Minutes of the UCGIS Council Meeting,

October 27 1997

Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH

The Council meeting was brought to order by President Jerome Dobson at 1:00 pm

1) Minutes of Council Meeting, June 1997

Will Craig proposed, and Herb Freeman seconded that the minutes of the last Council meeting be approved as read. Motion carried.

2) Executive Report (Jerome Dobson)

Positive feedback from many sources about UCGIS

High level of volunteerism

GIS modeling standards ISO funded activity

Steering Committee of FGDC Sec. Interior Bruce Babitt, Briefing on UCGIS activties

National Academy Public Admin (NAPA) review of SDI private council being recomended. UCGIS principle advocate for Research and Academic communities.

Executive Director (Palmerlee)

Being in Washington Creates many opportunities

Young, adolescent organization needs to manage its development to maturity.

FGDC potential application for future funding

UCGIS asked for input on NAPA document but not formal review (Onsrud, Dobson, Bossler)

3) Membership Committee

Affiliate membership for private sector companies called for in by-laws. Same fee structure as other institutions. Admission judged by same criteria. Cannot vote cannot hold office

Will Craig moved and Richard Wright seconded that Affiliate UCGIS membership for private sector companies be approved as recommended by the membership committee. Passed unanimously

4) Membership

Admissions of New Members

Nominations were received from:

American Geographical Society

Environmental Science Research Institute ESRI

Sedona GeoServices Inc.

Brigham Young University

U Connecticut

U Illinois

U Massachusetts, Amhesrt

U Nebraska

U Oklahoma

U Pittsburgh

U Southern Cal

Virginia Commonwealth U.

U Wisconsin-Milwaukee

All nominees confirmed as members on a vote by secret ballot

5) Nominations Committee

Vote for President and Board

Nominations presented for President and Board Members

Election Results:

President-elect: Greg Elmes (West Virginia University)

Board Members: Art Gettis (San Diego State University), Nina Lam Louisiana State University

6) Financial Report

Tom Palmerlee in absence of Ron Abler

7) Committee Reports
Policy and Legislation Committee (Onsrud)

Change in by-laws

UCGIS Congressional Breakfast

What is our objective? What specific actions would UCGIS members like to see Congress or others take? Where could increased funding make a difference? A difference in how science is accomplished across a broad range of disciplines.


Increase in funding generally across NSF

Increase in funding at specific directorate at NSF

Advocate funding for a specific project or program

advocate support of specific Congressional actions

List of administrative actions needed very soon.

ACTION ITEM: Letter from President stating UCGIS position

35 states represented

Need complete information about the importance of GI to national economy

View of industry express importance of basic science

Education Committee (Wright)

Work of participants and subcommittee chairs acknowledged by chairman, Richard Wright

Ken Foote, Susan Macey, Harlan Onsrud, Derek Thompson, Karen Kemp, Dawn Wright, Nancy Obermeyer, Lyna Wiggins, Steve Venture, Lynn Usery, Joseph Loon

Education Priorities (Kemp)

White papers on net

Action Item list


Virtual Seminar Wed after panel session (D. Wright)

Action items in Strategic plan

Research Paper / Workshop Funding Proposal

GIS Education Priorities Panel GIS/LIS 10:30 am

Accreditation and Certification (Kemp)

ACTION ITEM: Resolution proposed by Kemp, Buttenfield seconded, that

Motion carried unanimously

Research Committee (Mcmaster)

Plan for 1998 Park City Meeting

3 - 4 day conference

Panel sessions 4/4/2 80min panel 40 discussion

One summary session

5 Key aspects each panel should address

  1. Review existing priorities

relationship with other prorities

  1. Key ongoing research projects


private sector


  1. Critique of the existing priorities and inadequacies

How to improve them. Clarification

  1. Future research direction and implication
  1. Where should we go from here?

Contact lead panelist for each of the ten areas

Three from Academia, 1 government, 1 private.

FGDC assist identify government.

Panels to be formed by 11/30

Hard copy outcome Draft white papers by June.

List/catalog of on-going research at UCGIS institutions by research topic.

Will include basic research and applications

Add a chapter integrating education and research

Each topic will have working activities during the assembly.

Web Committee (Craig)

Radke standardization new frames version

Common look and feel

David on recalcitrant institutions website portfolios

responses from about half

In strategic plan to establish and keep current

Membership Committee (Craig)

13 New members

at least 13 more working on membership applications


New members

ACTION ITEM: Craig proposed a motion seconded by Mark, that membership applications can be accepted twice a year, new deadline April 30, $2500 initial fee for approval at Summer Assembly

Motion carried

New membership categories

Foreign members

ACTION ITEM: Herb Freeman proposed and Richard Wright seconded a motion that the issue of foreign membership be tabled. Motion carried

New membership category for smaller colleges and universities, encourage new membership through a multicampus application.

6) 1999 Summer Assembly

Minneapolis hotel accommodations / Campus meeting facilities

Duluth Campus 5 day meeting /dorm rooms

Strong preference for Minneapolis indicated by membership.

7) Member participation on Committees (Palmerlee)

volunteer e-mail either executive director or committee chair

8) Appreciation for outgoing board members

George Hepner

Donna Peuquet

9) Awards

To John Snowden for outstanding contributions to the UCGIS for (OSU Center for Mapping)

To John Bossler, for outstanding contribution to multidisciplinary communication: The Geoflail, Citation: "Geography is not any cure for what ails you"

To Will Craig for outstanding service to UCGIS, Citation: "I know no North no South no East no West" Henry Clay

10) Strategic Plan (Buttenfield)

B. Buttenfield presented results of the committee (Buttenfield, Dobson, Hamerlink, Palmerlee, assistance from Mark) a draft of the UCGIS mission statement and goals, followed by the results of their strategic analysis.

11) Park City Delegates

ACTION ITEM: Cowen proposed and Macey seconded motion that profession organizations be allowed to have no more than 5 members attend 1998 summer assembly at membership rate

Motion carried.

Membership fee for 1998 $160/ member attendee. Reduced rate of $95 for two delegates of each institution

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.