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Research: [ Process to Formulate Agenda | Summary of Research Agenda | White Papers ]

Setting the UCGIS Research Priorities

In 1996, the UCGIS established its initial set of Research Priorities. UCGIS member institutions nominated up to five topics each, and about 80 topics were proposed, each applicable to national needs. Two-page descriptions of all topics were placed on the world-wide web for consideration by members, and a research committee grouped the topics into 17 themes.

For a more detailed description of the process and proposed topics, see Process to Create the Agenda

In June, scholars representing most of the UCGIS member institutions attended the first UCGIS Summer Assembly in Columbus, Ohio. Break-out groups refined the themes and built consensus, and a straw poll confirmed the following 10 topics as the 1996 UCGIS Research Priorities. These Research Priorities will be promoted over the next year, especially to the public and private sectors. An article describing the process and summarizing the 10 research priorities has been prepared for the CAGIS journal, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. Click here to read this summary paper.

White Papers have been prepared on each of the 10 research topics. The purpose of each paper is to describe the research area, say why it is important and what benefits would result, and provide specific proposed research topics along with an estimate of how long it would take to complete work on each.

Last updated on April 2, 2000