UCGIS 1999 Annual (Summer) Assembly

MINUTES (submitted by John Radke)

UCGIS (Special) COUNCIL MEETING, Thursday, June 24, 1999 (8:30 - 1:pm )

Minneapolis, MN

The Council meeting was brought to order by President Greg Elmes at 8:45am.

  1. Introduction (Greg Elmes) -

Called the meeting to order.

2) Membership Committee (Carolyn Merry)

Introduced the Membership criteria and introduced the 3 portfolios:

University of Kentucky

University of Oregon

ASPRS - American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Discussion: (Craig), asked what the final decision was that brought ASPRS to join. Elmes commented that displayed the recent landuse map of the state and pointed out that he deliver a copy to each of their congressional offices. He also discussed the 1999 IGIF Student Awards and the ESRI Scholarship Program. new member web sites and UCGIS portfolios are more impressive than old members and that old members should be preparing their sites for their 5 year review.

(Elmes) asked for a vote to accept the institutions.


University of Kentucky - accepted [unanimous].

University of Oregon - accepted [unanimous].

ASPRS - American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - accepted [unanimous].

Elmes called the new members forward and presented them with the UCGIS poster and documented research agenda.

3) Welcome and Introduction (Greg Elmes) - (9:05am)

Elmes introdcued and thanked Jampoler for her hard work in making this year a success. Elmes thanked and introduced Craig who helped produce this Summer Assembly.

4) Welcome to Minneapolis (Craig) - (9:08am)

Craig welcomed the group to Minneapolis and gave a brief description of the region and its history. He described the computer access for the group and discussed the facilty we have for the conference. Craig

5) Plenary report on GeoData Forum and NSDI (John Moeller) - (9:27am)

Moeller discussed the NSDI, its focus, its components and briefed us on where it is.

6) Introduction of guests and Poster Winners - (9:52am)

Elmes introduced Prof. Mauro Salvemini (AGILE) and presented him with a UCGIS poster.

Elmes introduced the students who were winners: 1) -list them and get them from Jampoler.

Elmes described the registration packet and its content.


7) Overview of Assembly process (Richard Wright) - (10:06am)

R. Wright introduced the topic areas, the session leaders and discussed the products that would result from the process (white papers, brief documents). Charged the group to focus on a number of items listed on a handout entitled "White Paper Content". Discussed the process that would unfold over the next few days to achieve our products and goals.

8) Charge to the members (Greg Elmes) - (10:15am)

Charged the members to build on the momentum from the Congressional event and provided a list of objectives for the members to achieve during the conference. Elmes included a charge for the UCGIS Summer Assembly 2000.

Meeting adjourned 10:22 am.