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UCGIS Winter Meeting 2000
February 6-8
Washington, D.C

Introduction | Schedule | Committee Meetings | Council Meeting | GISci Showcase | Federal Agencies |
Congressional Reception | Posters | Hotel & Travel | Participation Form | Congressional Correspondence |

Pictures from the Event!
Courtesy of Max Egenhofer, U. of Maine

Important Introductory Info.

Some things to do before arriving:

  1. POSTER: Each participating university prepared a poster last year. We still have these posters and will be setting them up around the perimeter of the room in which the Tuesday presentations will be made. If your university did not previously supply a poster or you would like to update your poster, please consult see below.
  2. CONGRESSIONAL VISITS: Monday morning February 7 is reserved for UCGIS members to visit our members of Congress. We will be providing you with packets of material and a set of talking points that you may pick up on Sunday at the committee meetings in the Capitol Suites or early Monday morning at the Capitol Hill Club. We highly recommend that you consult and print out general and committee information about your members of Congress that may be found at and The office addresses for each of your members of Congress also may be found on these pages or through or
  3. RECEPTION DISPLAY: For the Tuesday evening reception on February 8 each university is invited to set up a display exhibiting their research and scholarly activities. For those of you that want them, we will once again provide large display boards similar to those that were provided last year (two panels - 4 by 8) . You should begin planning for your display. Please fill out the form below (item #3) to reserve space for your university display.

Don't forget to make your hotel reservations before the January 7 deadline. Information on travel and hotel accommodations may be found at

We look forward to seeing you in Washington. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Suzy Jampoler or any of us on the organizing committee.

Suzy Jampoler,
Will Craig,
Greg Elmes,
Bill Huxhold,
David Mark,
Harlan Onsrud,


Item #1 - SCHEDULE

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 - Afternoon

UCGIS Committee Meetings
Capitol Hill Suites, 200 C Street East, S.E., Washington, D.C.

12:00 noon - 2:00
Education Committee (to be held in Richard Wright's suite)

1-Update on OSO/TC211 Certification Work Group--Karen Kemp
2-Update on the Model GIS Curriculum Work Group-- ??
3-Update on NIMA College--Robert Kirsch
4-Update on Metadata Materials Grants--Jeff Hamerlinck
5-Nature of UCGIS Participation(if any) in the National Conference on GIS in Education--Richard Wright
6-Nature of Education Committee Involvement at Summer Assembly-- Richard Wright
7-Other Topics

Membership Committee

2:00 - 4:00
Policy and Legislation Committee
Committee on Committees

3:00 - 5:00
Research Management Committee
Assembly Program Committee

4:00 - 6:00
Research Committee (to be held in Lynn Usery's suite)
Based on the discussion from the 1999 Summer Assembly in Minnesota, we will:

  1. begin to establish a plan for refining (redefining) the UCGIS research challenges;
  2. plan the Research Committee part of the program for the Summer 2000 Assembly in Oregon.

Other Ad-Hoc Committee Meetings to be scheduled and announced as appropriate

7:00 pm
Dinner at local restaurant. Informal gathering.


9:00 - 12:00 noon
Open time for UCGIS members to visit Congressional offices. Materials will be prepared for distribution to the Congressional offices and talking points will be provided. Pick up packets on Sunday at the Capitol Hill Suites or Monday morning at the Capitol Hill Club.

9:00 - 12:00 noon
UCGIS Board of Directors Meeting (Board members and committee chairs)
Capitol Hill Club, 300 1st Street, S.E., Washington D.C. (Capitol South Metro Stop)

1:00 - 4:00

UCGIS Council Business Meeting

Capitol Hill Club, 300 1st Street, S.E., Washington D.C. (Capitol South Metro Stop)

Among the agenda items include committee reports, elections, voting on new members, consideration of re-applications of current members, new business, etc.

According to the UCGIS by-laws, "the name of the current Vice-President automatically shall be the sole nomination provided by the nominating committee for President". Normally, the Council elects two Directors to the Board of Directors. In addition, this year a third Director will be elected to fill the remainder of Nina Lam's term. Nina Lam is currently at NSF.

