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University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Individual Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Physical Geography and Marine Geology
Advisor: Dr. Raymond C. Smith
Dissertation Title: "From Pattern to Process on the Deep Ocean Floor: A Geographic Information System Approach"
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Thesis Title: "The Nature of the Northern Terminus of the Tonga Trench, Southwest Pacific"
Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
Geology (cum laude)
Certified GIS Professional (GISP), GIS Certification Institute, #22933, Renewed Certification 8/25/22 to 8/25/25
Fellow National, Explorers Club, #7453, 2013-present
National Academy of Sciences (class of 2021)
National Academy of Engineering (class of 2023)
American Academy of Arts & Sciences (class of 2021)
GEOGRAPHY - Geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis; marine geography; informatics and cyberinfrastructure; geographic information science (GISci) in higher education.
MARINE GEOLOGY - Benthic terrain characterization of coral reefs; processing, production, visualization, and interpretation of seafloor maps based on multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, towed camera imagery, and submersible observations; marine data modeling and ocean metadata, ontologies, vocabularies, informatics, cyberinfrastructure.
2024: Selection as a U.S. Science Envoy for Ocean Sustainability, U.S. Department of State, Office of Science and Technology Cooperation | Esri Press Release | Twitter | Instagram
2024: Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Earth Science, UCSB
2024: Friend of the Planet Award, National Center for Science Education (NCSE)
2024: The Independent (London media/news outlet) Climate 100 List
2024: Atlas.co Top GIS Voices of 2024 (“most interesting and inspiring GIS experts in the GIS and mapping community”)
2024: Black History Month Proclamation, Redlands City Council
2023: Lifetime Achievement Award and 100th Woman of Discovery Fellow, WINGS WorldQuest (now WINGS Women of Discovery)
2023: Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Hall of Fame, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) | Citation
2023: Election to the National Academy of Engineering | Citation
2021: Election to the National Academy of Sciences | Citation
2021: Election to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences | Citation
2021: GreenBiz 25 BadAxx Women Shaping Climate Action in 2021
2021: Fellow of The Oceanography Society (TOS)
2021: The Explorers Club Inaugural Class of Explorers Club 50 and
(in Forbes)
Fifty People Changing the World that You Need Know About
George Davidson Medal, American Geographical Society
("For exceptional achievement in research and exploration in the Pacific Ocean or the lands bordering therein.")
2020: Ocean Innovation Award, Alta Sea at the Port of Los Angeles
2020: Fellow of the American Association of Geographers
2020: Commencement Speaker, UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
2019: Geosciences Innovator Award, Texas A&M University College of Geosciences
("For an inspiring records of accomplishment combined with Esri's global platform to communicate, educate and advocate for a healthier and more sustainable planet")
2018: Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences
2018: Society of Extraordinary Women Science and Innovations Extraordinary Leaders Award
("For exemplary leadership and transformational effect in your community, in your industry, and throughout the world." [includes citation from Mayor of Riverside])
2018: H. Burr Steinbach Scholar At-Large (across all disciplines), MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering
2018: Invitation by OSU President Ed Ray to deliver 2019 Commencement Address (respectfully declined due to scheduling conflict)
2017: 18th Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture Award, National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
2017: Inspiring Leaders of STEM Award, INSIGHT Into Diversity
2017: NSF EarthCube Community Service Award, EarthCube All-Hands Meeting, Seattle
2016: Fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA)
2015: Leptoukh Lecture Award, Earth and Space Science Informatics Section, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
("For achievement in computational sciences, data sciences, and
informatics leading to, or enabling, advances in domain science.")
2015: Randolph W. "Bill" and Cecile T. Bromery Award for Minorities,
Geological Society of America
("For significant contributions to research in the geological sciences, or those who have been instrumental in opening the geoscience field to other minorities.")
2013: Distinguished Teaching Honors, Association of American Geographers (AAG) (award ltr)
("AAG Honors are the highest awards offered by the AAG [and] remains among
the most prestigious awards in American geography … since 1951.”)
2013: Waldo Tobler Distinguished Lecture in GIScience, AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group
2013: R.J. Russell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Marine Geography, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group
2013: Election to Explorers Club, Member #7453, Fellow National (as nominated by Don Walsh and Sylvia Earle)
2012: AAG Presidential Achievement Award (on YouTube)
2011: 12th Annual Dangermond Lecture, Department of Geography, UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
2011: Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow, Woods Institute of the Environment, Stanford University
2011: Higher Education Distinguished Teacher Award, National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)
2011: Election to The Society of Woman Geographers (SWG)
2010: Finalist, Loyd Carter Award for Outstanding and Inspirational Undergraduate Teaching, College of Science, OSU
2008: Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
UCSB link
2007: Oregon Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
2007: Commencement Speaker, UCSB Division of Science and Mathematics, June 16th
2007: Raymond C. Smith Distinguished Alumni Award, UC-Santa Barbara Department of Geography
2007: Role Model for OSU Athletes and Young Women in Oregon, OSU Athletics Department and University Advancement, January 19th
2007: Finalist, Loyd Carter Award for Outstanding and Inspirational Undergraduate Teaching, College of Science, OSU
2006: OABA Education Award, Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs
2006: Web Award of Excellence, to GEO/OC 103, Exploring the Deep..., by StudySphere.com
2005: Milton Harris Award for Excellence in Basic Research, OSU College of Science
2004: Fulbright Grant to Ireland, Senior Specialists Program in Information Technology, University College Cork, Coastal and Marine Resources Centre.
2002: Web Award, Listing of GEO 465/565, Geographic Information Systems, as "Best GIS Site" by About.com
2001: Excellence in Mentoring Award, OSU College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.
1999: Biography featured in Portraits of Great American Scientists, edited by 1988 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Leon M. Lederman, and Judith Scheppler of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, published by Prometheus Books.
1999: Woman of the Year in Education; selected by Clarity Magazine, a Guideposts publication for women.
1999: Outstanding Professor Award, OSU University Honors College.
1999: Invited presentation at TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) 9, a prestigious, "wildly eclectic conference of remarkable thinkers and doers," Monterey, CA.
1998: Excellence in Mentoring Award, OSU College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.
1997: U.S. Fellow, RIDGE/Nordic Volcanological Institute Summer School on Active Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges, Lake Myvatn, Iceland.
1996: U.S. Fellow, International Young Scholar's Summer Institute in Geographic Information, Berlin, Germany.
1995: Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER; formerly the Presidential Young Investigator Award), National Science Foundation.
("NSF's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.")
1995: UCSB Graduate Division Commencement Speaker Competition, Finalist.
1993-1994: Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, National Research Council.
1990-1993: University of California President's Fellowship.
1991: Environmental Systems Research Institute Student Assistantship.
1987: Phi Kappa Phi.
1983-1985: Texas A&M University Minority Merit Fellowship.
1980-1984: American Geological Institute Scholarships & American Geophysical Union "Sea Scholar" Designations.
1983: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Honorable Mention.
1982: National Dean's List.
1982: Wheaton College Alumni Association Senior Scholarship for "Outstanding Christian Character, Citizenship, Contribution to Campus Life and Grade Point Average."
1979: Robert H. Ogle Scholarship, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, for "Outstanding Proficiency in Athletics Combined with Excellence in Scholarship."
Courtesy Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Chief Scientist, Esri, Redlands, California.
Professor, Away on Leave to Esri.
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Department of Geosciences (moved to College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences in 2011), Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Sabbatical #2, 12/17/08 to 12/15/08.
Associate Professor
Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Indefinite Tenure granted 9/16/99
Sabbatical #1, 12/16/00 to 12/15/01.
Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Post-doctoral Research Associate
NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Lab, Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon.
Graduate Student Researcher
Marine Science Institute and National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).
Marine Laboratory Specialist (Marine Technician)
Logistics and Technical Support, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Graduate Research Assistant
Science Operations, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Geography, Geographic Information Systems & Science (Intro. and Intermediate GIS), Instructor, every winter, 1996-2011.
Geography, Responsible GIS Practice (GIS Ethics), Instructor, fall, winter, 2010-2011.
Geography, Advanced Applications of GIS in the Geosciences, Instructor, every spring, 1997-2011.
Geography, Special Topics Seminars in Geographic Information Science, Instructor, occasional, 1998-2011.
Geography, GIS Practicuum, Instructor, every fall, 1996-2003.
Geography, ProSeminar in Geography, Instructor, every winter, 2004-2006.
Geology/Geography, Exploring the Deep: Geography of the World's Oceans, Instructor, every spring, 1997-2011.
Geography, Remote Sensing, occasional Guest Lecturer.
Oceanography, Ocean Research Frontiers, occasional Guest Lecturer.
Geography/Geology, Great Women of Science, Instructor, Fall 2002, 2003.
Geography, Virtual Seminar in Geographic Information Science, Instructor, Fall 1998, Fall 2002, & Fall 2005.
First Year Experience Program, OSU Odyssey, Instructor, Fall 1998.
Geography, Seminar: Geographic Research, Instructor, Spring 1997 and 1998.
Geography, Earth Information Sciences & Technology Seminar, Instructor, Winter 1996.
Geology, General Oceanography, Co-Instructor, Fall 2001.
General Science, Women in Science: An Interdisciplinary Seminar, Instructor, Fall 2001.
Geology, Introduction to Oceanography, Teaching Assistant, Winter 1994.
Geography, Navigation, Teaching Assistant, Spring 1992.
Geography Physical Geography of the World's Oceans, Teaching Assistant, Fall 1991.
DSSV PRESSURE DROP - Caladan Oceanic, Ring of Fire Expedition, Part III -
DSV Limiting Factor submersible investigation and record-breaking
sidescan sonar survey within the Western Pool of Challenger Deep,
Mariana Trench. Mission specialist on Limiting Factor Dive #115. Expedition also included dives to the Yap Trench and Palau Trench, and accompanying
EM-124 shipboard bathymetric surveys. Apra, Guam to Koror, Palau.
Press Release 1 |
Press Release 2 |
Expedition Hub |
DiverNet article |
Nature article |
Mongabay article |
ArcUser |
ArcNews |
The New Deeps short film by Verola Media |
Esri Short Film |
CBS Saturday Morning |
CBS Mornings |
NBC LX News Interview |
AccuWeather Interview |
StoryMap |
Interactive 3D Web Scenes |
Hawaii News Now podcast |
"Ask a Scientist" Hollywood YouTube |
Inaugural Ocean Exploration Day |
Special Report to Esri Support Services |
Redlands Forum "Town-n-Gown" Lecture |
Rolling in the Deep (Parley.tv Instagram) |
The Dirt on Earth Podcast |
The Science "Pawdcast" |
NPR Short Wave
OPB Think Out Loud |
OSU Marston Lecture
| Discover Magazine 1
| Discover Magazine 2
| Daily Astorian
| UNILAD (UK viral content for youth)
| Connecticut NPR (Audacious)
| Hawai'i Sea Grant Ka Pili Kai Magazine
All Initial Challenger Deep Press
Nicole Yamase (and Marie Tharp!) on Vox Unexplainable
R/V KA'IMIKAI-O-KANALOA - Hawaii Undersea Research Lab (HURL) Cruise KOK0510, Benthic Habitats of American Samoa - Pisces V submersible investigation of deep corals on Taema Bank and Fagatele Bay and Canyon, Tutuila, American Samoa. Chief-Scientist and Pisces science observer on Dives P5-648 and P5-650. Pago Pago, American Samoa.
R/V REVELLE - Drift Expedition Leg 10 - EM 120 shallow- and deepwater-multibeam bathymetric survey of flanks surrounding Tutuila, American Samoa. Co-PI. Pago Pago, American Samoa.
Survey boat (30-ft) of the American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources - Kongsberg/Simrad EM-3000 multibeam bathymetric surveys of the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (FBNMS) and Pago Pago Harbor, island of Tutuila, American Samoa, funded by NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program, NOAA National Ocean Service Office of Special Projects, and bathymetric surveying services contracted to Professor David Naar's group, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida. Pago Pago, American Samoa.
R/V MELVILLE - Sojourn Leg 2 - ARGO II and AMX/DSL 120 survey of the axial zone of the superfast-spreading East Pacific Rise, 17° to 18°S. Watchleader. Papeete, Tahiti to Hanga Roa, Easter Island.
R/V MELVILLE - Boomerang Leg 8 - Dredging, Sea Beam 2000, magnetics, gravity, and single-channel seismics at the Tonga Forearc and Trench, 14° to 28° S. ODP Site Survey. Co-chief scientist in charge of Sea Beam processing and interpretation, underway geophysics. Suva, Fiji to Pago Pago, American Samoa.
R/V ATLANTIS II. ALVIN submersible investigation of the 1993 eruption site on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, 45-46° N. ALVIN science observer on Dive 2990 to the Flow site of the CoAxial segment and GIS specialist in charge of producing pre-dive maps of fine-scale seafloor features and post-dive maps of ALVIN dive tracks. Initial shakedown cruise for Autonomous Benthic Explorer (ABE), Astoria, Oregon to Astoria, Oregon.
R/V ATLANTIS II. ALVIN submersible investigation of the hydrothermal vent fields and 1993 eruption site on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, 45-46° N. ALVIN science observer on Dive 2951 to the Floc site of the CoAxial segment and GIS specialist in charge of producing pre-dive maps of fine-scale seafloor features and post-dive maps of ALVIN dive tracks and sample stations. Astoria, Oregon to Astoria, Oregon.
