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UCGIS Education Committee

Richard Wright (Chair), San Diego State University
Aileen Buckley, University of Oregon
Amelia Budge, University of New Mexico
Greg Elmes, West Virginia University
Ken Foote, University of Texas, Austin
Kenneth Hansen, Small World
Francis Harvey, University of Kentucky
William Huxhold, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Karen Kemp, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Larson, University of Wyoming
Joseph Loon, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
Duane Marble, Ohio State University
Susan Macey, Southwest Texas State University
Nancy Obermeyer, Indiana State University
Mike Phoenix, ESRI
Gil Pontius, Clark University
Derek Thompson, University of Maryland
David Tulloch, Rutgers University
Lynn Usery, University of Georgia
Steve Ventura, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lynda Wayne, Louisiana State University
Lyna Wiggins, Rutgers University
Dawn Wright, Oregon State University

Last updated on July 4, 1999