Global Urban Indicators:
An Analysis of Urban Indicators Using Geographic Information Science (GISci)

Funding Level: $40,000

Deadline: December 1, 2000

Details: 5 awards of $40,000 to be awarded

Timeframe: One year

The objective of this one-year project between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS, www.ucgis.org) is to establish and develop an international collaborative network between American universities and universities in the developing world using GIS-based urban indicators for urban policy research. The goal is to further international cooperation on the development and application of GIS-based research in policy analysis. One of the main tasks of this global network will be to establish a quantitative baseline of data, similar to PD&R's State of the Cities, for major cities in the developing world. It will also establish mechanisms for the systematic collection of this data over time by participating institutions in order to monitor change and assist in developing and evaluating policies and programs to improve housing and living conditions in these areas. The network will also develop a working relationship with the United Nations Habitat program through its urban indicators project.


The Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development, sponsors projects with government agencies, academic institutions and private organizations to assist in developing and evaluating policies and programs designed to improve the quality of life in urban areas of emerging nations. To improve the urban quality it is necessary to:

UCGIS is initiating a three-year project with the Office of Policy Development and Research that would have the following long-term objectives:

The Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development, has funded the first year of the project.

Project Description

Principal Investigators of the winning proposals will develop web-based training programs on the application of geographic information systems for urban indicator modeling. The project will support the Urban Indicators Programme of the United Nation’s Global Urban Observatory by having UCGIS member institutions develop programs to train personnel in developing countries on the application of geographic information systems for disaggregating the macro level Urban Indicator data that are available to a micro level. Through the use of GIS technology, the analysis will be refined to a "micro" level, disaggregating country data on indicators to cities and even to sub-areas within cities to help evaluate the spatial dynamics of urban quality within larger metropolitan areas.

Project Deliverables

UCGIS solicits proposals for individuals at its member institutions to develop web-based training programs on the application of geographic information systems for urban indicator modeling. Training programs should be designed to support education of personnel in developing countries on the application of geographic information systems for the development and collection of disaggregated urban indicators. The contract for this project is between the Office of Policy Development and Research and UCGIS. Funding is for one year. UCGIS is continuing to identify resources and funding sources for two additional years.

Each selected university will provide a final report to UCGIS that will include:

The deliverables must be suitable for web-based distribution on the UCGIS web site.

Who May Apply

Scientists, engineers, and educators from UCGIS member institutions only are invited to prepare proposals, which must be officially submitted by their employing organization. Interdisciplinary collaboration, such as between experts in GIS and public administration, will be a plus. An institution may submit more than one proposal. Graduate students are not encouraged to submit research proposals, but should arrange to serve as research assistants to faculty members.

Anticipated Milestones

The table below provides a timetable for the first year of the project.



December 1, 2000

Deadline for proposal submissions

December 31, 2000

Notification of award winners

January 1, 2001

Project start

February 2 — 3, 2001

Symposium held in Washington DC

February — June 2001

Development and dissemination of training materials

July 1, 2001

Preliminary reports from participating universities due to UCGIS

August 2001

Symposium held in Washington DC

September 30, 2001

Final report provided by UCGIS to HUD

Funding Amount

Each proposal should include a draft budget of no more than $40,000, including university overhead, and a timeline for completion of all deliverables not to exceed one year. Anticipated start date is January 1, 2001. A cost-sharing match of at least 25percent from each of the participating universities (through faculty time, laboratory use, or reduced overhead) is expected.

Selected participants will be invited to participate in two symposia on urban indicator modeling. UCGIS will coordinate the symposia and the final reports submitted by each participating university.


Applicants must:

UCGIS Support

UCGIS will coordinate two symposia on urban indicator research. The focus of the first symposium is to: 1) demonstrate the capacity of UCGIS member institutions to perform the analyses; and, 2) investigate the availability of data in the developing countries for the analyses. The symposium will consist of invited presentations from UCGIS member universities describing work currently being done on urban indicators and on related GIS activities within developing countries. Participants will include invited researchers from UCGIS institutions, HUD, and the United Nation Urban Indicators program.

The second symposium will evaluate the success of the program. Invited participants will evaluate the training, provide recommendations for expanding the program, and identify the resources and funding sources to expand the project in the second and third year.

UCGIS will sponsor two participants from each selected university to the symposia.

GIS software–ARC IMS and ARC SDE–will be donated by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), a UCGIS affiliate member, to the participating universities for the purpose of publishing the urban indicator data on the Internet. The value of this software is $30,000 for each of the universities.

In addition, ESRI has committed to donating $2,500,000 worth of GIS software to cities in developing countries in cooperation with UCGIS and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT) and its Global Urban Observatory Urban Indicators Programme.

Additional guidelines

Proposals should include: a discussion of relevant techniques based on experience reported in the literature; a description of the research methods to be employed; a set of hypotheses to be tested; and a detailed work plan including a Gantt chart.

The main body of the proposal must not exceed 4 single- spaced pages at 12pt font, excluding all figures, tables, and charts. The list of references does not count against the 4 pages.

To the proposal, attach brief biographical sketches (maximum 2 pages) of the Principal Investigator(s), including up to five related publications over the past three years.

Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of overall quality, documented qualifications of the principal investigator(s), relevance of the proposed research activities, and interdisciplinary character of the proposed approach.

In order for UCGIS to ensure a timely review process, a letter of intent should be sent by November 14, 2000, by those who intend to submit a proposal. Letters of intent are not required, however. Please send letters of intent by e-mail or fax to the Chair of the UCGIS Research Projects Committee (see contact information below). To be considered, proposals are due December 1, 2000, by 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Submit proposals by e-mail or by fax (see contact information below). A hard copy letter or form, with the principal investigator's original signature and an official authorized to commit the organization in business and financial affairs, is due within 7 days of electronic or FAX submission.

Questions about the RFP may be directed to the Chair of the UCGIS Research Projects Committee, Max Egenhofer (max@spatial.maine.edu, fax 207-581-2206). Funding of the project will be conditional on the availability of funds from HUD.

Send letters of intent and proposals to:

Max J. Egenhofer, Chair UCGIS Research Projects Committee
Department of Spatial Information Science and Engineering
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5711
fax: 207-581-2206


Robert D. Rugg, Vice-Chair UCGIS Research Projects Committee
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond VA 23284-2008
fax: 804-828-6681