R/V MELVILLE - Sea Beam 2000, MR-1 side-scan sonar, and gravity investigations of the Southern East Pacific Rise, 16° to 23° S, including off-axis "gravity rolls" at 16° to 19° S. Watchleader. Presided as Davey Jones over Equator Crossing Proceedings. Acapulco, Mexico to Hanga Roa, Easter Island.
R/V ATLANTIS II - ADVENTURE II. ALVIN submersible investigation of hydrothermal vent fields and 1991 eruption site on the Northern East Pacific Rise, 9° to 10° N. GIS technician in charge of producing pre-dive maps of fine-scale hydrothermal and biological features and post-dive maps of ALVIN dive tracks and sample stations; general computer technician in charge of data archiving and electronic mail transfer. Acapulco, Mexico to Acapulco, Mexico.
R/V ATLANTIS II - ADVENTURE I. ALVIN submersible expedition to the Northern East Pacific Rise, 9° to 10° N, in support of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) bare-rock drilling. Hydrothermal vent field investigation, discovery of fresh lava eruptions. ALVIN observer on Dive 2370 and GIS technician in charge of producing pre-dive maps of fine-scale seafloor features and post-dive maps of ALVIN dive tracks and sample stations. Manzanillo, Mexico to Manzanillo, Mexico.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 128. Evolution of the Japan Sea. Marine Technician (XRF/XRD, core lab). Also in charge of training new yeoman and new x-ray technician. Pusan, South Korea to Apra Harbor, Guam.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 126. Origin and evolution of Izu-Bonin Arc-Trench system, NW Pacific. Yeoman (shipboard science editor/administrator) and Marine Technician. Tokyo, Japan to Tokyo, Japan.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 124E. Philippine Sea. Deployment and testing of the diamond coring system. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Manila, Philippines to Apra Harbor, Guam.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 123. Argo Abyssal Plain and Exmouth Plateau, NW Australian margin. Final stages of rifting and the formation of volcanic basement and early oceanic sediments. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Presiding Queen over Equator Crossing Proceedings. Singapore, Singapore to Singapore, Singapore.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 121. Drilling of Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Western Indian Ocean. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Presided as Davey Jones over Equator Crossing Proceedings. Fremantle, Australia to Singapore, Singapore.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 119. Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Late Cretaceous to Holocene paleoclimatic history of East Antarctica and Late Mesozoic rifting history of Indian plate from East Antarctica. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Port Louis, Mauritius to Fremantle, Australia.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 117. Oman Margin, Northern Indian Ocean. Origin, evolution, and variability of the Indian Ocean Monsoon and effects on Western Arabian Sea and bordering land masses. ODP record for most core recovered and sites drilled. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Colombo, Sri Lanka to Port Louis, Mauritius.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 115. Mascarene Plateau and Maldive Islands, NW Indian Ocean. Investigation of regional hotspot volcanism and paleoceanography. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Decreed a "Shellback" by Royal Order of King Neptune. Port Louis, Mauritius to Colombo, Sri Lanka.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 113. Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Vertical water-mass stratification, climatic evolution, and oceanographic history of Antarctica and the surrounding ocean during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Yeoman/Marine Technician. Punta Arenas, Chile to Stanley, Falkland Islands.
D/V JOIDES RESOLUTION - ODP Leg 109. Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone. Bare-rock drilling in zero-age crust. Marine Technician. Dakar, Senegal to Bridgetown, Barbados.
R/V GYRE - Texas A&M Department of Oceanography student cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Physical and geological oceanographic techniques. Galveston, Texas.
Involved in completion of: 24 Doctoral students (4 as major professor, 4 as minor professor), 85 M.S./M.A./P.S.M. students (31 as major professor, 23 as minor professor), 1 Honors B.S. student.
Dynamic Seascapes to Support a Biogeographic Framework for a Global Marine Biodiversity Observing Network, NASA ROSES-16 A.50 GEO Work Programme 3.1, AmeriGEOSS Demonstration and Pilot Projects, NNH16ZDA001N-GEO, Lead P.I.: Maria Kavanaugh (WHOI/OSU), with J. Grebmeier (U. Maryland), F. Muller-Karger (USF), D. Otis (USF), R. Sayre (USGS), D. Wright (Esri), V. Tsontos (NASA JPL), J. Vazquez (NASA JPL), 2017-2020, $478,414 (Wright, Sayre, Tsontos, Vazquez participating at no cost).
geneGIS: Computational Tools for Spatial Exploration of Individual-based Genotyping and Photo-identification Records of Marine Megafauna, Office of Naval Research, Marine Mammals and Biological Oceanography Program, P.I.s: Scott Baker (OSU Marine Mammal Institute), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), John Calambokidis (Cascadia Research Collective), 07/01/11 to 09/30/13 (no cost extensoin to 3/6/14), $587,573.
Investigation of Coral Cover, Invertebrates, and Benthic Terrain Offshore Tutuila, Aunu’u and Olosega Islands, American Samoa, NOAA-NURP Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL), P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences) and Doug Fenner (Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources, American Samoa), 1/1/12 to 9/30/12 ~$250,000 (no indirect or salary to OSU; NOAA pays field costs only) - GRANT CANCELLED DUE TO BUDGET CUTS TO NOAA NURP.
The Wisconsin Coastal Web Atlas: Building a Coastal Spatial Data Infrastructure for Wisconsin, Wisconsin Sea Grant, P.I.s: David Hart (U. of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute), Steve Ventura and Nancy Wiegand (U. of Wisconsin-Madison), 02/01/10 to 01/31/12, $120,000, ($12,000 subcontract to OSU Geosciences).
Identification of Outer Continental Shelf Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures, Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM), P.I.s: Dan Hudgens and John Weiss (Industrial Economics, Inc.), Flaxen Conway (OSU Sociology and Oregon Sea Grant), Michael Harte (OSU COAS/MRM), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Madeleine Hall-Arber (MIT Sea Grant), Carrie Pomeroy (UC-Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences), Jack Wiggin (Urban Harbors Institute, U. Massachusetts), Thomas Murray (VIMS), 09/15/09 to 09/16/11, $850,000 ($246,306 to OSU).
Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences (IDES) - A Track 2 Project, NSF Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG), Track 2, P.I.s: Shan de Silva (OSU Geosciences), Bob Duncan (COAS), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 02/15/10 to 05/31/13, $1,048,211.
Online Version of Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science, OSU Extended Campus New Program Development Grant, P.I.s: Kaplan Yalcin and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 07/1/09 to 9/30/11, $112,087.
TransAtlantic Workshops to Formalize an International Coastal Atlas Network, NSF Geography & Regional Science Program, P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 09/01/2009 - 02/29/2012, $55,940.
Departments and Underrepresented Students ALIGNED: Addressing Locally-tailored Information Infrastructure & Geoscience Needs for Enhancing Diversity, NSF Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG), Track 1, P.I.s: Patricia Solis (AAG), Ines Miyares (Hunter-CUNY); Senior Personnel: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Michael Solem (AAG), Christine Rodrigue (Cal State-Long Beach), 09/01/09 to 09/30/12, $199,276.
Data Management for Marine Geological and Geophysical Datasets (GeoDI - Extension of Arc Marine), National Development Plan (of IRELAND) 2007-2013, Marine Institute Science, Technology & Innovation Programme, SeaChange Initiative, P.I.: Yassine Lassoued (Coastal & Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork, IRELAND), 1/24/08 to 5/31/11, $65,200, subcontract to D. Wright (OSU Geosciences).
Collaborative Research: Graduate Ethics Seminars for Future Geospatial Technology Professionals, National Science Foundation Ethics Education in Science and Engineering, P.I.s: David DiBiase (Penn State), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Francis Harvey (U of Minnesota), Michael Solem (AAG), 9/1/07 to 8/31/09 (w/no-cost extension to 8/31/10), $230,330 ($122,151 to OSU Geosciences).
Geospatial Decision Support Tools for Coastal Resource Management:
Vulnerability Mapping of Regional Climate Variability and Change Impacts
to Coastal Oregon ,
NOAA Sectoral Applications Research Program (SARP), Climate and Coastal
Resource Management, Grant #NA07OAR4310410, P.I.s: Tim Nyerges (UW), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Robert Aguirre
(independent scholar), 03/01/08 to 7/31/09 (w/no-cost extension to 7/31/10), $286,098
($103,981 to OSU Geosciences).
Project Site, April 2009 |
Climate Wiki
Collaborative Research: Marine Metadata Initiative, NSF Ocean Sciences Division, Ocean Technology & Interdisciplinary Coordination, P.I.s: John Graybeal (MBARI), Karen Stocks (SDSC), Bob Arko (Lamont), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Andrew Maffei (WHOI), Matthew Howard and Stephanie Watson, (Texas A&M), and Philip Bogden (GoMOOS), 7/1/06 to 9/30/09, $2,297,626, ($98,559 to D. Wright, OSU Geosciences).
Extension of the Marine Institute's Marine Data Repository to Include Biological Data and Development of Supporting Tools, Strategic Marine Research, Technology, Development and Innovation (RTDI) Programme 2005, National Development Plan, IRELAND, P.I.: Val Cummins (Coastal & Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork, IRELAND), 1/09/06 to 12/31/07, $332,480 total, $32,250 to D. Wright, OSU Geosciences.
The Use of Data Mining Techniques for the Quality Control of Scientific Data, Strategic Marine Research, Technology, Development and Innovation (RTDI) Desk Studies Programme, National Development Plan, IRELAND, P.I.s: Val Cummins, Declan Dunne (Coastal & Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork, IRELAND), 5/01/06 to 5/15/07, $83,350 total, $6000 subcontract to D. Wright, OSU Geosciences.
TransAtlantic Workshops on Coastal/Marine Mapping and Informatics, NSF International Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops, P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Foreign counterparts Val Cummins and Liz O'Dea (CMRC, University College Cork, Ireland), 12/15/05 to 12/31/07, $45,000.
Public Education and Outreach Materials for the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, Grant #NA05NMF4631048, P.I. Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 10/1/05 to 9/30/07, $32,586.
Blade Servers or Server Farm for Geosciences E-Courses, OSU Technology Resource Fee Committee, P.I.s: Mark Meyers, Dawn Wright and Jon Kimerling (OSU Geosciences), 7/01/05 to 9/15/05, $49,793.
Refurbishing Digital Earth Teaching Classroom and Laboratory; OSU Technology Resource Fee Committee, P.I.s: Mark Meyers, Dawn Wright, and Laurie Becker (OSU Geosciences), 1/31/05 to 9/30/05, $95,495. p>
Collaborative Research: Marine Metadata Interoperability Project, National Science Foundation Cyberinfrastructure, P.I.s: John Graybeal, Francisco Chavez, and Stephanie Watson (MBARI), 10/1/04 to 12/30/05, $35,000 subcontract to Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences).
Collaborative Research: A Distributed Data Management System to Support Arctic Geology and Geophysics Programs, National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, P.I.s: Margo Edwards (University of Hawaii), and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 1/1/05 to 12/31/08, $320,745.
Mapping Benthic Habitats of the Eastern Samoan Islands: Submersible Dives , NOAA-NURP Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL), P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences) and David Naar (U. of S. Florida College of Marine Science), 1/1/05 to 9/30/05 ~$213,500 (no indirect or salary to OSU or USF - field costs only).
Minority Fellowships for Education and Research Opportunities in Applying GIS and Remote Sensing to Coastal Resource Management , NOAA Coastal Services Center, Grant # NA04NOS4730181, P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Jim Good (COAS), 06/01/04 to 06/30/07, $124,891.
Development and Implementation of a GIS Curriculum for Current and Future Marine Resource Managers, NOAA Coastal Services Center, Integration & Development, Grant # NA04NOS473007, P.I.s: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 03/01/04 to 2/28/06, $99,988.
Handheld PDA/GPS Units to Fully Optimize GIS Practicuum Courses; OSU Technology Resource Fee Committee, P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences) and Richard Ash (Global Mapping Technologies), 01/5/04 to 6/18/04, $14,350.
Extending the Oregon Coast Geospatial Clearinghouse to Support the OGC Web Mapping Standard 1.0, FGDC Cooperative Agreements Program, NSDI, Grant #03HQAG0133, P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 9/1/03 to 12/30/04, $24,978.
Marine GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing for Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Oceanic Research and Applications Division via the Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies, Grant #NA03NES4400001, P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 09/01/03 to 12/15/04, $371,984.
Development of the Virtual Oregon Natural Resources Data Clearinghouse, Interagency Agreement with Oregon Department of Administrative Services (Oregon Geospatial Data Clearinghouse), P.I.s: Tim Fiez (OSU Valley Library, Willamette Basin Project), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 06/11/03 to 06/18/04, $60,000.
Spatial Technology Development and Educational Modules for the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA Coastal Services Center Integration & Development Initiative, Grant #NA03NOS4730014 P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 03/03 to 03/06 (w/ no cost extension), $64,917.
Benthic Habitat Characterization for Coastal Management and Marine Protected Areas: American Samoa, NOAA Coastal Services Center Outreach--Special Projects for the Pacific Islands Initiative, Grant #NA03NOS4730033 P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 04/01/03 to 03/31/05, $49,384.
