILE resolution.

Formal thanks to Bob Rugg and Bob McMaster as retiring Committee chairs for their efforts on these committees.

Meeting adjourned 11:20am.