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Membership: [ Current Members | Membership Criteria | Application Procedure | Portfolio Guidelines | Dues and Fees ]

Membership Criteria

Membership in the UCGIS is open to academic and research organizations and institutions with programs and missions consistent with the purposes of the UCGIS as set forth in Articles II and III of the bylaws. Members should (a) have goals and purposes consistient with the purposes of the UCGIS and (b) agree to pay dues and fees as specified by the UCGIS Council.

The following is a complete list of classes of membership:
Regular Membership: Colleges and universities, national laboratories, professional societies, and other non-profit organizations. Allowed full participation in all UCGIS activities, including voting.
Multi-campus Members: This membership category is identical to the regular member category. It offers a means for smaller campuses to join together to reach a criticial mass of resources to qualify for membership.
Affiliate Members: Corporate Affiliate members are for-profit organizations that are allowed full participation in all UCGIS activities, except for voting and holding office.
University Affiliate members are foreign colleges & universities that are allowed full participation in all UCGIS activities, except for voting and holding office.
Government Affiliate members are identified as having a separate line item in the Federal Budget. They participate in various UCGIS activities as advisors and observers. Rights restricted to avoid conflict of interest.

Last updated on November 24, 2000.