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GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) GIS is considered by most to be the best open source GIS program to date.  It is fully featured with the ability to do complex analysis, which the other two programs discussed in this website have not been able to accomplish.  GRASS GIS is able to run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX operating systems.  The program is also being widely used by educational institutions, governments and businesses around the world.  The latest release of GRASS can perform the following functions:



The article summary below will help you to better understand GRASS GIS from a user’s perspective in a real world situation.


Article Summary about GRASS GIS


Authors: Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.

Title: Open Source GIS for Small Businesses in the Atlantic Provinces: A Software Review

Website and Date of Article: Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (May 2005)

Data Site Accessed: August 4, 2006


            This article discussed three major open source GIS programs:  GRASS GIS, Quantum GIS, and Mapserver Web GIS.  This summary will concern the authors’ review of GRASS GIS.  The authors installed and ran GRASS GIS on Ubuntu Linux for their review.  The authors noted that this latest release of GRASS included a very basic GUI, which made it easier to work with, but sometimes got in the way of performing command line operations that are the heart of GRASS GIS. 

            In reference to GRASS GIS’s analysis tools, the authors noted it had very sophisticated tools for analysis, but lacked some of the basic tools of cartography, like being able to create basic maps and layouts.  Quantum GIS was found to work well with GRASS GIS as a front end program.

            Dislikes with the program by the authors included its ugly GUI and hard to find documentation concerning the newest release.  Novice users were not recommended to try GRASS GIS as the authors felt it had a steep learning curve, due to its command line roots and its complexity of tools.  Experienced GIS users would probably consider GRASS to work well for many of their purposes.


More Information on GRASS GIS


If you would like to find out more about GRASS GIS, feel free to click on the following link:  The link is to the GRASS website, where you can find tons of documentation and help concerning this program.


You can also click on the following link to see screenshots of GRASS in action.



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