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Application Topics

The 1999 UCGIS Summer Assembly focused on how GI Science research, education and policy relate to a series of application topics. Groups were formed to develop white papers for presentation, discussion, and completion at the meeting. Final versions of the papers will appear in a special edition of URISA Journal in 2000.

 Crime Analysis
Lead: Art Getis
San Diego State University
  Risk Assessment and Response
Lead: John Radke
University of California, Berkeley
  Transportation Planning and Monitoring
Lead: Lyna Wiggins
Rutgers University
  Urban and Regional Planning
Lead: Zorica Nedovic-Budic
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 
Water Resources
Lead: John Wilson
University of Southern California
  Involving the Public in Solving Community Problems
  Lead: Mike Barndt
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  Public Health and Human Services
  Lead: Gerard Rushton
University of Iowa

Last updated on March 1, 2000.