Minutes of UCGIS Board Meeting, February 7, 2000

Meeting began at 9:07am, Greg Elmes in chair

Attendance: Lynn Usery, Richard Wright, Carolyn Merry, Art Getis, Max Egenhofer, Barbara Buttenfield, Bill Huxhold, Harlan Onsrud, David Mark, Donald Myers, Karen Kemp (interim secretary) , Greg Elmes (chair)

1. Revision of items

2. Minutes of June 23

3. Minutes of June 27 Board Meeting

4. Guests

5. Financial Report - presented by Suzy Jampoler

6. Appointments/Re-appointments of Chairs of Standing Committees

7. Appointment of UCGIS secretary

8. Committee reports

9. Budget for 2000 - report by Jampoler

10. 2000 Annual Meeting status report - report by Onsrud

11. 2001 meeting

12. UCGIS publication policies

13. Cooperative agreements

15. Recognition of departing board members

Meeting adjourned at 12:59.