UCGIS Board Meeting

Convention Center Cincinnati OH


Present: Mark, Peuquet, Wright (R) Hunsaker, Kemp, Lam, Osleeb, Craig, McMaster, Dobson, Gettis, Elmes, Abler, Palmerlee

1) Revision of and Items for Agenda

No additions or revisons

2) Minutes of October 2, 1998 Board and Council Meetings

Will be published on the web. Minute decisions only

3) Appointment of Secretary and Treasurer

ACTION ITEM: Osleeb moved and Craig seconded a motion to reappoint Ron Abler as Treasurer. Motion carried

Names of possible replacements for Secretary were discussed and the President will approach

4) Replacement of Board Member

Carolyn Hunsaker will end her term 1/15/98 on account of becoming a federal employee. Reappointment by board until Fall election. Names of possible replacements for the board meeting were discussed and the President will approach the nominees.

5) Review of Council Meeting

The following items were discussed:

Huxhold and Obermeyer will draft guidelines for accreditation

Recruiting private companies

Who is eligible to be elected to UCGIS office?

Congressional Breakfast

Strategic Plan

Buttenfield - Strategic Plan on web in response format. (GE to contact)

Committees should all respond. Longer time frame

Education Committee

Priorities action plan

6) Park City Meeting

FGDC 11/4 Request nominees for research initiatives through John Moeller

Two delegates and students to come at subsidized rates of $95 for early registration, Others at $160, Non members at $260, New UCGIS applicants will receive member rate

7) Approval of 1998 Budget

ACTION ITEM: Osleeb moved and Hunsaker seconded that $4000 be identified in the budget for promotional display plus $1000 for operational expenses. Motion carried.

ACTION ITEM: Osleeb moved and Gettis seconded that $3000 be set aside to devise operating proceedures. Motion carried

ACTION ITEM: Elmes moved and Craig seconded that UCGIS set aside up to $5000 for subsidizing Park City Annual Assembly budget motion carried

ACTION ITEM: Osleeb proposed and Kemp seconded a motion to adopt the budget as amended. Motion carried.

8) Action on "Operating Methods"

Operating procedures are essential on contracts including responsibilities for reporting. MOA with participants.

9) Other Business

(Jeff Osleeb proposed ad Kemp seconded a motion that UCGIS ship 12 copies of poster to new members;

Ten additional copies will be made available free of charge and that the retail price be dropped to $5.00 plus s/h. Motion carried

Continued tie to GIS/LIS for UCGIS business meetings

Student Award IGIF to commemorate John Bossler

Strategic Planning Committee

Chair is President Elect

Elmes proposed and Peuquet seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.

Board meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.