Web GIS for Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO), Contract from J.H. Robinson Associates, Santa Barbara, CA, P.I: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 12/15/02 to 03/16/03, $9226.
Data Projection for the Digital Earth Enhanced Classroom; OSU Technology Resource Fee Committee, P.I.s: Dawn Wright and Mark Meyers (OSU Geosciences), 07/02-07/03, $14,499.
EM120 Multibeam Survey off Tutuila, American Samoa: Supplemental Ship Time for the R/V Revelle; National Science Foundation, Ocean Sciences Division and NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program. P.I.s: David Naar (University of South Florida) and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 03/02, $22,000.
Visiting Professorship to Wheaton College; Office of the Provost, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 8/19 to 11/30, $16,340.
ITR/IM/Digital Government: Infrastructure for Data Sharing, Spatial Analysis, Resource Decision-Making, and Societal Impact: The Oregon Coastal Atlas; National Science Foundation, Information Technology Research. P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences). Senior non-PIs: Tanya Haddad and John Marra (Oregon Coastal Management Program/DLCD), and Paul Komar (OSU COAS), 9/1/01 to
2/28/05, $507,964.
NOAA CSC Supplement
ITR/ACS: Computational Environment Infrastructure with Applications to Mid Ocean Ridge Research: The "Virtual Research Vessel" Prototype; National Science Foundation, Information Technology Research. P.I.s: Janice Cuny (U of O Computer & Information Science), Douglas Toomey (U of O Geological Sciences), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), and Judy Cushing (Evergreen State College Computer Science), 9/1/00 to 2/28/05, $498,765.
POWRE: New Collaborative Research with the Sustainable Seas Expeditions at the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (American Samoa); National Science Foundation, Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education. P.I.: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 12/16/00 to 02/28/02, $67,723.
Integrated Web Mapping - Serving and Integration of GIS Data from Distributed Sources on Distributed Map Servers; NOAA Office of High Performance Computing and Communications. P.I.s: Tiffany Vance (NOAA-PMEL, Seattle), Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), and Andra Bobbitt (NOAA-PMEL, Newport), 6/00 to 6/01, $67,500.
Virtual Oregon: Web-Based Access to Oregon's Environmental Data; Northwest Academic Computing Consortium. P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Cherri Pancake (NACSE), Phil Sollins, Theresa Valentine (OSU College of Forestry), Karyle Butcher (Valley Library), and Greg Gaston (Geosciences), 5/15/00 to 5/14/02, $60,000.
Campus-Wide Idrisi GIS Upgrade; OSU Technology Resource Fee Committee. P.I.s: Dawn Wright and Jon Kimerling (OSU Geosciences), 1/00 to 3/00, $6000.
Multi-level, "Humane" Interfaces to Improve the Usability of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse; University Consortium for Geographic Information Science/Federal Geographic Data Committee. P.I.s: Cherri Pancake (OSU Computer Science and Northwest Alliance for Computational Science & Engineering) and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 11/99 to 10/00, $63,000.
Integration of Historical Groundfish Habitat Data With New, High-Resolution, Remotely-Sensed Data at Heceta Bank, Oregon; Oregon Sea Grant. P.I.s: Mark Hixon (OSU Zoology), Bob Embley (NOAA-PMEL), & Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), 1/99 to 12/99, $21,193.
Student Assistance for the UCGIS Communications Committee; University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. P.I.: Dawn Wright, 01/99 to 01/01, $2500.
A National Geospatial Clearinghouse for the Oregon Coast; Federal Geographic Data Committee (USGS). P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences), Greg McMurray (Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Regional Study), Jim Guyton (Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center), Steve Barnett (State Service Center for GIS), Sam Doak (Interrain Pacific); 9/98 to 9/99, $40,000.
The Three-fold Path to Spatial Enlightenment: Student-Centered, Resource-Based GIS Exercises; Northwest Academic Computing Consortium Faculty Incentive Award. P.I.s: Greg Gaston and Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences); 8/98 to 9/99, $3000.
Exploring the Deep: Geography of the World's Oceans for OSU Statewide; OSU Office of Distance and Continuing Education. P.I.: Dawn Wright; 5/98 to 9/98, $3622.
Video Delivery of Exploring the Deep: Geography of the World's Oceans for OSU Statewide; OSU Instructional Development and Technology Committee. P.I.s: Martin Fisk, Paul Komar, Robert Duncan (OSU College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences), Vicki Osis (Oregon Sea Grant), & Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences); 7/98 to 9/98, $6000.
A Scientific Information Management Schema for the Endeavour Portion of the Juan de Fuca Ridge Observatory; National Science Foundation, OCE-9633609; P.I.s: Dawn Wright (OSU Geosciences) & Russ McDuff (UW Oceanography), 4/97 to 3/99, $180,265.
Environmental Services Data and Information Management Program; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 43ABNR601442; P.I.: Dawn Wright; 7/96 to 10/96, $5000.
Crustal Cracking Along Multi-Segment Portions of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and its Relation to Ridge Segmentation; National Science Foundation, OCE-9521039; P.I.: Dawn Wright; 9/95 to 9/99, $79,958.
Dynamics of Extensional Convergent Margins & the Origin of Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Hypothesis Testing in the Tonga Forearc; National Science Foundation, OCE-9521023; P.I.'s: Sherman Bloomer & Dawn Wright; 9/95 to 9/98, $429,205.
Patterns and Processes on the Deep Ocean Floor: A GIS Approach to Mapping and Modelling Fissures on the Crest of the East Pacific Rise; Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, National Research Council; P.I.: Dawn Wright; 9/93 to 9/94, $18,000.
Quantitative Geomorphology of the East Pacific Rise: Applications to Geologic/Acoustic Natural Laboratory Swath Bathymetry; Department of Defense Augmentation Award for Science and Engineering Research Training, Office of Naval Research; P.I.s: Ken Macdonald and Dawn Wright; 6/92 to 5/95, $124,000.
Development of a Study Guide for a New Course: Physical Geography of the World's Oceans; UCSB Teaching Assistant Instructional Grant; P.I.: Dawn Wright; 6/91 to 4/92, $1530.
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
iDOOS (Implementing the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy) Co-Lead, Working Group Theme 3 - Translating Science
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Esri delegate to the Center for Ocean Leadership (formerly the Consortium for Ocean Leadership)
Steering Committee, Environmental Data Science Summit (NCEAS, NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Esri delegate to One Ocean Science Congress, UN Ocean Conference, Nice, France
Governor, Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Corporation Member
Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Campaign Cabinet
Proteus Ocean Group Science Advisory Board
External Editorial Advisory Board, GigaByte
National Academy of Sciences Geographical and Geospatial Sciences Committee
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
iDOOS (Implementing the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy) Co-Lead, Working Group Theme 3 - Translating Science
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Harvard Data Science Initiative Amazon Web Services Impact Computing Project Advisory Committee
Esri delegate to the Center for Ocean Leadership (formerly the Consortium for Ocean Leadership)
Steering Committee, Environmental Data Science Summit (NCEAS, NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Esri delegate to UN Ocean Decade Conference, Barcelona, Spain
Governor, Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Corporation Member
Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Campaign Cabinet
Proteus Ocean Group Science Advisory Board
External Editorial Advisory Board, GigaByte
National Academy of Sciences Geographical and Geospatial Sciences Committee
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director's Council
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
iDOOS (Implementing the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy) Co-Lead, Working Group Theme 3 - Translating Science
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Board of Directors, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Advisory Council, Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Harvard Data Science Initiative Amazon Web Services Impact Computing Project Advisory Committee
Esri delegate to the Center for Ocean Leadership (formerly the Consortium for Ocean Leadership)
Steering Committee, Environmental Data Science Summit (NCEAS, NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Steering Committee, Digital Twins of the Ocean Program (DITTO) of the UN Ocean Decade
Scientific Committee and Program Committee for International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit 2023
Steering Committee, Point Conception Conservation Institute (Dangermond Preserve)
Esri delegate to Our Ocean Panama, Panama City
Governor, Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Corporation Member
Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Campaign Cabinet
Proteus Ocean Group Science Advisory Board
External Editorial Advisory Board, GigaByte
AGU Informatics Section Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) Committee
Public Comments Submitted on the Draft Prospectus for the First National Nature Assessment, US Global Change Research Program
National Academy of Sciences Geographical Sciences Committee - reconstituted as the Geographical and Geospatial Sciences Committee
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director's Council
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
iDOOS (Implementing the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy) Co-Lead, Working Group Theme 3 - Translating Science
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Board of Directors, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Advisory Council, Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Steering Committee, Ocean Obs RCN (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Steering Committee, Environmental Data Science Global Summit (NCEAS, NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Steering Committee, Digital Twins of the Ocean Program (DITTO) of the UN Ocean Decade
Steering Committee, International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit, sponsored by the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative
Governor, Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
-- Sloan Film Summit 2022, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles: Networking Lunch connecting filmmakers newly funded by Sloan grants and committed to telling stories of science, technology, and/or mathematics with scientists who are leaders in their field
Advocacy Board for the Second National Conference (SNC) on Justice in Geoscience
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Corporation Member
Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Campaign Cabinet
Proteus Ocean Group Advisory Board
National Academy of Sciences Geographical Sciences Committee
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director's Council
AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Board of Directors, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Advisory Council, Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Member, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Steering Committee, Ocean Obs RCN (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Steering Committee, Environmental Data Science Global Summit (NCEAS, NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Governor, Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Voice narration for the short animated video An Introduction to "The MPA Guide": How to Define, Track, and Improve Ocean Protection [companion to comic book], by Oregon State University, the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, the Marine Conservation Institute, the National Geographic Society, and the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Judge, ArcGIS StoryMaps Challenge for Restoring Our Ocean
Judge, ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition for the Sustainable Development Goals
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
-- Panelist for Writers Guild of America West webinar, Futurism Isn't a Bad Word: Uplifting Insights into Science for Your Storytelling
-- Scientist Show & Tell feature, @LabXNAS on Instagram, the NAS public engagement testbed
External Adviser, Ocean 2030 Indigenous and Tribal Nations Climate Restoration Strategic Action Plan
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director's Council
AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Seabed 2030 Strategic Advisory Group
Half-Earth Council, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Board of Directors, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Advisory Council, Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Scientific and Technological Advisory Board, 52 North
Member, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
Member, NSF Earthcube Science Engagement Team (Governance Group)
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Steering Committee, Ocean Obs RCN (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Live Zoom Session on Twitter Science Communication Best Practices, UC-Santa Cruz Communicating Oceanographic Research Effectively (UCSC-CORE) graduate student organization
Judge, 2020 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition for the Sustainable Development Goals
Consultant, The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
-- Consultant to playwright Jihae Park, working on a play commissioned by the Manhattan Theater Club and dealing with technologies of connectivity and navigation (e.g., science behind search for MH370, satellite clocks and navigation, subsea infrastructure)
External Adviser, Ocean 2030 Indigenous and Tribal Nations Climate Restoration Strategic Action Plan
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
Science Advisory Board, Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director's Council
Advisory Board, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Steering Committee, Point Conception Conservation Institute (Dangermond Preserve)
AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Search Committee, new Executive Director for the American Association of Geographers (AAG)
Scientific and Technological Advisory Board, 52 North
Member, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
Member, NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Steering Committee, Ocean Obs RCN (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Programme Committee, Geospatial Sensing 2019 Conference, Munster, Germany, 52north.org/geospatialsensing2019
Steering Committee, 2019 Global Ocean Science Education (GOSE) Workshop (in partnership with Seabed 2030 and the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance)
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
Science Advisory Board, Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Judge, "Design A Deep-Sea Treasure" Challenge, Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Science Advisory Board, Conservation International
Scientific and Technological Advisory Board, 52 North
Co-Chair, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Marine Data Harmonization Interest Group
Member, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
Advisory Board, COMPASS Science Communication, Inc.
Member, NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Co-PI, RCN: OceanObsNetwork II, Sustained Multidisciplinary Ocean Observations (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Advisory Board, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Search Committee: New Executive Director of the American Association of Geographers
Leptoukh Lecture Award Selection Committee, Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Program Committee, International Data Week, Gaborone, Botswana
Program Committee, Symposium on Human Dynamics in Smart and Connected Communities, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Member, AGU Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group Honors Committee
Science Advisory Board, Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE
Science Advisory Board, Conservation International
Scientific and Technological Advisory Board, 52 North
Co-Chair, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Marine Data Harmonization Interest Group
Member, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
Advisory Board, COMPASS Science Communication, Inc.