The nominating committee has presented the following slate of candidates for office. The committee has nominated one candidate for Vice-President (President-Elect). Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by five delegates. The Executive Director ( should receive petitions at least two weeks before election so the additional nominations may be sent out to the membership.

Candidates for Office:
William Huxhold

Vice-President (President-Elect)
Harlan Onsrud - home page

Board of Directors:
Elect two for a term of three years
Elect one for a term of one year

Jeff Hammerlinck - home page
Stephen Hirtle - home page
Bob McMaster - home page
Harvey Miller - home page
Zorica Nedovic - home page, CV
May Yuan - home page


Capitol Hill Club, 300 1st Street, S.E., Washington D.C. (Capitol South Metro Stop)

9:00 - 12:00 noon

Showcase of GIScience Research Projects

  1. Project personnel from six selected projects involving UCGIS universities will present 20 minute highlight talks on GI science research or demonstration projects.
  2. Presentation of UCGIS vision for further scientific advancement

Selected projects include:

9:00-9:30 a.m.
The Tijuana River Watershed Project
Dr. Richard Wright, Geography, San Diego State and Ms. Nina Garfield, NOAA
Funding Sources: NOAA,USGS, FEMA, EPA

9:30-10:00 a.m.
Optimal Police Enforcement Allocation: A Socio-Economic Model of Criminal Behavior
Drs. Rajan Batta and Christopher Rump, SUNY-Buffalo
Funding Source: National Institute of Justice

10:00-10:30 a.m.
Spatial Similarity Searching
Dr. Max Egenhofer, Spatial Information Engineering, Univ of Maine
Funding Source: Airforce Research Laboratory/NSF/NIMA

10:30-11:00 a.m.
Urban Risks - Urban Solutions
Dr. Lyna Wiggins, Rutgers University
Federal Funding Sources: FEMA, DOE, EPA and NJ state agencies (Environ, Police and Planning)

11:00-11:30 a.m.
Lake Superior Decision Support System
Dr. George Host, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota - Duluth
Funding Sources: EPA / MN Dept of Natural Resources

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Gigalopolis: Urban Growth Predictions at Regional, Continental, and Global Scales
Dr. Keith Clarke, Geography, Univ of California - Santa Barbara
Funding Sources: USGS, State of California, NSF


1:00 - 4:00

Dialogues w/ Federal Funding Agency Representatives

Representatives from six federal government agencies will present: The URLs listed by each speaker's name provide information about their organization and/or funding opportunities. UCGIS members will learn much about these agencies by visiting these sites.


1:00 U.S. Department of Transportation
K. Thirumalai, Chief Engineer of Research, Office of Research, Innovation, & Education

1:25 National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Richard Berg, Science Advisor and Chief, Advanced Research and Development

1:50 U.S. Geological Survey
John A. Kelmelis, Associate Chief of Science, National Mapping Division

2:15 National Science Foundation
Nina Lam, Program Director, Geography and Regional Science Program

2:35 Department of Housing and Urban Development
Victor Ruben, Director, Office of University Partnerships
David Nystrom, Senior Information Technology Advisor, Administrative Office

3:00 National Cancer Institute, National Institues of Health
Linda Pickle, Senior Mathematical Statistician, SRP, DCCPS

3:25 Open session for UCGIS researchers to talk one-on-one with agency personnel

Contact info. for Federal Agency speakers (same order as presentation)

K. Thirumalai
Chief Engineer of Research
U.S. Department of Transportation
Research and Special Programs Administration
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590
tel 202-366-0375

Richard Berg
Senior Scientist
Advanced Research and Development
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
4600 Sangamore Road, Mail Stop D-82
Bethesda, MD. 20816
tel 301-227-7471

John A. Kelmelis
National Mapping Division
US Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.
MS 516
Reston, VA 20192
tel (703) 648-6133

Nina Lam, PhD, Program Director
Geography and Regional Science Program
Behavioral & Cognitive Sciences Division
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 995
Arlington, VA 22230
tel: (703) 306-1754
fax: (703) 306-0485

