Davey Jones Locker Lab,
Oregon State University, Last update: September 16, 2007
Public Outreach Materials funded by NOAA Coral Reef Grant
October, 2006
FBNMS Brochure:
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4
Large FBNMS Poster
OSU Benthic Terrain Workshop at
American Samoa Community College
September 20-21, 2004
Presented by Emily Larkin and Dr. Dawn Wright, Oregon State University Davey
Jones Locker Seafloor Mapping & GIS Laboratory
Sponsored by ASCC, AS CZM, AS DMWR, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Special thanks to Dave Kulberg, Josh Murphy, and Troy Curry
Photo Gallery (click on photos to view at larger size)
Photos from Upolu, Samoa (click on photos to view at larger size)
Participant List (xls)
Workshop Flyer (ppt)
Module Data (4.3 Mb, zip)
Data List (doc)
contact us about obtaining the Ikonos satellite image.
Fledermaus data file - FBNMS
Fledermaus data - Revelle
Fledermaus (iView3D) download
Answers to Exercises (doc)
Exercises Designed for ArcGIS 9.0-9.1 and now use the Benthic Terrain Modeler
Monday, 9/20 - Downloads
Early Morning - Dawn - Intro to workshop and seafloor mapping techniques (ppt)
Late Morning - Emily - Module 1: Exploring the Reefs
12:00-1:00 - Lunch
Early Afternoon - Dawn - GIS terrain analysis (ppt)
Late Afternoon - Emily - Module 2: Benthic Classifications
Tuesday, 9/21 - Downloads
Early Morning - Emily - Module 3: Spatial and 3D Analyst w/Bathymetry Data (including hypothetical MPA)
Morning - Dawn & Josh Murphy - Benthic Terrain Modeler (BTM) tool and Demo
Late Morning - Emily -
American Samoa Benthic Terrain Viewer (ASBTV) (ppt)
ArcIMS site
Link to draft of AS Bibliographic Tool
12:00-1:30 Lunch, Wrapup with Dave Kulberg
AS GIS User Group Presentation (ppt)
M.S. Thesis of Emily Larkin:
Larkin, E., Geographic Information Systems for Coral Reef Conservation, Capacity Building, and Public Education in American Samoa, M.S. Thesis, Corvallis,
OR, Oregon State University, Call # LD4330 2005 .L36, Download.
Photo montage in header courtesy of National Marine Sanctuary System and Kip Evans, National Geographic Society
This material is based upon work supported by the NOAA Coastal Services
Center GIS Integration & Development Program under Grant No. NA03NOS4730014,
the NOAA Fisheries Habitat Conservation Program Office under Grant No. NA05NMF4631048, and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0074635