Member, NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Member, RCN: OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Advisory Board, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Advisory Board, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC (NSF Engineering Research Center)
Board of Directors, Global Oceans
Leptoukh Lecture Award Selection Committee, Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
SkypeAScientist Program Presentation to 5th-grade class of Ms. Hannah Hughes, Public School 236, Bronx, NY
Invited Facilitator, Spatial Discovery II Expert Meeting, UCSB Center for Spatial Studies, Santa Barbara, CA
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Sharing Science Program Twitter Rocur Guest (took over @AGU_SciComm account for a day as part of #SharingSciFri series)
Interview Panel, Esri Fellows Program, Employee Development & Training, Redlands, CA
Associate Editor, Marine Geodesy, Taylor & Francis (jIF=0.979)
Editorial Board, GigaScience, BGI and BioMedCentral (a new online open-access, open-data, open-source-code journal integrates standard article publication with dedicated data-hosting and computational resources, jIF=7.46, though loathe to report it)
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Science Advisory Board
Science Advisory Board, Conservation International
52 North Scientific and Technological Advisory Board
Research Data Alliance (RDA), Marine Data Harmonization Interest Group Co-Chair
Research Data Alliance (RDA), Geospatial Data Interest Group, Mapping the Landscape Birds-of-a-Feather Group, Data Citation Working Group, Data Type Registries 2 Working Group
COMPASS Science Communication, Inc., Advisory Board
NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Member, RCN: OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health, IT Working Group of Regional Data Framework Action Coordination Team
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Advisory Board, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Advisory Board, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC (NSF Engineering Research Center)
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube building blocks grant, A Broker Framework for Next Generation Geoscience (BCube), SiriJohda Khalsa et al., CU-Boulder lead
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube conceptual design grant, Enterprise Architecture for Transformative Research and Collaboration Across the Geosciences, Ilya Zaslavsky et al., San Diego Supercomputer Center lead
Technical Subcommittee on Ocean Mapping (TSCOM), GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans; www.gebco.net)
Program Committee, GIScience 2016, 9th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Montreal, CANADA
Program Committee, International Data Week, Denver, CO
Session Proposal Reviewer for 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
General Co-Chair, Third International Conference on CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science, Urbana, IL
Board of Directors, Global Oceans
Various invited professional development service at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Leptoukh Lecture Award Selection Committee, Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Associate Editor, Marine Geodesy, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of
American Geographers (AAG), Routledge
Editorial Board, The AAG Review of Books, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board,
Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
Editorial Board,
The Anthropocene Review, SAGE Publications
Editorial Board, GigaScience, BGI and BioMedCentral (a new online open-access, open-data, open-source-code journal integrates standard article publication with dedicated data-hosting and computational resources)
Advisory Board, Geospatial World magazine
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Research Data Alliance (RDA), Marine Data Harmonization Interest Group Co-Chair
Scientific Advisory Board, GeoComputation 2015, University of Texas at Dallas
International Editorial Review Board, Advancing Geographic Information Science: The Past and Next Twenty Years, 2015 Vespucci Institute
Member, RCN: OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health, IT Working Group of Regional Data Framework Action Coordination Team
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership + Ocean Leadership Policy Committee + Ocean Leadership Membership Committee
Delegate of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) to the International Oceanographic and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; ICAN Steering Group, ICAN Communications Committee
52 North Scientific and Technological Advisory Board
COMPASS Advisory Board (Science Communication)
Project Team, CyberGIS Software Integration for Sustained Geospatial Innovation (NSF-funded)
Advisory Board, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC (NSF Engineering Research Center)
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube building blocks grant, A Broker Framework for Next Generation Geoscience (BCube), SiriJohda Khalsa et al., CU-Boulder lead
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube conceptual design grant, Enterprise Architecture for Transformative Research and Collaboration Across the Geosciences, Ilya Zaslavsky et al., San Diego Supercomputer Center lead
Volunteer mentor for WiN (Wheaton in Network), a mentoring/advising resource for Wheaton College students and alumni.
Backscatter Working Group (BSWG), GEOHAB (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping; geohab.org) - Final Report
Technical Subcommittee on Ocean Mapping (TSCOM), GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans; www.gebco.net)
American Geophysical Union Centennial Task Force in 2015 (as appointed by AGU president)
Board of Directors, Global Oceans
Associate Editor, Marine Geodesy, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of
American Geographers (AAG), Routledge
Editorial Board, The AAG Review of Books, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board,
Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
Editorial Board,
The Anthropocene Review, SAGE Publications
Advisory Board, Geospatial World magazine
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
NSF Earthcube Liaison Team (Governance Group)
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership + Ocean Leadership Policy Committee + Ocean Ladership Member Committee
Esri delegate to the World Ocean Council + Smart Oceans/Smart Industries Working Group, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Working Group
Program Committee, GIScience 2014, 8th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Scientific Advisory Board, GeoComputation 2015, University of Texas at Dallas
Member, RCN: OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health, IT Working Group of Regional Data Framework Action Coordination Team
COMPASS Advisory Board (Science Communication)
Delegate of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) to the International Oceanographic and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; ICAN Steering Group, ICAN Communications Committee
Project Team, CyberGIS Software Integration for Sustained Geospatial Innovation (NSF-funded)
Advisory Board, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC (NSF Engineering Research Center)
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube building blocks grant, A Broker Framework for Next Generation Geoscience (BCube), SiriJohda Khalsa et al., CU-Boulder lead
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube conceptual design grant, Enterprise Architecture for Transformative Research and Collaboration Across the Geosciences, Ilya Zaslavsky et al., San Diego Supercomputer Center lead
Advisory Board, NSF EarthCube test enterprise governance grant, EarthCube Test Enterprise Governance: An Agile Approach, Lee Allison et al., Arizona Geological Survey lead
Volunteer mentor for WiN (Wheaton in Network), a mentoring/advising resource for Wheaton College students and alumni.
Backscatter Working Group (BSWG), GeoHab (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping; geohab.org)
Technical Subcommittee on Ocean Mapping (TSCOM), GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans; www.gebco.net)
Invited presenter, Identifying Transformative Research in the Geographical Sciences: A Workshop, National Academy of Sciences Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Beckman Center of the National Academies, Irvine, CA
More Esri Service outlined at compass.esri.com [Esri internal site]
Associate Editor, Marine Geodesy, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of
American Geographers (AAG), Routledge
Editorial Board, The AAG Review of Books, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board,
Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
Editorial Board,
The Anthropocene Review, SAGE Publications
Advisory Board, Geospatial World magazine
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board + Executive Committee
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership + Ocean Leadership Policy Committee
Esri delegate to the World Ocean Council + Smart Oceans/Smart Industries Working Group, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Working Group
Blue Ribbon Panel of the Global Partnership for Oceans (coordinated by the World Bank and the National Academy of Science)
Session Proposal Reviewer for 2014 AAAS Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
National selection panel, 2013 U.S. Professors of the Year Program, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Policy Committee (Advisory Board) for Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Advisory Board, NETMAR - Open Service Network for Marine Environmental Data, a 3-year project under European Commission FP7 ICT THEME ICT-2009-6.4: ICT for Environmental Services and Climate Change
Topic Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth, http://www.eoearth.org
Member, RCN: OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
NSF EarthCube: Esri representative, Workflow Working Group, Semantics/Ontologies Working Group, Governance Working Group
West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health, IT Working Group of Regional Data Framework Action Coordination Team
Delegate of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN) to the International Oceanographic and Information Exchange (IODE) of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; ICAN Steering Group, ICAN Communications Committee
Stakeholder Representative, UC-Davis Sustainable Sourcing of Global Agricultural Raw Materials Project
Interview and video for the Aquarium of the Pacific to accompany public lecture of July 16, 2013
Profile for STEM Spotlight, JASON Learning (formerly The JASON Project), Climate: Seas of Change middle school science curriculum
Project Team, CyberGIS Software Integration for Sustained Geospatial Innovation (NSF-funded)
Volunteer mentor for WiN (Wheaton in Network), a mentoring/advising resource for Wheaton College students and alumni.
More Esri Service outlined at compass.esri.com [Esri internal site]
Associate Editor, Marine Geodesy, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of
American Geographers, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board,
Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
Science Advisory Council, Conservation International
Esri delegate to the Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Esri delegate to the World Ocean Council
Program Committee, GIScience 2012, 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH
Program Committee, CyberGIS' 12, 1st International Conference on Space, Time, and CyberGIS, Urbana, IL
Policy Committee (Advisory Board) for Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Member, RCN:OceanObsNetwork (NSF-funded Research Coordination Network)
Session Proposal Reviewer for 2013 AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Advisory Board, NETMAR - Open Service Network for Marine Environmental Data, a 3-year project under European Commission FP7 ICT THEME ICT-2009-6.4: ICT for Environmental Services and Climate Change
External reviewer, Ocean.Data.Gov Prototype portal for the National Ocean Council, Executive Office of President Obama
External reviewer, NOAA's National Marine Protected Areas Center
Member of proposal team and subcommittee reviewing applications for new West Coast Data Network Action Coordination Team, West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health
Topic Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth
Speaker, Discussion Leader, Women in Technology and Leadership Mentoring Group, Esri headquarters, Redlands, CA
Life history oral interview for the HistoryMakers – ScienceMakers
Project Team, CyberGIS Software Integration for Sustained Geospatial Innovation (NSF-funded)
Esri Service outlined at compass.esri.com [Esri internal site]
Director, OSU Geography Program
Director, OSU Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
OSU Esri Site License Campus Coordinator
OSU College of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board, Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030,
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.
Member of Membership Committee and Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Local Arrangements Committee, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2011, Seattle, WA
Chair of Awards Committee, AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group
African Descent Travel Scholarship Award Committee, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Presenter and panelist for HistoryMakers/ScienceMakers public outreach program, “African American Perspectives: The Oil Spill and Careers in Science," The Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA, March 2011
Technical Advisory Panel, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Program Committee, GeoComputation 2009, Sydney, Australia
Advisory Board, NETMAR - Open Service Network for Marine Environmental Data, a 3-year project under European Commission FP7 ICT THEME ICT-2009-6.4: ICT for Environmental Services and Climate Change
Topic Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth
Director, OSU Geography Program
Director, OSU Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
OSU Esri Site License Campus Coordinator
OSU College of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Routledge
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board, Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
Committee on Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences in the Next Decade, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030,
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.
Chair of Research Committee, UCGIS
Member of Education and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Chair of Awards Committee, AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group
African Descent Travel Scholarship Award Committee, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Technical Advisory Panel, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Program Committee, GeoComputation 2009, Sydney, Australia
Advisory Board, NETMAR - Open Service Network for Marine Environmental Data, a 3-year project under European Commission FP7 ICT THEME ICT-2009-6.4: ICT for Environmental Services and Climate Change
Guest editor special feature issue on spatial cyberinfrastructure, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Topic Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth
Program Committee, Esri Space-Time Modeling and Analysis Workshop, Redlands GIS Week, February 22-23, Redlands, CA
Director, OSU Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
Esri Site License Campus Coordinator
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board,
Transactions in GIS, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board, The Professional Geographer, Routledge
Editorial Board, Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
Committee on Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences in the Next Decade, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Chair of Research Committee, UCGIS
Member of Education and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Association of American Geographers (AAG) National Councillor, Chair of the National Council
Board of Directors, AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group
Technical Advisory Panel, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Program Committee, GeoComputation 2009 Sydney, Australia
Topic Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth
Director, Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
Esri Site License Campus Coordinator
Annual campus co-organizer of OSU GIS Day, since 1999
Faculty panelist, Black CONNECT student orientation
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers
Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Springer
Editorial Board, The Professional Geographer, Routledge
Editorial Board, Geography Compass, Earth Observation Section, Wiley-Blackwell
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Questex Media
National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board
Committee on Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences in the Next Decade, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
Chair of Research Committee, UCGIS
Member of Communication, Education, and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Association of American Geographers (AAG) National Councillor, Chair of the National Council
Board of Directors, AAG Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group
Oregon Territorial Seafloor Mapping Task Force
Marine Mapping Task Force, an advisery group reporting to the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) on issues of marine reserve designation and planning
Steering Committee and Technical Team, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Data Management Task Force, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Management International.
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Board of Advisors, Ocean Explorers, Information Technology Experiences for Teachers and Students Program, Center for Image Processing in Education (CIPE) and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS).
Program Committee, 9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2008), Montreal, CANADA.
External consultant, MAPS-GIS, Mapping, Analyzing & Problem Solving using Geographic Information Science, Lane Community College
Guest editor with Will Heyman of Texas A&M Geography, special issue on marine and coastal GIS for marine geomorphology, habitat mapping and marine reserve design, Marine Geodesy, 31(4).
Guest editor with Will Heyman of Texas A&M Geography, special issue on marine geomorphology as a determinant for essential life habitat and marine reserve networks, The Professional Geographer, 63(4).
OSU Geosciences Graduate Committee
Coordinator of Joint Geosciences Seminar Series on Geovisualization, Winter '07
Director, Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
Esri Site License Campus Coordinator
Annual campus co-organizer of OSU GIS Day, since 1999
Faculty Senate Computing Resources Committee, Co-Chair
OSU Information Technology Coordination Committee
Field trip leader, Oregon Coast, OSU's inaugural
Bridge to Encourage Scholars in Transition (BEST) Program, with
a focus on freshman and transfer athletes, OSU Center for Academic Success, Student Affairs and the Educational Opportunities Program, September 9, 2006
Black Cultural Center Advisory Board
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Presentation to the OSU College of Busines Women's Empowerment Exchange, at the invitation of Dean Ilene Kleinsorge, January 15, 2007
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Questex Media
Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.
Vice-Chair of Research Committee, UCGIS
Member of Communication, Education, and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Association of American Geographers (AAG) National Councillor
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group
Oregon Territorial Seafloor Mapping Task Force
Steering Committee and Technical Team, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Data Management Task Force, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Management International.
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Board of Advisors, Ocean Explorers, Information Technology Experiences for Teachers and Students Program, Center for Image Processing in Education (CIPE) and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS).
Science adviser, Oceana
Organizing Committee, Oceans 2007, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Program Committee, 8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2007), Philadelphia, PA.