Victor Rubin, Ph.D.
Office of University Partnerships
Office of Policy Development and Research
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street SW, Room 8106
Washington, DC 20410
tel 202-708-3061, Ex 5746
fax: 202.708.0309

David Nystrom
Senior Information Technology Advisor
Administrative Office, Headquarters
451 7th St. SW
Washington, DC 20410
202 708-2268 x2046

Linda Williams Pickle, Ph.D.
Senior Mathematical Statistician
Surveillance Research Program
6130 Executive Blvd., Rm. 211E
Bethesda, MD 20892
tel 301-402-9344


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Congressional Reception

Reception highlighting the research projects (posters), programs and personnel of UCGIS universities (again, held at the Capitol Hill Club, 300 1st Street, S.E., Washington D.C.)
Invited to the reception are members of Congress, Congressional staff, federal agency representatives, representatives from affiliated organizations, and others interested in GI Science.



Posters are being prepared for display at the UCGIS meeting sessions. These posters are in addition to displays that are being prepared for the evening reception. If you prepared a poster last year and left it with Susan Jampoler, the poster will be brought to the meeting for you. If your university did not previously prepare a poster or you would like to prepare a new poster please note the following.

Your poster should provide a general impression of your research and teaching programs or give a general impression of your university - a view from an existing campus poster might be appropriate or perhaps you could make a 22" by 34" collage of GIS maps, views of research labs, teaching, etc. The final product should not exceed 2' x 3'. Two smaller side panels are reserved for standard sheets containing the name of your university. Perhaps these side panels of 1' x 3' might also contain additional material. Use your imagination. We will spray glue whatever you send us to the display. Your poster materials should arrive by January 24th. Send posters to Suzy Jampoler, 43351 Sprinks Ferry Rd., Leesburg, VA 20176.



Each university will have a space approximately 4' deep by 10' wide to display its university research. Your space will be equipped with two 4' wide by 8' high connected poster panels on which to place your graphics (i.e., 8' by 8' of wall space in a slightly inward V shape). The graphics can be attached with velcro or pins. UCGIS will be covering the costs of these display boards as part of the rental fee for the facility. If you desire, you may bring your own display wall. Any computer, projection, TV requirements will be at the expense of the university. I can arrange those items. You will need to let me know if you need electrical connections.

Name of University:

Name of Delegate/Contact in Charge of Display:



Postal Address:

Do you need display panels supplied?Yes    No  

If bringing your own display, do you need a table to set it on?Yes    No  

Special Requirements:
Electrical Equipment? (there will be a charge)
Yes    No  
Computer Equipment? (there will be a charge)Yes    No  
Computer Projector? (there will be a charge)Yes    No  

Other Comments/Concerns:


Your responses will be sent to:
Susan McDonald Jampoler
Executive Director UCGIS
43351 Spinks Ferry Rd.
Leesburg, VA 20176-5631
703 779-7980 (o)
888 850-8533 (o)
703 771-1635 (fax)


Hotel Accomodations

Hotel Accommodations have been arranged at the Capitol Hill Suites.

200 C Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

One block from the Capitol Hill Club where all meetings will be held
Near all Congressional Offices
One block from the Capitol South Metro Station on the Blue Line

Efficiency Suites
Includes a queen bed, sitting area and small Pullman kitchen
Includes continental breakfast

$115 per night plus 14.5% tax
Parking: Valet only
$20 per day

National Airport (on the Metro Blue Line)
Dulles Airport
Baltimore Washington Airport

Contact the Capitol Hill Suites directly 202 543-6000
Ask for In-house reservations
Mention the UCGIS Group for the above rate.
Room rate will be guaranteed through January 7, 2000


Congressional Correspondence

  1. Notes for Lead Delegate - lead_delegate_letter.rtf
  2. First Letter - first_letter.rtf
  3. Followup Letter - second_letter.rtf
  4. Phone Script, for calls to be placed on or about 1/17/20 - phone_script.rtf