Ramada University Inn, Columbus, Ohio
Tuesday 6/18/96


Ronald Abler, Association of American Geographers
Ling Bian, SUNY Buffalo
John Bossler, Ohio State University
Daniel Brown, Michigan State University
Barbara Buttenfield, University of Cologrdo
William Craig, University of Minnesota
Jerome Dobson, Oak Ridge National Lab
Max Egenhofer, University of Maine
Gregory Elmes, West Virginia University
Joseph Ferreira, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jeremy Fried, Michigan State University
Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
Alberto Giordano, Syracuse University
Michael Goodchild, University of California - Santa Barbara
Jeffrey Hamerlinck, University of Wyoming
George Hepner, University of Utah
Carolyn Hunsaker, Oak Ridge National Lab
Nina Lam, Louisiana State University
Scott Mackay, University of Wisconsin - Madison
David Mark, SUNY Buffalo
Robert McMaster, University of Minnesota
Harvey Miller, University of Utah
Daniel Montello, University of California - Santa Barbara
Aaron Moody, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Harlan Onsrud, University of Maine
Jeffrey Osleeb, Hunter College CUNY
Donna Peuquet, Penn State University
Dwayne Porter, University of South Carolina
John Radke, University of California - Berkeley
Samuel Ratick, Clark University
William Reiners, University of Wyoming
William Rininger, Penn State University
Lyna Wiggins, Rutgers University
Dawn Wright, Oregon State University
Richard Wright, San Diego State University
A-Xing Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Peggy Agouris, University of Maine
Earl Epstein, Ohio State University
Karen Kemp, University of California - Santa Barbara
Xavier Lopez, University of Maine
Carolyn Merry, Ohio State University
Bernard Niemann, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sondra Niemann University of Wisconsin - Madison
Alan Saalfeld, Ohio State University
David Tuluch, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Robert Vertrees, Ohio State University

Note: In the interests of the efficient use of time at the Annual Assembly certain agenda items of the Council Meeting were discussed in a morning session.



The UCGIS Council Meeting was called to order by President Will Craig, at 9:35 a.m.

1) Treasurer's Report

Ron Abler (Treasurer) presented the report for 1995/96.  




Membership Dues





Total Revenue








UCGIS membership dues for 1997 become due on 9/1/96. The board has instructed the treasurer to send invoices in September.  

2) New Member Institutions

The identity of potential new members was discussed generally. The following institutions were identified as prospects to be pursue:  
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
Northern Arizona University
University of California -Los Angeles
University of Southern California
University of Connecticut
Florida State University
University of Hawaii
Iowa State University
University of Iowa
Kansas University
University of Michigan
Montana State University
University of Nebraska
University of New Mexico
University of Oklahoma
Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute
Texas A&M University
SW Texas State University
University of Washington
Other possible institutions include:
Pacific North West Laboratories

Completed portfolios are due by 9/30/96. UCGIS brochures have been sent to prospective candidates. Approximately 6 of the above listed institutions are expected to apply by the deadline. Membership of nominated institutions will be decided at the next Council meeting to be held in conjunction with GIS/LIS in Denver, CO on November 18, 1996.  

3) Public Relations and Fund-Raising

Following recommendations of the Board of Directors John Bossler (Immediate Past President) requested the formation of a committee to provide a strategy for public relations and fund-raising. A committee chaired by John Bossler was formed to connect with line agencies and Congress. The needs to approach private foundations, commercial and private interests, and recruiting were also recognized. Osleeb to be lead person with foundations. Craig will contact prospective members, requesting followup from delegates. A motion for adjournment was moved, seconded and carried.  The meeting was adjourned until 2:00 p.m.  



1) Call to Order

Will Craig, President, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m., June 18, 1996.  

2) Additions to Agenda

Nominating Committee. A proposal for the creation of a Nominating Committee was added.   Formal Selection of Research Items. A motion was proposed by David Mark to accept the 10 topics selected by ballot as the UCGIS national research priorities. Seconded by Harlan Onsrud, the motion carried by acclamation.   Next Meeting of UCGIS Council Scheduled for Monday, November 18, in Denver, Co.  

3) Previous Minutes 

The minutes of the Nashville Council meeting in November 1995, were approved. (Motion - Jeff Osleeb, Seconded George Hepner.)  

4) Treasurer's Report

The treasurer's report was presented in the morning session. See minutes above. A motion to accept the report was made by Joe Ferreira MIT, seconded by Max Egenhofer, and was carried.

5) Committee Reports

Education Committee. Dick Wright and Karen Kemp propose using a similar process to that of the Research Committee for the identification of topics relating to GIS education. The Annual Assembly in 1997 will address education priorities. The initiation of education topics will be at the Second International Symposium on GIS in Higher Education in Columbia, MD in September 1996 where a time slot has been allocated for UCGIS matters on the final morning. UCGIS is a co-sponsor of that meeting. This will be followed by an education meeting on the Sunday before GIS/LIS in Denver.  

Policy and Legislation Committee.  Harlan Onsrud presented information about UCGIS official non-profit status and legal capability to lobby. A non-profit employer identification number (52-1937648) is available for charitable contribution purposes.  

