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Journal Articles Published About UCGIS Activities

Buttenfield, B.P., Delivering geospatial data: The future of the spatial information infrastructure, Geo Info Systems, 7 (6), 18, 20-21, 1997. (Academic Pursuits column)

Cova, T., When all hell breaks loose: Firestorm evacuation analysis and planning with GIS, GISCafe.com, August. (UCGIS applications challenge)

Cova, T., Letter to NY Times, 2000.

Craig, W.J., and D.D. Johnson, Maximizing GIS benefits to society, Geo Info Systems, 7 (3), 14-15, 18, 1997.

Dobson, J.E., GIS research community seeks stronger voice, GIS World, 7 (5), 1994.

Dobson, J.E., Defining the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, GIS World, 8 (3), 44, 46, 1995.

Dobson, J.E., UCGIS promotes research priorities, GIS World, 10 (7), 54-55, 1997.

Doyle, A., and G. Elmes, Picking up a few more Geodata Forum threads, Geo Info Systems, 9 (9), 58, 1999

Elmes, G.A., Cross-cutting the UCGIS challenges in geographic information science: Reviews of essential progress and vision in major application domains, URISA Journal, 12(2), 4-5, 2000.

Getis, A., P. Drumy, J. Gartin, W. Gorr, K. Hrries, P. Rogerson, D. Stoe, and R. Wright, Geographic information science and crime analysis, URISA Journal, 12(2), 7-14, 2000.

Goodchild, M.F., Uncertainty: The Achilles heel of GIS?, Geo Info Systems, 8 (11), 50-52, 1998. (Academic Pursuits column)

Kemp, K., Update: GIS certification, Geospatial Solutions, 10 (11): 14, 2000. (NewsBytes column)

Kemp, K., and R. Wright, UCGIS identifies GIScience education priorities, Geo Info Systems, 7 (9), 16-18, 20, 1997.

Macey, S., GIS Education: From the top down and the bottom up, Geo Info Systems, 7 (4), 16-17, 1997.

Nedovic-Budic, Z., Geographic information science implications for urban and regional planning, URISA Journal, 12(2), 81-93, 2000.

Radke, J., T. Cova, M.F. Sheridan, A. Troy, L. Mu, and R. Johnson, Application challenges for geographic information science: Implications for research, education, and policy in emergency preparedness and response, URISA Journal, 12(2), 15-30, 2000.

Rushton, G., G. Elmes, and R. McMaster, Considerations for improving geographic information system research in public health, URISA Journal, 12(2), 31-50, 2000.

Somers, R., Defining the GIS profession and debating certification and regulation, Geo Info Systems, 10 (5), 22, 24-26, 28-29, 2000.

Staff, University GIS consortium founded, GIS World, 8 (2), 1995.

UCGIS (via R. McMaster), Research priorities for geographic information science, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 23 (3), 115-127, 1996.

Usery, L., UCGIS: Research in geographic information science, Directions Magazine, online only at www.directionsmag.com, July, 2, 2000.

Wiggins, L., K. Deuker, J. Ferreira, C. Merry, Z. Peng, and B. Spear, Application challenges for geographic information science: Implications for research, education and policy for transportation planning and management, URISA Journal, 12(2), 51-59, 2000.

Wilson, J.P., H. Mitasova, and D. Wright, Water resource applications of geographic information systems, URISA Journal, 12(2), 61-79, 2000.

Wright, D.J., "Virtual" seminars in GIS: Academic future or flash in the pan?, Geo Info Systems, 6 (3), 22, 24-26, 1999. (Academic Pursuits column)

Last updated on November 12, 2000.