June 22, 2000
Welches, Oregon
June 24, 2000
9:00am-12:00 noon
Welches, Oregon
A robust discussion followed each presentation about the validity of the topic as a separate theme. A straw poll on the topics will be taken under the Discussion of Emerging Research Themes portion of the Assembly (see below).
The next step in the process is to develop white papers for each topic and present them at the next Assembly. Usery stressed the need for volunteers to work on the white papers.
SUNY Buffalo $45,000
Oregon State University $63,000
Framework Survey $90,000
U of Kentucky
Rutgers University
U. Wisconsin-Madison
The mission of UCGIS is to serve as a unified and effective voice for the geographic information science research community, foster multidisciplinary research and education in geographic information science, and promote the informed and responsible use of geographic information systems and geographic analysis for the benefit of society.
In furtherance of this mission, UCGIS shall endorse or co-sponsor only those activities of others that are germane to the goals of UCGIS and that support full and open exchange of scholarly ideas in an unbiased manner. Activities that limit or constrain participation solely on the basis of affiliation with a private, academic, or government entity or on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation or religious affiliation are deemed in violation of this policy.
Motion approved.
A straw vote on emerging research themes was taken. The results were:
Public participation in GIS Yes 45 No 12
Geospatial data mining Yes 56 No 3
Ontological issues in GIS Yes 49 No 7
Social construction of GIS and GIScience Yes 22 No 35
Visualization Yes 54 No 3
Analytical cartography Yes 33 No 25
Innovation. & integration for remotely acquired information Yes 45 No 14
9. Meeting adjourned, noon, Saturday June 24, 2000.