OSU Geosciences Promotion & Tenure Committee (Chair)
Search Committee, Distance Education/REU/Geohazards Program Coordinator
Director, Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
Faculty Senate Computing Resources Committee
Faculty panelist, Black CONNECT student
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Advanstar Communications
Advancing Physical Geography Working Group, AAG
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group
Vice-Chair of Research Committee, UCGIS
Member of Communication, Education, and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Advisory Board/Contributor, Phase II of the Model Curricula Project, GIScience Body of Knowledge
Steering Committee, Technical Team, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
Data Management Task Force, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Management International
Advisory Board, Places & Spaces: Cartography of the Physical and the Abstract
Board of Advisors, Ocean Explorers, Information Technology Experiences for Teachers and Students Program, Center for Image Processing and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Program Committee, 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2006), San Diego, CA.
Keynote speaker and VIP Guest, Intel FIRST LEGO League State Tournament, Ocean Odyssey (ages 9-14), Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program (ORTOP). FIRST = For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology.
Oregon Territorial Seafloor Mapping Task Force
Profiled by the Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI), University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Annual campus co-organizer of OSU GIS Day, since 1999
GIS and seafloor mapping exhibit table for Corvallis daVinci Days, July 15-16, 2006, as part of Discover OSU!
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Advanstar Communications
Guest editor with David DiBiase of Penn State Geography, Arena Symposium (special issue) on distance education in geographic information science, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 29(1), 91-158.
Advancing Physical Geography Working Group, AAG
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group
Member of Communication, Education and Membership Committees, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Steering Committee, Technical Team, Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative, funded by NSF and led by MBARI
OSU Geosciences Advisory Committee
OSU Geosciences Search Committee (Chair), Resource Geography/Land Use Assistant Professor
Promotion & Tenure Committee
Working Group, Distance Education/GeoHazards Search
Director, Geographic Information Science Certificate Program
John Byrne Distinguished Lecture Series Committee, College of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Sciences
Interview team, Marine Resource Management Director Search, College of Oceanic
and Atmospheric Sciences
Invited Panelist, When Students Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree from OSU, What Skills and Areas of Expertise do we Expect Them to Have, Regardless of Major?, OSU Student Learning and Assessment Symposium
Program Committee, Coastal GeoTools '05, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Program Committee, 6th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2005), Atlanta, Georgia
Board of Advisors, Ocean Explorers, Information Technology Experiences for Teachers and Students Program, Center for Image Processing and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Profiled in and science reviewer for Life on an Ocean Planet, new high school textbook, Current Publishing Corporation, in collaboration with COSEE (Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence), published in 2005.
"Exploring Creatures of the Deep and Calamities on the Coast with GIS," OSU GIS Day Keynote, LaSells Stewart Center, Nov. 17th.
"Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and a Career in Earth Science," OSU College of Science Science Connections Lecture Series (to high school students and teachers), Cleveland High School, Portland, Dec. 9th.
Profiled in What do you Want to Be? Explore Earth Sciences, Sally Ride Science, San Diego, CA.
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Advanstar Communications
Association of American Geographers (AAG) Nominating Committee
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group
Board of Directors, University Consortium for Geographic Information
Science (UCGIS)
Vice-Chair of Communications, Education Committee, Membership Committee, UCGIS
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS
Program Committee, UCGIS Geospatial Visualization and Knowledge Discovery Workshop, funded by ARDA and the USGS, Lansdowne, Virginia
Board of Advisors, Ocean Explorers, Information Technology Experiences for Teachers and Students Program, Center for Image Processing and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Steering committee, Marine Metadata Initiative, Marine Mapping Users Group
Board of Advisors and Mentor, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, OSU
OSU Geosciences Advisory Committee
OSU COAS/Geosciences Search Committee for Electron Microprobe Laboratory Director
OSU Geosciences Long-Range Planning Committee
OSU Geosciences Winter Seminar Committee: Special Joint Series, Formulating Policy for an Uncertain Earth
International Organizing Committee, Littoral 2004, University of Aberdeen and Cambridge Publications, Scotland, UK, www.littoral2004.org
Corvallis Branch of the NAACP 2004 Youth Awards, Corvallis Public Library, May 8th
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, six, live 45-minute shows, each to an audience of over 1000 middle and high school students, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, May 13-14th
Lead College of Science Marshall, OSU Commencement Exercises, June 13th
"Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and a Career in Earth Science," Keynote address and Natural Resources workshop speaker, Discovering New Horizons (to 256 middle and high school girls and 60 parents), sponsored by Linn-Benton Lincoln Education Service District, Oregon Department of Education, and many others, Oregon State University, February 1, 2003.
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers.
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Advanstar Communications.
National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting Committee, National Research Council, Ocean Science Board, National Academy of Sciences.
Association of American Geographers (AAG) GIS Specialty Group Immediate Past Chair.
AAG Nominating Committee.
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
Immediate Past Chair, AAG GIS Specialty Group.
Board of Directors, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Vice-Chair of Communications, UCGIS.
Education Committee and Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS; Chair of Distance Education Working Group, UCGIS.
Board of Visitors, Wheaton College, Illinois.
Steering Committee Member, OSU Association of Faculty for the Advancement of People of Color (AFAPC).
Board of Advisors, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, OSU.
Editorial Board, Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers.
Editorial Advisory Board, Geospatial Solutions, Advanstar Communications.
National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting Committee, National Research Council, Ocean Science Board, National Academy of Sciences.
Association of American Geographers (AAG) GIS Specialty Group Chair.
Board of Directors, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Vice-Chair of Communications, UCGIS.
Education Committee and Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS; Chair of Distance Education Working Group, UCGIS.
Chair, AAG GIS Specialty Group.
External reviewer, Wheaton College (Illinois) Department of Geology & Environmental Science 10-year review.
Board of Visitors, Wheaton College, Illinois.
Steering Committee Member and Web Goddess, OSU Association of Faculty for the Advancement of People of Color (AFAPC).
Geosciences Search Committee: New physical geography/remote sensing tenure-track faculty position, Geography Program.
Geosciences Search Committee: New chair of Geosciences.
Geosciences Search Committee: New world regional/human geography tenure-track faculty position, Geography Program.
Featured in the Science Section of The Oregonian, January 30, 2002, pp. D9-D10.
Board of Advisors, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, OSU.
Keynote addresses and discussion facilitation for the Conservation and the Coral Reef World online workshop, sponsored by the Sustainable Seas Expeditions and the College of Exploration.
Keynote address, "Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and a Career in Earth Science," Saturday Academy Blueprints for Success (for middle and high school girls), Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Mathemetics, Portland State University, April 13th.
Panel presenter, "Women in Science and Technology," 2002 Conference on Gender and Culture, OSU Women's Center, April 17th.
Profiled in Minorities in the Aquatic Sciences (MAS), American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
Vice Chair, AAG GIS Specialty Group.
Board of Visitors, Wheaton College, Illinois.
Board of Directors, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) - 3-year term.
Education Committee, UCGIS; Chair of Distance Education Working Group, UCGIS.
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS.
Steering Committee Member and Web Goddess, OSU Association of Faculty for the Advancement of People of Color (AFAPC).
Organizing Committee, Marine Geology & Geophysics Database Management Workshop, May 14-16, 2001, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research.
Profiled in Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 2002 Science textbook series, "People in Science: Marine Geology."
Subject of the chapter "Dawn Wright - Mapping the Abyss," authored by Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy student Mike Stukel, for the book Portraits of Great American Scientists, edited by Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman and Judith Scheppler, published by Prometheus Books, 2001.
Featured in the "Oceans" volume of the National Geographic publication Reading Expeditions: Science, for grades 3-6, published in 2002.
"Setting Myself Up for Success," panel for new graduate students, BLACK Connect '99, Orientation program for new African-American students, OSU Ujima Education Office, September 20, 1999.
OSU Connect orientation for new students from Hawaii, Asian/Pacific American Education Office, September 26, 1999.
OSU campus organizer for the first annual, worldwide GIS Day 1999, November 19th, sponsored by Esri, AAG, and the National Geographic Society: lab tours, GIS demos, map galleries, lab reception, and presentations to Corvallis area secondary schools.
Featured in the OSU President's Report 2000.
OSU Geosciences Facilities/Equipment Committee.
OSU Geosciences Long-Range Planning Committee.
OSU Geosciences Web Editor.
AAG Affirmative Action and Minority Status Committee.
Consortium for Geographic Information Steering Committee, AAG Representative.
Program Committee,
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
Board of Visitors, Wheaton College, Illinois.
Chair of Communications, UCGIS.
Education Committee, UCGIS.
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS.
Member, OSU AFAPC.
Profiled in The Earth Below, a new mathematics textbook for 4th graders, published by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
Profiled in a new science textbook for secondary schools, published by the Houghton Mifflin Company.
Profiled on Black Entertainment Television's career web site.
Judge and timer for the Oregon regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, for high-school students.
Profiled on Remarkable Careers, an NSF-funded web site about women oceanographers for middle and high-school students.
Local Arrangements Chair, UCGIS Summer Assembly, near Mt. Hood, Oregon: arrangements for registration, participant lodging and meals, meeting rooms, audio-visual, conference packets, student travel, student poster session, recreation, and conference web site (attendance of 120).
OSU Geosciences Graduate Committee.
OSU Geosciences Facilities/Equipment Committee.
OSU Geosciences Long-Range Planning Committee.
OSU Geosciences Web Editor.
AAG Affirmative Action and Minority Status Committee.
Consortium for Geographic Information Steering Committee, AAG Representative.
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
Board of Visitors, Wheaton College, Illinois.
Chair of Communications, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Education Committee, UCGIS.
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS.
Workshop Presenter, "Career Planning for Graduate Students," Preparing for the 21st Century Professional Development Conference, February 13, 1999.
"A Glimpse of African-Americans in Science," presentation as part of the "Beyond Black History Month" series sponsored by the Bahai'i s of Corvallis, Corvallis Public Library, April 10, 1999.
Profiled in the "Faces of Science" exhibit, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), for grade school students, opened June 1999.
Profiled in "Marine Science Careers: A Sea Grant Guide to Ocean Opportunities," for middle and high school students.
Tour leader for Earth Sciences Open House, 1999 da Vinci Days, Wilkinson Hall, OSU.
"Ocean Floor Mapping," presentation for the "Cavalcade of Art, Science, and Technology," 1999 da Vinci Days, LaSells Stewart Center, OSU.
OSU Geosciences Graduate Committee.
OSU Geosciences Facilities/Equipment Committee.
OSU Geography Seminar Coordinator.
OSU Geosciences Web Editor.
AAG Affirmative Action and Minority Status Committee.
GIS/LIS Steering Committee, AAG Representative.
Board of Directors, AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
International Committee, GIS Planet '98, International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, Lisbon, Portugal.
Lead OSU Delegate, UCGIS.
Chair of Emerging Technologies for GIScience Working Group, UCGIS.
Panel Moderator for Symposium on Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women, OSU, November 14-16, 1997.
Lead delegate for Oregon State, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Keynote Speaker and workshop leader, 8th Annual South Coast Women in Science Careers Day, South Coast Saturday Academy of the Boys & Girls Club of Southwestern Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Coos Bay, OR, February 7, 1998.
Keynote Speaker, 3rd Annual Math, Science, & Technology Conference for Middle School Girls in Washington County, NW Regional Education Service District, Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR, March 18, 1998.
Panelist for "Women in Graduate School: Challenges & Opportunities," OSU Graduate School, April, 1997.
OSU Geography Seminar Coordinator.
OSU Geosciences Undergraduate Committee.
OSU Geosciences Web Editor.
Appointed to presentation team for UCGIS congressional briefing of members and staffers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., February 1, 1997.
Lead delegate for Oregon State, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
"Women go to Sea Too!" - Presentation to OSU Women in Archeology, February 13, 1997.
Guest Coach - OSU Women's Basketball Team - OSU versus Arizona State, January 25, 1997.
Search Committee - New structural geology/active tectonics tenure-track faculty position, OSU Geology program.
Saturday Academy, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology - listed in "Directory of Minority and Bilingual Science and Math Practioners: Role Models for Students."
OSU African-American Graduate Students - Faculty adviser.
OSU Geosciences Web Editor.
Director of the AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
Steering committee for the 1997 Symposium on Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women, OSU.
Presentation to OSU undergraduate students of color in the PROMISE (Professional and Managerial Internships in State Employment) program, Aug. 13, 1996.
Appointed to the AGU Information Technology Committee, July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1998.
Coordination of a Site License Agreement between Esri and the OSU campus through OSU Information Services. The agreement involves the OSU Colleges of Science, Forestry, Engineering, Agriculture, Oceanographic & Atmospheric Sciences, and the Hatfield Marine Science Center, and each year saves the campus ~$40,000 in maintenance fees and at least $200,000 in new software purchases.
Appointed to the National Education Committee of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS).
Official voting delegate for Oregon State, UCGIS.
OSU National Society of Black Engineers - Faculty Advisor.
OSU Cycling Team - Faculty Advisor.
Resource scientist for The Earth and Sea Investigators Program, a pilot distance learning experience for 4th to 8th grade teachers and students. Oregon Dept. of Education and OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.
Presentations to high school students at the OSU "Kaleidescope of Colleges and Cultures" Open House for prospective students of color, Jan. 20, 1996.
