UCGIS 1999 Annual (Summer) Assembly

MINUTES (submitted by John Radke)

UCGIS COUNCIL MEETING, Saturday, June 26, 1999 (2:45pm — 5:30pm)

Minneapolis, MN

The Council meeting was brought to order by President Greg Elmes at 2:55pm.

1) Revision of and Items for Agenda - Elmes called for additional items. Mark asked to discuss the summer site for 2001. Wiggins asked to add a discussion about GIS day 1999.

2) Adoption of minutes of Council meeting November 9, 1998 (Fort Worth, TX)

Motion: Rugg proposed, (Eigenhoffer second) that the minutes of the last Council meeting be approved as appeared on the home page. (Motion Carried).

3) Executive report:

Elmes reported on the past year acitivity and its success. Commented on Strategic Plan, By-laws, Standing committees and our executive director (Jampoler). We have been active in FGDC, OGC and signed an MOU with AGILE. Put on the Congressional event, were involved in the GEODATA Thread.

Outstanding issues: Recruiting, Strategic Planning process, and the Summer Assembly 2000. Internal to UCGIS: Communications, Board/committee/delegate member feedback, nominating committee, committe on committees, and Tax Status.

Outreach and Public Relations - 2000 Congressional event, GIS and Surveyors Legal practice of GIS (call for two volunteers), GIS Professional Education Certification, UCGIS and the broader community (perception as elitist is deminishing but still a reaction), AGILE develop further the relationship, further develop our relationship with NSGIC, membership building, certification and education, identify State oriented reseach application needs (CFIPS), and ethical code of conduct for UCGIS members.

Motion: Mark proposed, (Myers second) that "In the spirit of the Memorandum of Understanding between AGILE and the UCGIS, be it resolved that UCGIS will continue to interact with AGILE at all levels, and more specifically, that UCGIS will work with AGILE to develop plans for an initial pair of bilateral international conferences or symposia, and that UCGIS will seek funding to support its participation in these activities." (Motion Carried).

4) Congressional event report

Onsrud reported on the event this past month and commented that UCGIS made a positive impression at the event. He suggested a plan for a Washington, D.C. activity next Year (2000). Proposed a sample schedule:

February (+/-)


- congressional breakfast or lunch

- briefings by agencies on their GIS activities and resaerch


- continued briefings

- ucgis council meeting

5) Financial report

Ron Abler announced that the organization is in sound financial shape and came through a successful audit.

6) Bylaws changes

There are two proposed changes to the bylaws.

1. The purpose of the change in Article VI is to make Article VI(4) consistent with Article VI(6)12, functions of the Board, which states "to designate a nominating committee to nominate candidates".

2. The purpose of the change in Article IX is to add two standing committees, the Research Management Committee and the Communications Committee.

Strikeouts are to be removed. Items in () are to be added.


Article VI Board of Directors (4)

Prior to each annual Council meeting, the President (Board) appoints a nominating committee to place six names before the Council: two names for the office of Vice-President and four names for the two positions of Director. The name of the current Vice- President automatically shall be the sole nomination provided by the nominating committee for President. The members of the Board of Directors shall serve three year terms. A delegate may serve two successive partial or full terms but may not be reelected thereafter until the second annual meeting following his or her service as a Board member.

Motion: Mark moved (Eigenhoffer second) (Motion Carried).


Article IX Standing Committees

The standing committees are those committees that operate on a continuing basis. Their purpose is to provide continuous surveillance and review of fundamental aspects of university education, research, and public service in geographic information science. They shall recommend programs of action to the Council or the Board as appropriate and shall carry out such tasks as may be requested by the Council or the Board. Initially, (T)here shall be three (five) standing committees as follows: Policy and Legislation Committee, Research Committee, and Education Committee (, Research Management Committee, and Communications Committee). Committee members (with the exception of the Research Management Committee, which is appointed by the Board) may be any qualified person whether or not such persons are delegates to the Council. Delegates are asked each year by the Executive Director to select a committee they would like to serve on. Delegates are automatically appointed to the committee of their choice. The standing committees shall meet during the annual Council meetings or whenever deemed necessary by the Chair (of the committee). The committees shall report to the Council at each regular meeting and to the Board as requested.

((4) Research Management Committee

The Research Management Committee shall advise the Board on all matters that involve UCGIS with regard to sponsorship of funded projects, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. Funded projects are defined as any payments to UCGIS that oblige UCGIS to provide services to the organization providing the funding. The UCGIS Board retains the final authority over such funded activities, cooperative agreements, and contracts. The Board shall appoint 4 committee members, in addition to the Chair, for a term of two years.

The Committee shall be responsible for dealing with all sources of externally funded activities for UCGIS. The Committee shall communicate with funding agencies to determine the requests for proposals or scope of work for UCGIS projects, solicit people from UCGIS member institutions to conduct work under such contracts, work with funding agencies to select UCGIS member institutions or individuals to conduct or coordinate such projects, and monitor such contracts to ensure completion in a timely manner in adherence to schedules agreed upon with the funding agency.

