Open Source GIS

Website Author:  Travis Matthews




This site has been created as part of an annotated bibliography of Open Source GIS applications and operating systems for Dr. Dawn Wright’s GEO 565 course.  There are hardly any scholarly articles on specific open source GIS software.  There are, however, many information sites and lesser journal articles concerning open source GIS programs.


This site hopes to serve as an aid and central gathering point for the person who is using the Linux operating system and interested in utilizing GIS software on that platform.


There are literally hundreds of open source GIS programs that can be found on the Internet.  This site will look at four of the most popular ones.  They are listed below and just click on each one to be taken to a page discussing each individually.  Each one will be discussed on what GIS capabilities each possess.  Also, when available, review articles will be summarized that critique each.  Links to screenshots of each program in action will be given, as well as where one can find more information about each program.



Quantum GIS




Linux Operating Systems and GIS 

There are over a thousand different versions of Linux-based operating systems that can be downloaded for free from the Internet.  However, there are only a few that are stable enough to handle GIS applications. 


The top two Linux operating systems, as rated by are Ubuntu and Suse.  There are many more Linux variations that can be found on  If you would like to learn more about them or download and try them out you are encouraged to click on the following link.


A new Live CD version of Linux with pre-installed GIS software included has recently been released.  It is called GIS Knoppix and information about this program and reviews concerning it can be found on the following links.


Where To Find More Information On Open Source GIS Software


The following links provide excellent resources on where to find many open source GIS programs and information about them.




If you have any questions or comments concerning this site feel free to email the author. 


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Site Created by:  Travis Matthews (8/22/06)