Presentation to high school students and teachers in science and math at the OSU Spring Showcase, Visual Cascade of Sciences, Apr. 20, 1996.
Selection committee for Christian John Hunt Memorial Fund to deserving undergraduate Geosciences majors, OSU Dept. of Geosciences.
Presentation to Philomath Rotary Club, entitled "Hot Thermal Vents in the NE Pacific," Apr. 23, 1996.
Appointed to the National Research Committee of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science.
Participant in Linn, Benton and Lincoln County "Job Shadow" Program, where high school students "shadow" a worker for 2-6 hours to get a first-hand perspective of what adults do in the world of work and to better understand the process of career exploration.
Resource scientist for The Earth and Sea Investigators Program, a pilot distance learning experience for 4th to 8th grade teachers and students. Oregon Dept. of Education and OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center.
Steering committee for the 1996 Symposium on Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women, OSU.
Faculty Oversight committee for NSF Landscape Studies Fellowship, OSU Depts. of Geosciences, Forest Science, and Forest Resources.
Director of the AAG Coastal and Marine Geography Specialty Group.
National Geography Awareness Week. Presentations to local elementary school groups on behalf of UCSB Geography Department.
Graduate Representative to Faculty Meetings Black Graduate Students Association.
Transition House for the homeless, downtown Santa Barbara, CA. Coordinator for Santa Barbara Community Church for the provision of weekend evening meals.
Member of Colloquia Committee, UCSB Geography Department Black Graduate Students Association.
Graduate Representative to Faculty Meetings and Member of committee to revamp curriculum for "Introduction to Geographic Research" series of courses, UCSB Department of Geography.
Graduate Partnership Association. Mentor to minority undergraduates majoring in physical sciences.
American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAA&S)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - Geology & Geography Section
American Association of Geographers (AAG) - Geographic Information Science & Systems, Coastal and Marine Geography, and Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Groups
American Geographical Society (AGS)
American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Informatics and Tectonophysics Sections
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - SIGSPATIAL (Spatial Special Interest Group)
European Geosciences Union (EGU) - Earth & Space Science Informatics and Ocean Sciences Divisions
Geological Society of America (GSA) - Geoinformatics and Data Science Division
International Geographical Union (IGU) - GIScience and Coastal & Marine Geography Commissions
National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)
Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS)
The Oceanography Society (TOS)
Wright, D.J. with Esri Press,
Mapping the Deep: Innovation, Exploration, and the Dive of a Lifetime,
Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 190 pp., plus companion hub and e-book (ISBN: 9781589487888).
Nature "Five best science books this week" (December 9, 2024),
Nature "Ten best science books of 2024"
Dialogue Earth "Top Ocean Books of 2024"
Wright, D.J. and Harder, C. (Ed.), 2021. GIS for Science, Volume 3: Maps for Saving the Planet, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 228 pp., plus companion portal (ISBN: 9781589486713, Book DOI: 10.17128/9781589486713).
Wright, D.J. and Harder, C. (Ed.), 2020. GIS for Science, Volume 2: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analytics, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 233 pp., plus companion portal (ISBN: 9781589485877, Book DOI: 10.17128/9781589485877).
Wright, D.J. and Harder, C. (Ed.), 2019. GIS for Science: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analytics, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 300 pp., plus companion portal (ISBN: 9781589485303, Book DOI: 10.17128/9781589485303).
Wright, D.J. (Ed.), 2016. Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions, 2nd Edition, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 500 pp., plus companion portal, e-book (Book DOI: 10.17128/9781589484603, Data DOI: 10.17128/9781589484603_d, ISBN 978-1589484603). [ News Story | Press Release]
Wright, D.J. (Ed.), 2015. Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 366 pp., DOI: 10.17128/9781589483651, Data DOI: 10.17128/9781589483651_d, ISBN 978-1-5894-836-37).
National Research Council, Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030 (Barron, E.J., Fine , R.A., Bellingham, J.G., Boss, E.S., Boyle, E.A., Edwards, M., Johnson, K.S., Kelley, D.S., Kite-Powell, H., Ramberg, S., Rudnick, D.L., Schofield, O.M.E., Tamburri, M., Wiebe, P.H., and Wright, D.J.), 2011. An Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030, Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 98 pp. (ISBN 0-309-18603-X).
Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (eds.), 2011. Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 350 pp. (ISBN: 9781615208159, doi: 10.4018/978-1-61520-815-9). [ front matter]
National Research Council, Committee on Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences in the Next Decade (Murphy, A.B., Colleton, N., Downs, R.M., Goodchild, M.F., Hanson, S.,
Lawson, V., Macdonald, G., Magilligan, F.J., Moseley, W.G., Polsky, C.,
Seto, K.C., and Wright, D.J.), 2010. Understanding the Changing
Planet: Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences,
Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 172 pp. (ISBN 0-309-15075-2, doi: 10.17226/12860).
AAG Companion Website with teaching/learning resources
Wright, D.J., Blongewicz, M.J., Halpin, P.N., and Breman, J., 2007. Arc Marine: GIS for a Blue Planet, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 202 pp. (ISBN 978-1-58948-017-9), plus 2 companion web sites.
Wright, D.J. and Scholz, A.J. (Eds.), 2005. Place Matters: Geospatial Tools for Marine Science, Conservation and Management in the Pacific Northwest, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 305 pp., (ISBN 0-87071-057-5), plus companion web site.
National Research Council, Committee on National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting (Mayer, L., Barbor, K., Boudreau, P., Chance, T., Fletcher, C., Greening, H., Li, R., Mason, C., Metcalf, K., Snow-Cotter, S., and Wright, D.), 2004. A Geospatial Framework for the Coastal Zone: National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting, Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 149 pp., (ISBN 0-309-09176-4).
Wright, D.J. (Ed.), 2002. Undersea with GIS, Redlands, CA: Esri Press, 253 pp., plus companion CD-ROM, (ISBN 1-58948-016-3).
Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J. (Eds.), 2000. Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, 320 pp. (ISBN 0-7484-0862-2).
Sayre, R., Frye, C., Breyer, S., Butler, K. Roehrdanz, P. Elsen, P., Cress, J., Karagulle, D., Martin, M., Sangermano, F., Smyth, R., Sohl, T., Wolff, N., Wright, D., and Wu, Z. Potential 2050 distributions of World Terrestrial Ecosystems from projection of changes in world climate regions and global land cover, Global Ecology and Conservation, 57, e03370, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03370.
Hetherington, E., Anderson, C., Bastian, L., Boon, N., Chu, N.-C., Cruz, R., Drennon, H., Gates, A.R., Gertz, B., Goodwin, K., Halfter, S., Howell, K., Howes, E., Lopes, V., Martin, T., McConnell, T., Qian, P.-Y., Seabrook, S., Smith, L., Snyder, G., Stocks, K., Sylvan, R., Wright, D., and Levin, L., Deepening the Decade: Collaborative action for advancing deep ocean science and policy in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, doi: 10.1002/lob.10662.
Wright, D., Don't miss this year's Science Summit, ArcNews, 46(3): 30. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., Climate action still on the front burner, ArcNews, 46(2): 24-25. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., Why AI needs to be digitally resilient, ArcNews, 46(1): 26-27. [Scientific Currents Column]
2023:Rogers, A.D., Appiah-Madson, H., Ardron, J.A., Bax, N.J., Bhadury, P., Brandt, A., Buttigieg, P.-L., De Clerck, O., Delgado, C., Distel, D.L., Glover, A., Gobin, J., Guilhon, M., Hampton, S., Harden-Davies, H., Hebert, P., Hynes, L., Lowe, M., MacIntyre, S., Madduppa, H., Mazzuco, A.C.dA., McCallum, A., Mcowen, C., Nattkemper, T.W., Odido, M. O'Hara, T., Osborn, K., Pouponneau, A., Provoost, P., Rabone, M., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Scott, L., Sink, K.J., Turk, D., Watanabe, H.K., Weatherdon, L.V., Wernberg, T., Williams, S., Woodall, L., Wright, D.J., Zeppilli, D., and Steeds, O. Accelerating ocean species discovery and laying the foundations for the future of marine biodiversity research and monitoring, Frontiers of Marine Science, 10, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1224471.
Wright, D., Dawn Wright, in Kappel, E.S., B. Cuker, C. Garza, D. Gibson, C. Martinez, W.F. Todd, and C. Xu, eds. 2023. Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences Autobiographical Sketches: A Supplement to the December 2023 Oceanography Special Issue. Oceanography 36(4) Supplement, p. 26.
Wright, D., Here's how to take immediate climate action, ArcNews, 45(4): 30-31. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., Esri's new emphasis on social science, ArcNews, 45(1): 28-29. [Scientific Currents Column]
2022:Levin, L., Cimoli, L., Gjerde, K., Harden-Davis, H., Heimbach, P., LaScala-Gruenewald, D., Pachiadaki, M., Pillar, H., Smith, L.M, Stocks, K., Stopa, J., and Wright, D.J., Designing, generating and translating deep ocean observations for and with international policy makers, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(7): 1992-1995, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac143.
Smith, L.M., Cimoli, L., LaScala-Gruenewald, D., Pachiadaki, M., Phillips, B., Pillar, H. Stopa, J.E., Maumann-Pickering, S., Beaulieu, S., Bell, K.L.C., Harden-Davies, H., Gjerde, K.M., Heimbach, P., Howe, B., Janssen, F., Levin, L.A., Ruhl, H., Soule, A., Stocks, K., Vardaro, M.F., and Wright, D.J., The Deep Ocean Observing Strategy: Addessing global challenges in the deep sea through collaboration, Marine Technology Society Journal, 56(3): 50-66, doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.56.3.11 + Hub site.
Gore, M.L., Schwartz, L.R., Amponsah-Mensah, K., Barbee, E., Canney, S., Carbo-Penche, M., Cronin, Dr., Hilend, R., Laituri, M., Luna, D., Maina, F., Mey, C., Mumford, K., Mugo, R., Redempta Njeri Nduguta, R., Nyce, C., McEvoy, J., McShea, W., Ramy, A., Salafsky, N., Smetana, D., Tait, A., Wittig, T., Wright, D., and Naess, L. Voluntary, consensus-based geospatial data standards for the global illegal trade in wild fauna and flora. Nature: Scientific Data, 267, doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01371-w.
Aydin, O., Osorio-Murillo, C., Butler, K.A., and Wright, D.J., Conservation planning implications of modeling seagrass sparse absence data: A balanced random forest approach, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 26, 22, doi: 10.1007/s11852-022-00868-1.
Nelson, T.A., Goodchild, M.F., and Wright, D.J., Accelerating ethics, empathy, and equity in geographic information science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(19): e2119967119, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2119967119.
Janowicz, K., P. Hitzler, W. Li, D. Rehberger, M. Schildhauer, R. Zhu, C. Shimizu, C. K. Fisher, L. Cai, G. Mai, J. Zalewski, L. Zhou, S. Stephen, S. Gonzalez, B. Mecum, A. Lopez-Carr, A. Schroeder, D. Smith, D. Wright, S. Wang, Y. Tian, Z. Liu, M. Shi, A. D'Onofrio, Z. Gu, and K. Currier. Know, KnowWhere, KnowWhereGraph: A densely connected, cross-domain knowledge graph and geo-enrichment service stack for applications in environmental intelligence, AI Magazine, 43: 30-39, doi: 10.1002/aaai.12043.
Wright, D., with Stevens, C., An inspiring journey to map the the deepest part of the ocean, ArcNews, 44(4): 33-34. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., An important meeting of the minds, ArcNews, 44(3): 27-28. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., To save Earth's climate, map the oceans, ArcNews, 44(1): 33-34. [Scientific Currents Column, extended version of Bloomberg/WaPo piece, with permission]
Wright, D., The technology to fight climate change that we're not using nearly enough, Los Angeles Times, September 29, 2022.
2021:Sayre, R., Butler, K., VanGraafeiland, K., Breyer, S., Wright, D., Frye, C., Karagulle, D., Martin, M., Cress, J. Allen, T., Allee R.J., Parsons, R., Nyberg, B., Costello, M.J., Harris, P., and Muller-Karger, F., A global ecological classification of coastal segment units to complement Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Assessments, Oceanography, 34(2), 120-129, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2021.219 plus additional resources.
Wright, D., Biodiversity matters to everyone, so let's protect it, ArcNews, 43(4): 33-34. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., To save Earth's climate, map the oceans, Bloomberg Opinion, August 17, 2021, and picked up by The Washington Post, and several other outlets.
Wright, D., The face of our Earth, ArcNews, 43(2): 32-33. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., A busy event season for the Esri Science Team, ArcNews, 43(1): 35. [Scientific Currents Column]
2020:Sayre, R., Karagulle, D., Frye, C., Boucher, T., Wolff, N., Breyer, S., Wright, D., Martin, M., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., Touval, J., Sotomayor, L., McGowan J., Game, E.T., and Possingham, H., An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems, Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00860.
Sletten, J., D'Iorio, M., Gleason, M., Driedger, A., Vincent, T., Colegrove, C., Wright, D., and Zetterlind, V., Beyond the boundaries: How regulation-centered marine protected area information improves ocean protection assessments, biogeography, and terrestrial ecosystems, Marine Policy, 124: doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104340.
