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About UCGIS: [ Introduction | Purpose | Multidisciplinary | UCGIS Articles | UCGIS Bylaws | History ]
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During the last decade rapid growth has occurred in the field of geographic information. With this growth have come diverse notions concerning which direction the field should take. To ensure that a coherent view emerges, a broad representation of universities and professional associations have come together to form the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).

The UCGIS has Three Primary Purposes:

To serve as an effective, unified voice for the geographic information science research community;
To foster multidisciplinary research and education; and
To promote the informed and responsible use of geographic information science and geographic analysis for the benefit of society.

The UCGIS Will:

UNIFY Provide ongoing research priorities for advancing theory and methods in Geographic Information Science.
Assess the current and potential contributions of GIS to national scientific and public policy issues.
FACILITATE Expand and strengthen Geographic Information Science education at all levels.
Provide the organizational infrastructure to foster collaborative interdisciplinary research in Geographic Information Science.
Promote the ethical use of and access to geographic information.
Foster Geographic Information Science and analysis in support of such national needs as:

Maintaining world leadership in basic science, mathematics, and engineering;
The National Spatial Data Infrastructure;
Global environmental quality and the effect of global change;
Efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in all levels of government;
Improving democratic participation;
Monitoring public safety, public health, and environmental pollution.

Last updated on June 1, 1997.