Membership Committee.  Jeff Osleeb reported that the deadline for receipt of portfolios for 1997 is September 30 1996. Initiation fees for new members will be due 1/1/97. The board of director's decision to adjudicate the status of institutions wishing to join as a group (as in multi-campus institutions or dispersed units) on the basis of the portfolio was reported. A discussion ensued on the fees to be charged industry affiliates. General agreement was that the University fee should be used as a guideline but that institutional size should be taken into consideration. A sliding scale was suggested. Federal agencies will be adjudicated on a cost-center approach. No fees can be required of Federal institutions because of the legal status of UCGIS. The membership committee was charged with the active recruitment of new members, focusing on the list of potential members presented in the earlier session (see above).

Executive Director Committee.   Vice-President Jerry Dobson, reported on the executive director position. The Consortium cannot afford to hire an executive director at this time. Several profiles of a potential candidate were mooted. In the meanwhile the organization will continue to develop the financial basis for hiring an Executive Director.  

Editorial Committee.   Mike Goodchild reported on the production of the White papers for the editorial committee. He and Carolyn Hunsaker will chair they committee. The editors include: Earl Epstein, John Radke, Bill Reiners, and Alan Saalfeld.

Authors of the individual papers are:
-Spatial Data Acquisition and Integration (Alan Saalfeld)
-Distributed Computing (Mike Goodschild)
-Extensions to Geographic Representations (Donna Peuquet)
-Cognition of Geographic Information (Dan Montello)
-Interoperability of Geographic Information (Scott Mackay, Kenn Gardels, Xavier Lopez, Howard Foster, and John Radke)
-Scale (Dan Brown, Aaron Moody, Babs Buttenfield, Art Getis, Bob McMaster, Ling Bian)
-Spatial Analysis in a GIS Environment (Art Getis)
-The Future of the Spatial Information Infrastructure (Harlan J. Onsrud, Xavier Lopez, and Lyna Wiggins)
-Uncertainty in Geographic Data and GIS-Based Analyses (A-Xing Zhu)
-GIS and Society (Bob McMaster, Ben Niemann, Stephen Ventura, David Moyer, David Tulloch, Earl Epstein, and Greg Elmes)

Nominating Committee.   This committee is necessary to nominate members of the Board of Directors (2 positions become available in 1997) and the Vice-President. Lyna Wiggins (chair) assisted by Barbara Buttenfield and Bob McMaster will coordinate the nominations process. A ballot will be circulated by 10/1/96.  

Research Committee.   David Mark provided a critique of the consortium research topic nomination and selection process to date. The topic nomination process although beset by tardiness and requiring much effort on behalf of the committee was deemed successful. Despite the time taken for preparation of materials, and the failure by many institutions to adhere to the recommended format, the process produced consensus and near unanimity on the final topics. The diversity of nominations was commented on. Gray papers have been outlined on the newly emerging areas. A means to develop the products of the Annual Assembly as finalized White Papers has been identified and implemented. The process will again be revisited at the November meeting.  

6) Critique of Assembly and UCGIS To Date

The assembled Council voted David Mark and the Research Committee acclaim for their efforts on behalf of the Consortium.  

The assembled Council also voiced acclaim to the Ohio State local organizations committee for their efforts on behalf of the Consortium. Sally Krause, Caroline Merry, and John Bossler were recognized.

Several other aspects of the outcome of the process were voiced:  

While the UCGIS organization will make efforts to disseminate the results from the annual assembly the use of seminars and their coordination through a GIS users group, List-Server or other meetings was strongly recommended to all participants to bring the results to campus. The idea of a joint course of 10 weekly meetings on the current state of research was raised. Students could develop term papers around the ten themes.  

The slowness of appearance of portfolios on the web was noted. Institutions were encouraged to develop and use UCGIS pages and integrate them into their teaching.  

7) Proposal for 1997 UCGIS Annual Assembly

Harlan Onsrud proposed a meeting to be held for 1 week at the campus of the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, ME, 6/22/97 - 6/28/97. The college offers inexpensive accommodations and a stimulating environment. The proposed meeting would include an institute for graduate students. Concerns about the cost of travel to Maine, particularly for graduate students were raised along with objections that the understanding of the Consortium was that the 1997 Assembly was to focus on our own educational priority setting. Arguments were forwarded that the institute would be a practical demonstration of how we teach graduate students and their professionalization. A compromise was struck with two events to be held at the same venue. The UCGIS Education Assembly and a student institute. To the extent possible, the student institute will take advantage of the rich base of research and teaching expertise attending the UCGIS Assembly. Barbara Buttenfield moved that Harlan's proposal for a 1 week meeting at the College of the Atlantic be accepted. It was seconded and carried on a voice vote.  

8) Electronic Journal

Xavier Lopez presented his concept of an electronic journal to be sponsored by UCGIS to promote the ideas and objectives of the Research and Education Committees. He solicited start-up funds for 1997 and the formulation of an editorial board.  

Proposed Budget for Electronic Journal:

Estimated Revenues

Univ. of Maine




UC Berkeley


Private match





UCGIS Member





Karen Kemp proposed a motion that the Assembly endorse the concept of the electronic journal and that a full proposal would be voted on at the November meeting. The motion was seconded by Max Egenhofer and carried.  

The meeting was adjourned at 4:03 p.m.