Wilson, J.P., Butler, K., Gao, S., Hu, Y., Li, W., and Wright, D.J., A five-star guide for achieving replicability and reproducibility when working with GIS software and algorithms, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110: doi: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1806026.
Johnson, C., M. Price, G. MacDonald, W. G. Moseley, D. J. Wright, and A. B. Murphy, Geography: Why It Matters, The AAG Review of Books, 8(1), 34-42, doi:10.1080/2325548X.2020.1689054.
Wright, D., How a treasure map led her to the bottom of the sea, Hydro International, 25(1): 23-25. (reprint by permission of Wright, 2019, CityLab piece)
Sayre, R., M. Martin, D. Karagulle, C. Frye, S. Breyer, D. Wright, K. Butler, K. VanGraafeiland, T. Boucher, J. McGowan, J. Touval, N. H. Wolff, L. Sotomayor, E. T. Game, and H. Possingham. World terrestrial ecosystems, in Goldstein, M.I. and DellaSalla, D. (eds.), Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 1st edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12474-1.
Wright, D., Mapping the deep: A new age of exploration, GreenBiz, July 1, 2020.
Wright, D., How Esri contributes to - and advances - science, ArcNews, 42(3): 23. [Scientific Currents Column]
Wright, D., Open science is good science, ArcNews, 42(4): 24. [Scientific Currents Column]
Smail, E., Takaki, D., Plag, H.-P., Garello, R., Djavidnia, S., Moutinho, J., E Serafy, G., Giorgetti, A., Vinci, M., Molina Jack, M.E., Larkin, K. Wright, D.J., Galgani, F., Topouzelis, K., Bernard, S., and Bowser, A. A Global Platform for Monitoring Marine Litter and Informing Action, United Nations Environment Programme White Paper, 83 pp.
2019:Sayre, R., Martin, M., Karagulle, D., Frye, C., Breyer, S., Wright, D.J., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., and Maynard, S., The islands of Oceania - Political geography, biogeography, and terrestrial ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, 39, 100985, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100985.
Canonico, G., Buttigieg, P.L., Montes, E., Stepien, C.A., Wright, D.J., Benson, A., Helmulth, B., Costello, M.J., Muller-Karger, F.E., Pinto I.S., Saeedi, H., Newton, J.A., Appeltans, W., Bednarsek, N., Bodrossy, L., Best, B.D., Brandt, A., Goodwin, K., Iken, K., Marques, A., Miloslavich, P., Ostrowski, M., Turner, W., Acherterberg, E.P., Barry, T., Defeo, O., Bigatti, G., Henry, L.-A., Sanchez, B.R., Munoz, P.D., Cuadrado, M.M.S., Morato, T., Roberts, M. Garcia-Alegre, A.G., Murton, B.J., Global observational needs and resources for marine biodiversity, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:367, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00367.
Y. Hu, Li, W., Wright, D., Aydin, O., Wilson, D., Maher, O., and Raad, M., Artificial Intelligence Approaches. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (2019 Edition), John P. Wilson (ed.), doi: 10.22224/gistbok/2019.3.4.
Kopp, S., Becker, P., Doshi, A., Wright, D.J., Zhang, K. Xu, H., Achieving the full vision of Earth observation data cubes, Data, 4(3), 94; doi: 10.3390/data4030094.
Wright, D.J., Kouyoumjian, V., and Kopp, S. Towards a community "playground:" Connecting cyberGIS with its communities, in Wang, S. and Goodchild, M.F. (eds.), CyberGIS for Geospatial Discovery and Innovation, New York: Springer, GeoJournal Library 118: 263-278, doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-1531-5_14.
Wright, D.J., Foreword, in Esri Press, Women and GIS: Mapping Their Stories, Esri Press, Redlands, CA, ISBN: 9781589485280, ix-x.
Sayre, R., J. Dangermond, D. Wright, S. Breyer, K. Butler, K. Van Graafeiland, C. Frye, D. Kargulle, S. Kopp, S. Noble, J. Cress, D. Burton, M. Martin, and J. Steiner. A New Map of Global Islands. Washington, DC: American Association of Geographers, 23 pp.
Wright, D., The treasure map that led me to the bottom of the sea, CityLab, The Atlantic, November 15, 2019.
2018:Townsend, A., Hayhoe, K., Gill, J., Shepherd, M., Foley, J., and Wright, D., The bad news we need, Scientific American, October 18, 2018 Observations.
Sayre, R., Noble, S., Hamann, S., Smith, R., Wright, D., Breyer, S., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., Frye, C., Karagulle, D., Hopkins, D., Stephens, D., Kelly, K., Basher, Z., Burton, D., Cress, J., Atkins, K., VanSistine, D.P., Friesen, B., Allee, B., Allen, T., Aniello, P., Asaad, I., Costello, M.J., Goodin, K., Harris, P., Kavanaugh, M., Lillis, H., Manca, E., Muller-Karger, F., Nyberg, B., Parsons, R., Saarinen, J., Steiner, J., and Reed, A. A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units, J. Operational Oceanography, doi: 10.1080/1755876X.2018.1529714.
Wright, D.J., Making story maps citable (e.g., with Digital Object Identifiers), ArcGIS Blog, October 8, 2018.
Sayre, R., Frye, C., Karagulle, D., Krauer, J., Breyer, S., Aniello, P., Wright, D., Payne, D. Adler, C., Warner, H., Paco VanSistine, D., and Cress, J., A new high resolution map of global mountains, Mountain Research and Development, 38(3): 240-249.
Frye, C., Nordstrand, E., Wright, D.J., Terborgh, C., and Foust, J. Using classified and unclassified land cover data to estimate the footprint of human settlement, Data Science Journal, 17(20): 1-12, doi: 10.5334/dsj-2018-020.
Costello, M.J., Basher, Z., Sayre, R., Breyer, S. and Wright D.J., Stratifying ocean sampling globally and with depth to account for environmental variability, Nature: Scientific Reports, 8: 11259, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29419-1.
Earle, S.A., Wright, D.J., Joye, S., Laffoley, D., Baxter, J., Safina, C., and Elkus, P., Ocean deoxygenation: Time for action, Science, 359(6383): 1475-1476; doi: 10.1126/science.aat0167.
Wright, D.J. and Earle, S.A., Deoxygenation of the ocean affects everyone, so act now, ArcNews, 40(3): 20-21.
Walbridge, S., Slocum, N., Pobuda, M., and Wright, D.J., Unified geomorphological analysis workflows with Benthic Terrain Modeler, Geosciences, 8(3): 94; doi: 10.3390/geosciences8030094, part of a special issue on marine geomorphometry.
Bowlick, F.J. and Wright, D.J., Digital data-centric geography: Implications for geography's frontier, The Professional Geographer, doi: 10.1080/00330124.2018.1443478.
Wright, D.J., Next phase of an unprecedented global "digital ocean" project, GeoConnexion, 17(4): 34-36.
2017:Wright, D.J., The role of aggregators, in Kruse, J., Crompvoets, J., and Perlman, F. (eds.), GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 117-128.
Wright, D.J., Marine Science. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (3rd Quarter 2017 Edition), John P. Wilson (ed.),doi: 10.22224/gistbok/2017.3.3.
Wright, D.J.. Swells, soundings, and sustainability, but... here be monsters. Oceanography, 30(2): 90-103, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2017.207.
Sayre, R.G., Wright, D.J., Breyer, S.P., Butler K.A., Van Graafeiland, K., Costello, M.J., Harris, P.T., Goodin, K.L., Guinotte, J.M., Basher, Z., Kavanaugh, M.T., Halpin, P.N., Monaco, M.E., Cressie, N.A., Aniello, P., Frye, C.E., and Stephens, D. A three-dimensional mapping of the ocean based on environmental data, Oceanography, 30(1): 90-103, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2017.116.
Sayre, R., J. Dangermond, D. Wright, S. Breyer, K. Butler, K. Van Graafeiland, M. Costello, P. Harris, K. Goodin, M. Kavanaugh, N. Cressie, J. Guinotte, Z. Basher, P. Halpin, M. Monaco, P. Aniello, C. Frye, D. Stephens, P. C. Valentine, J. Smith, R. Smith, D. VanSisteine, J. Cress, H. Warner, C. Brown, J. Steffenson, D. Cribbs, B. Van Esch, D. Hopkins, G. Noll, S. Kopp, and C. Convis. 2017. A New Map of Global Ecological Marine Units - An Environmental Stratification Approach. Washington, DC: American Association of Geographers, 36 pp.
Wright, D.J., Foreword, in Hamylton, S.M., Spatial Analysis of Coastal Environments, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107707412, xi-xii.
Karagulle, D., Frye, C., Sayre, R., Breyer, S., Aniello, P., Vaughan, R., and Wright, D.J., Improved Hammond's landform classification and method for global 250-m elevation data, Transactions in GIS, 22(1), doi: 10.1111/tgis.12265.
Wright, D., Butler, K.A., Breyer, S., Van Graafeiland, K., and Sayre, R. Esri, USGS release first truly 3D map of world's oceans, ArcNews, 39(1): 1, 12-13.
Interviewed for Witze, A., 3D ocean map tracks ecosystems in unprecedented detail, Nature, 541: 10-11.
2016:Wright, D.J., Toward a digital resilience, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000082.
Wright, D.J., If we want a resilient world, we need to start with resilient data, Ensia, February 2016, online.
Wright, D.J., Foreword, in Cowen, D. (ed.), STEM and GIS in Higher Education, Redlands, California: Esri Press, free e-book, esriurl.com/stemgis, ISBN: 9781589484481.
2015:Sullivan, C.M., Conway, F.D.L., Pomeroy, C., Hall-Arber, M., and Wright, D.J., Combining geographic information systems and ethnography to better understand and plan ocean space use, Applied Geography, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.11.027.
Gallagher, J., Orcutt, J., Simpson, P., Wright, D., Kampel, M., Kawano, T., Maltz, F., McCann, M., Pearlman, J. Pirene, B., Pissierssens, P., Raymond, L., Shepherd, I., Waldmann, C., Williams, A. III, Facilitating open exchange of data and information, Earth Science Informatics, 8(4): 721-739, doi: 10.1007/s12145-014-0202-2.
2014:Sayre, R., J. Dangermond, C. Frye, R. Vaughan, P. Aniello, S. Breyer, D. Cribbs, D. Hopkins, R. Nauman, W. Derrenbacher, D. Wright, C. Brown, C. Convis, J. Smith, L. Benson, D. Paco VanSistine, H. Warner, J. Cress, J. Danielson, S. Hamann, T. Cecere, A. Reddy, D. Burton, A. Grosse, D. True, M. Metzger, J. Hartmann, N. Moosdorf, H. Durr, M. Paganini, P. DeFourny, O. Arino, S. Maynard, M. Anderson, and P. Comer. A New Map of Global Ecological Land Units: An Ecophysiographic Stratification Approach. Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers, 46 pages.
Dick, D.M., Walbridge, S., Wright, D.J., Calambokidis, J., Falcone, E.A., Steel, D., Follett, T., Holmberg, J., and Baker, C.S., geneGIS: Geoanalytical tools and Arc Marine customization for individual-based genetic records, Transactions in GIS, 18(3): 324-350.
Devillers, R., Canessa, R., and Wright, D.J., Preface: Special issue on coastal and marine geographic information systems, Marine Geodesy, 37(2): 97-98.
Wright, D.J., Mapping the course, Ensia, April 2014, online.
Keon, D.B., Steinberg, B.M., Yeh, H.H., Pancake, C.M., and Wright, D.J., Web-based spatiotemporal simulation modeling and visualization of tsunami inundation and potential human response, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, doi: 10.1080/13658816.2013.875548.
Falloon, T.J., Meffre, S., Crawford, A.J., Hoernle, K., Folkmar, H., Bloomer, S.H., and Wright, D.J., Cretaceous fore-arc basalts from the Tonga arc: Geochemistry and implications for the tectonic history of the SW Pacific, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.05.007.
Wright, D.J., Chigbu, P., Legg, S. Merrifield, M., and Sylvia, G. External Review of the Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate, NOAA Science Advisory Board Report, Silver Spring, MD, 20 pp.
Wright, D.J., Review of Soundings: The Story of the Remarkable Woman Who Mapped the Ocean Floor by Hali Felt, Geographical Review, 104(1): 115-117, doi: 10.1111/j.1931-0846.2014.12010.x.
2013:Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Aqorau, T., Arnason, R., Chansiri, T., Del Rio, N., Demone, H., Earle, S., Feeley, M.H., Gutierrez, D., Hilborn, R., Ishii, N., Lischewski, C., Lubchenco, J., Nguyen, K.A., Obura, D., Poyet, R., Slade, T.N., Tanzer, J., Williams, J.H., Wright, D.J., and Xu, J., Indispensable Ocean: Aligning Ocean Health and Human Well-Being, Guidance from the Blue Ribbon Panel to the Global Partnership for Oceans, Washington, DC: World Bank, 44 pp.
Wright, D.J., The Ocean GIS Initiative: Esri's Commitment to Understanding Our Oceans, Esri e-Book, 2nd Edition, Technical Report J10129, Esri, Redlands, CA, 27 pp.
Wright, D., Bridging the gap between scientists and policy makers, Geospatial World [Invited for Annual Thought Leaders Edition], 3(6): 104-105, 107. Longer version as a blog piece.
