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Membership: [ Current Members | Membership Criteria | Application Procedure | Portfolio Guidelines | Dues and Fees ]

1. Membership in the UCGIS requires the support of the senior administration of the applicant's institution. Applications must include a letter of support from the president, provost, or comparable administrator recognizing the institution's financial obligation to the UCGIS.
2. Applicants must submit a description of how their institution will fulfill/contribute to the mission statement of the UCGIS. A portfolio containing information on Research and Related Activities, Teaching and Curriculum, Laboratories, Multidisciplinary Connections, and Staff Resources will be used for admission. The UCGIS recognizes that the scope and mission of institutions vary greatly, and that their ability to provide portfolio information will vary accordingly.

Application Procedure

pplications are normally due April 30 and December 15 for review by the Membership Committee. The UCGIS council votes on membership applications at its Summer Retreat and at the Winter Business Meeting, normally held in Washington, DC. Membership becomes effective immediately after a vote to accept. New members may particate fully in the rest of the council meeting.

The portfolio should be submitted via the World Wide Web. Separate pages should describe: research and related activities; teaching and curriculum; laboratories; multidisciplinary connections; and staff resources.

A formal letter of application from a senior administrator should provide the URL address of the portfolio, along with the names and email addresses of the two delegates plus any alternates. This letter is sent to the Executive Director.

Last updated on November 24, 2000.