(5) Communications Committee

The Communication Committee shall ensure timely communication between and among the Board, the Council and all members of UCGIS and between the UCGIS and individuals and organizations outside with regard to UCGIS. As a primary vehicle for communication, the Communication Committee shall be responsible for the design, content and maintenance of the UCGIS website, and shall ensure that member institution's web sites are informative and up to date. Information to be available through the website includes, but is not limited to member portfolios, membership lists, bylaws, announcements, white papers, and press releases. Using appropriate web-based technology, the Committee shall maximize the probability that relevant information reaches all delegates before each meeting of the council. The Committee shall also develop methods and policies for distribution of a UCGIS Newsletter at least twice a year.)


Motion: Mark moved (Onsrud second)

Motion: Rugg moved (McMaster second) that there be a friendly amendment:

Research Management Committee - amendment to bylaw proposal

Article IX - Substitute Research Projects Committee for Research Management Committee… then

(4) Research Projects Committee

The Research Projects Committee shall advise ... sponsorship of funded research projects, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. Such funded projects…

The Board shall appoint 3 committee members, in addition to the Chair and the Chair of the Research Committee, for a term of two years.

The Committee shall be responsible… externally funded research activities for UCGIS...

Vote: (Motion Carried with 6 opposed and 3 abstained)

Vote on Motion as Amended: (Motion Carried with 39 infavor, 7 opposed and 9 abstained)


7) Committee reports

Policy and Legislation

Onsrud discussed the congressional event and tracking legislation that we should support such as community/federal partnership (CFIPS), NSF budget, and NSDI.

Policy and Legislation Committee proposed three Resolutions:

Resolution: Be it resolved that UCGIS supports current and future collaborative efforts to expand the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, such as the Community/Federal Information Partnership budget initiative (CFIPS) being proposed by the federal agencies that make up the Federal Geographic Data Committee in cooperation with organizations from state, local and tribal governments, the academic community and the private and non-profit sectors.

(Motion Carried)

Resolution: Be it resolved that UCGIS supports ongoing initiatives at the National Science Foundation to investigate the value of geographic information science to the nation’s long term scientific, economic and social needs.

(Motion Carried)

Resolution: Be it resolved that UCGIS strongly supports the recommendations to NSF set forth in the NSF- funded workshop report titled "Geographic Information Science: Critical Issues in an Emerging Cross-Disciplinary Research Domain.

(Motion Carried)


McMaster reported on the Ten Research Priorities, discussed the book, and reported who the leaders were. Discussed Goals for this next year: completion of book, redrafting of Digital Earth Statements, Create a database of UCGIS expertise, Relationship w/ Research Projects Committee, and appointing a new Resrach Committee Chair.


R. Wright introduced the committee which has over 21 members. Reported on what came out of Park City. Reported on the Summit on GIScience Education in Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 1998. Listed the organizations that attended the Summit and listed the Objectives that came out of the Summit. Finshed with some summary points from the Summit and pointed out the material is on the web (www.ucgis.org). Finished his report discussing the Workshop that took place at these Minneapolis meetings where two action items surfaced: 1) UCGIS should not do Certification, and 2) UCGIS should participate more fully with other orgainzations in certification activities.


Merry introduced the 11 committee members to the council. Announced 63 total members in the organization and further broke the group by membership status. Merry also mentioned that several of the founding institutions volunteered to do their renewal membership submission this year.

Merry discussed membership for government agencies that came from discussions with several Federal agencies.

Merry presented a Government Affiliate Member is defined as:

· Defined as separate line item in Federal budget

· Participate in various UCGIS activiteis as advisors and observers

· Rights restricted to avoid conflict of interest

Motion: Membership Committee proposed to raise the dues for the Government Affiliate Member to $50,000. (Motion Carried).


D. Wright reported on the new web site and the news letter. D. Wright also reported on the move of the web server from Ohio to Oregon. Merry and D. Wright commented on the great job that John Snowden did for UCGIS and he was given a round of applause.


Research Management

Rugg reported on the projects to date:

- Conceptual schema language (1997-1998, pre-RMC, completed)

- Metadata training workship and materials (1998- 1999)

- Factors affecting participation in NSDI (withdrawn, spring 1999)

- Exploratory Studies of the NSGIC/FGDC Framework Survey (applications currently being submitted)

Further information:

New bylaws passed today dissolve this committee and a new standing committee appointed byt he board tomorrow

Provided the URL for the website of the committee.


8) Approval of applications topics working groups’ findings

Crime analysis

Risk assessment and response

Transportation planning and monitoring

Urban and regional planning

Water resources

Involving the public in solving community problems

Public health and human services

Motion: Huxhold proposed (Myers second) that the UCGIS Council accepts and approves the draft findings of the Work groups as reported earlier today. (Motion Carried).

9) Student poster competition

Elmes stated this was already undertaken in the Special Council Meeting earlier this week.

10) Meeting and objectives for Portland, Oregon June 20-25, 2000

Elmes presented his vision for the Portland Summer Assembly followed by a prototype of the schedule. He charged the Council with beginning for next year now.

A discussion followed about making sure we include students into Oregon and in general to our Summer Assembly.

11) Other business

· Mark reported that Buffalo would like to host the summer site for 2001. He also asked for competition and a process for selecting future Summer Assembly sites.

· Wiggins asked that we generate some ideas for GIS day 1999. Radke suggested that we coordinate this day within UCGIS. Huxhold called for a show of hands from members who were planning something for GIS day (a large number of members plan to).

Motion: R. Wright proposed (Onsrud second) that we adjourn the meeting. (Motion carried 5:29pm)

Members in attendance: