Meeting of February 6, 2000
Washington, DC

1. Attendees: Bill Huxhold, Karen Kemp, Linda Bischoff, Jeff Hamerlinck, Greg Elmes, Donald Myers, Art Getis, Stephen McGregor, Harlan Onsrud, Keith Clarke, Carmelle Cote, Carolyn Merry, Barbara Buttenfield, Richard Wright

2. Model Law Workshop
Linda Bischoff and Stephen McGregor were nominated to represent USGIS on Model Law Workgroup.

3. ISO/TC 211 Certification Work Group
Karen Kemp will draft letter to ISO/TC211 Certification Work Group expressing the position of UCGIS.

4. Model GIS Curriculum Work Group
a. Encourage work group to revise and resubmit proposal for funding development of model curriculum.
b. Investigate whether or not revised proposal should be submitted through UCGIS.

5. Metadata Materials Grants at the University of Wyoming
a. Barbara Buttenfield, Keith Clarke, and C.J. Cote volunteered to assist in the review of metadata materials developed at the University of Wyoming.
b. Greg Elmes will request that the FGDC Coordinating Committee also provide reviewers.
c. Barbara Buttenfield will contact NCGE about providing a reviewer.

6. Recommendations for the Summer Assembly
a. The following topics were suggested:
-Incorporating technology into GIScience education as a broad theme
-Internet 2
-Campus-wide GIS Centers
-Training vs education
-Design and review of GIScience graduate programs
-Does Technology drive GIScience education or vice-a-versa?
-How to run a GIS Day

b. Student participation
-Student papers to be invited on a competitive basis
-Student paper presenters expenses to be subsidized
-Papers to be included in a proceedings

c. -Summer Assembly should generate tangible products

d. -Define different viewpoints in plenary session then go into concurrent sessions

7. National Conference on GIS in Education Richard Wright will propose a UCGIS Ð sponsored session

8. Proposed UCGIS Award for Outstanding Contributions to GIScience Education
The Education Committee recommends such an award to be made annually at Summer Assembly

9. GIS Day
a. UCGIS should explore becoming an official sponsor
b. UCGIS should increase its level of involvement in GIS Day