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UCGIS Winter Meeting Successful

Leesburg, February 9, 2000

The winter meeting of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science held February 7-8, 2000, in Washington, D.C., was very successful.

The UCGIS council met on Monday, February 7th. Among the agenda items were the admission of new members. The University of Pennsylvania was admitted. The U.S. Geological Survey became an affiliate member. Membership Chair, Carolyn Merry of Ohio State University, announced that several other universities are preparing applications.

Election of officers was held.

Four new grants were awarded by UCGIS to member universities in 1999:

In addition, Max Egenhofer, Chair of the Research Projects Committee, from the University of Maine, announced a new RFP would be forthcoming shortly.

UCGIS hosted three events for Congress and federal agencies on Tuesday the 8th. On Tuesday morning, six member universities showcased GI Science research projects. Over sixty people attended the meeting, including Congressmen Jack Quinn (New York 30th), James Oberstar (Minnesota 8th) and Rush Holt (New Jersey 12th). Each of the Congressmen spoke to the audience about the importance of GI Science research and education in meeting the needs of communities. The impact of GI Science research was demonstrated throughout the six projects.

The afternoon session featured six representatives from federal agencies who described research opportunities to UCGIS members. Speakers emphasized that most funding opportunities stressed the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.

At the evening reception, sixteen UCGIS member institutions displayed their GI Science agendas. Congressman Brian Bilbray (California 49th) visited the reception. Other guests included senior members of the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Departments of State and Housing and Urban Development.

For more information contact:

Susan McDonald Jampoler

Executive Director, UCGIS

43351 Spinks Ferry Road

Leesburg, VA 20176

(703) 779-7980