2012:Wright, D.J., Theory and application in a post-GISystems world, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(12), 2197-2209.
This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here by
permission of International Journal of Geographical Information Science and Taylor & Francis for personal academic use, not for mass redistribution or
for commercial purposes. The definitive version is available at www.tandfonline.com.
Meffre, S., Falloon, T. J., Crawford, T. J., Hoernel, K., Hauff, F., Duncan, R. A., Bloomer, S. H., and Wright, D. J., Basalts erupted along the Tongan fore arc during subduction initiation: Evidence from geochronology of dredged rocks from the Tonga fore arc and trench, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(12): Q12003, doi:10.1029/2012GC004335.
Wright, D.J., Roberts, J., Fenner, D., Smith, J.R., Koppers, A.A.P., Naar, D., Hirsch, E.R., Clift, L.W., and Hogrefe, K.R., Seamounts, ridges, and reef habitats of American Samoa, in Harris, P.T. and Baker, E.K. (eds.), Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 791-806.
DiBiase, D., Harvey, F., Goranson, C., and Wright, D.. The GIS professional ethics project: Practical ethics education for GIS professionals, in Unwin, D., Foote, K., Tate, N., and DiBiase, D. (eds.), Teaching Geographic Information Science and Technology in Higher Education, London: Wiley and Sons, 199-210.
Wright, D.J., GIS "in Depth" -- Esri's Commitment to and Strategy for the Oceans, Esri Internal Strategic Plan, Technical Report J10128, Esri, Redlands, CA, 98 pp.
Wright, D.J., The Ocean GIS Initiative: Esri's Commitment to Understanding Our Oceans, Esri e-Book, Technical Report J10129, Esri, Redlands, CA, 26 pp.
Dwyer, N., Kopke, K., Berman, M., Belpaeme, K., O'Dea, L., Haddad, T., and Wright, D. Report of International Coastal Atlas Network Workshop 5: Coastal Atlases as Engines for Coastal & Marine Spatial Planning, Oostende, Belgium, 31 August to 2 September 2011, 50 pp.
Conway, F., Hall-Arber, M., Harte, M., Hudgens, D., Murray, T., Pomeroy, C., Weiss, J., Wiggin, J., and Wright, D. Identification of Outer Continental Shelf Renewable Energy Space-use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Outer Continental Shelf Study BOEM 2012-083, Industrial Economics, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 414 pp.
Wright, D.J., Esri's Ocean GIS Initiative, ArcNews, 34(3): 12-13.
Paul, E., McClintock, W., and Wright, D., SeaSketch for oil spill response, Journal of Ocean Technology, 7(4): 130-131. [pdf]
2011:Pittman, S.J., Connor, D.W., Radke, L., and Wright, D.J., Application of estuarine and coastal classifications in marine spatial management, in Wolanski, E. and McLusky, D.S (eds.), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Vol. 1, Features/Classification of Estuaries and Coastal Waters, Elsevier Academic Press, Waltham, 163-205. [reprint available upon request]
Koppers, A.A.P., Russell, J.A., Roberts, J., Jackson, M.G., Konter, J., Wright, D.J., Staudigel, H., and Hart, S.R., Age systematics of two en echelon Samoan volcanic trails, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12, Q07025, doi:10.1029/2010GC003438.
Wright, D.J. and Wang, S., The emergence of spatial cyberinfrastructure, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(14): 5488-5491, doi:10.1073/pnas.11030511 08 + Front Cover.
Wright, D.J. and Goodchild, M.F. (eds.), Special feature: Spatial cyberinfrastructure, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(14): 5488-5509.
Armstrong, M.P., Nyerges, T.L., Wang, S., and Wright, D., Connecting geospatial information to society through cyberinfrastructure, in Nyerges, T., Couclelis, H., and McMaster, R. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 109-122.
Heyman, W.D., and Wright, D.J., Marine geomorphology in the design of marine reserve networks, The Professional Geographer, 63(4): 429-442.
Heyman, W.D., and Wright, D.J. (eds.), Special focus section: Marine geomorphology in the design of marine reserve networks, The Professional Geographer, 63(4): 429-513.
O'Dea, E.K., Dwyer, E., Cummins, V. and Wright, D.J., Potentials and limitations of coastal web atlases, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, 15: 607-627.
Wright, D.J. and Roberts, J.T., Exploring the deeper reefs and volcanic provinces of American Samoa, ArcNews, 33(2): 18-19.
Wright, D.J., Cummins, V., and Dwyer, E., Introduction, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 1-11.
Wright, D.J., Sataloff, G., LaVoi, T., Meiner, A., and Uhel, R., Overview of coastal atlases, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 80-90.
Haddad, T.C., Bailey, R., and Wright, D.J., Oregon, USA, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 91-104.
Wright, D.J., Cummins, V., and Dwyer, E., The International Coastal Atlas Network, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 229-328.
LaVoi, T., Murphy, J., Sataloff, G., Longhorn, R., Meiner, A., Uhel, R., Wright, D.J., and Dwyer, E., Coastal atlases in the context of spatial data infrastructures, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 239-255.
Longhorn, R., Wright, D.J., and Belpaeme, K., Supporting a successful atlas, in Wright, D.J., Dwyer, E., and Cummins, V. (Eds.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation, Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 275-287.
2010:Dwyer, N. Wright, D.J., Kopke, K., and O'Dea, L. Report of International Coastal Atlas Network Workshop 4: Formalizing the Network, Engaging the Mediterranean, UNESCO International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 16-20 November 2009, 67 pp.
Wright, D.J., GIScience, in Warf, B., Jankowski, P., Solomon, B.D., and Welford, M. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Geography, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 1284-1289.
Wright, D.J., Foreword, in Breman, J. (ed.), Ocean Globe, Esri Press, Redlands, CA, vii-viii.
Artz, M., Longhorn, R., and Wright, D.J., Geotechnology in the marine sciences: Geospatial technology meets the grand challenges in marine science--An interview with Professor Dawn Wright, GEOconnexion International, 9(10): 44-46.
Artz, M. and Wright, D.J., Prof. Dawn Wright discusses the National Research Council Report, "Understanding the Changing Planet: Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences", GIS and Science Blog, December 2010, http://gisandscience.com/2010/12/21/. 2009:Wright, D.J., Duncan, S.L., and Lach, D.H., Social power and GIS technology: A review and assessment of approaches for natural resource management, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(2): 254-272.
Lord-Castillo, B., Wright, D.J., Mate, B., and Follett, T., A customization of the Arc Marine data model to support whale tracking via satellite telemetry, Transactions in GIS, 13(s1): 63-83.
This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here by
permission of Transactions in GIS and Wiley-Blackwell Publishers for
personal academic use, not for mass redistribution or for commercial purposes.
The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com.
Wright, D.J., Spatial data infrastructures for coastal environments, in Yang, X. (ed.), Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-88183-4_5, 91-112.
Purce, D., Wood, M., Kueck, J., Taylor, K., O'Dea, L., Wright, D., and Haddad, T. Proceedings of the West Coast Coastal Atlas Workshop, Seattle, WA, April 23-24, 2009, Washington Department of Ecology, 63 pp.
Wright, D.J. and Heyman, W.D., Marine and coastal GIS for geomorphology, habitat mapping, and marine reserves, Marine Geodesy, 31(4): 1-8.
This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here by
permission of Taylor & Francis LLC for personal academic use, not for mass
The definitive version was published in Marine Geodesy October 2008 at doi:10.1080/01490410802466306.
Hogrefe, K.R., Wright, D.J., and Hochberg, E.J., Derivation and
integration of shallow-water bathymetry: Implications for coastal terrain modeling and subsequent analyses, Marine Geodesy, 31(4): 299-317.
This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here by
permission of Taylor & Francis LLC for personal academic use, not for
mass redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Geodesy October 2008 at
Wright, D.J. and Heyman, W.D. (eds.), Sixth special issue on marine and coastal geographical information systems: Marine and coastal GIS for geomorphology, habitat mapping, and marine reserves, Marine Geodesy, 31(4): 223-371.
Dwyer, N. and Wright, D.J., Report of International Coastal Atlas Network Workshop 3 on Federated Coastal Atlases: Building on the Interoperable Approach, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark, 65 pp.
Lufafa, A., Bolte, J., Wright, D., Khouma, M., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R.P., Kizito, F., Dossa, E., and Noller, J.S., Regional carbon stocks and dynamics in native woody shrub communities of Senegal's Peanut Basin, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 127(3-4): doi:10.1016/j.agee.2008.04.013.
Wright, D.J., The Arc Marine data model: Process and product [invited feature article], GEOInformatics, 11(3), 36-39, 41.
Lassoued, Y., Wright, D.J., Bermudez, L., and Boucelma, O., Ontology-based mediation of OGC Catalogue Service for the Web requests: A virtual solution for integrating coastal web atlases, Proceedings of ICSOFT 2008, the 3rd International Conference on Data and Software Engineering, Berlin: Springer. [pdf]
2007:Wright, D.J., Data integration, in Kemp, K. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 78-80.
Falloon, T.J., Danyushevsky, L.V., Crawford, T.J., Maas, R., Woodhead, J.D., Eggins, S.M., Bloomer, S.H., Wright, D.J., Zlobin, S.K., and Stacey, A.R., Multiple mantle plume components involved in the petrogenesis of subduction-related lavas from the northern termination of the Tonga Arc and northern Lau Basin: Evidence from the geochemistry of arc and backarc submarine volcanics, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 8, Q09003, doi:10.1029/2007GC001619.
Wright, D., Diving into ocean and coastal GIS: Progress and challenges [invited article for AAG section], Directions Magazine, www.directionsmag.com
Wright, D.J., Exploration in the age of Digital Earth [invited cover article], ArcNews, 28(4): 1, 8-9.
Reprinted in September 2008 as a chapter in Esri's GIS Best Practices: Essays on Geography and GIS, downloaded 11,000+ times in Jan-Apr, 2009.
O'Dea, L., Cummins, V., Wright, D., Dwyer, N. and Ameztoy, I., Report on Coastal Mapping and Informatics Trans-Atlantic Workshop 1: Potentials and Limitations of Coastal Web Atlases, University College Cork, Ireland, 75 pp.
Wright, D.J., Watson, S., Bermudez, L., Cummins, V., Dwyer, N., O'Dea, L., Nyerges, T., Benoit, G., Berman, M., Helly J., and Uhel, R., Report on Coastal Mapping and Informatics Trans-Atlantic Workshop 2: Coastal Atlas Interoperability, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 43 pp.
Vance, T.C., Merati, N., Mesick, S., Moore, C., and Wright, D., GeoModeler - Tightly linking spatially-explicit models with a GIS for analysis and geovisualization, Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2007), Seattle, WA. [pdf]
2006:Lundblad, E., Wright, D.J., Miller, J., Larkin, E.M.,Rinehart, R., Battista, T., Anderson, S.M., Naar, D.F., and Donahue, B.T., A benthic terrain classification scheme for American Samoa, Marine Geodesy, 29(2): 89-111. [pdf]
2005:Wright, D., Watson, S., Graybeal, J., and Bermudez, L., Making scientific data sets easier to find, access, and use, Eos, Transactions AGU, 86(5): 522, 525. [pdf]
Haddad, T.C., Wright, D.J., Dailey, M., Klarin, P., Marra, J., Dana, R., and Revell, D., The tools of the Oregon Coastal Atlas, in Wright, D.J. and Scholz, A.J. (Eds.), Place Matters: Geospatial Tools for Marine Science, Conservation and Management in the Pacific Northwest, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 134-151. [pdf]
Wright, D.J. and Halpin, P.N., Spatial reasoning for Terra Incognita: Progress and grand challenges of marine GIS, in Wright, D.J. and Scholz, A.J. (Eds.), Place Matters: Geospatial Tools for Marine Science, Conservation and Management in the Pacific Northwest, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 273-287.
Wright, D.J. and Halpin, P.N., Progress and grand challenges of marine GIS, GIS Development Weekly, August 22nd, [invited application paper], gis.development.net.
Wright, D.J. and DiBiase, D., Distance education in geographic information science: Arena Symposium and an informal survey, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 29(1), 91-100, 2005. [pdf]
Kinzel, M., Brown, W., Moore, S., and Wright, D., Ocean explorations from Davey Jones Locker, GIS Educator, Spring 2005, p. 3. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., Data management a top priority?, Sea Technology, 46(2): 93 [invited editorial]. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., Report of HURL Cruise KOK0510: Submersible Dives and Multibeam Mapping to Investigate Benthic Habitats of Tutuila, American Samoa. Technical Report (non-refereed), NOAA's Office of Undersea Research Submersible Science Program, Hawai'i Undersea Research Lab. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., Contribution to special issue on women in oceanography [pdf], Oceanography, 18(1), 240. (non-refereed)
Wright D.J., Coastal mapping and charting, Geospatial Solutions, 14(9): 20.
Hepner, G., D.J. Wright, C.J. Merry, S.J. Anderson, and S.D. DeGloria. Remotely-acquired data and information in GIScience, in McMaster, R. and Usery, L. (eds.), A Research Agenda for Geographic Information Science, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC, 351-364.
Psuty, N.P., Steinberg, P., and Wright, D.J., Coastal and marine geography, in Gaile, G.L. and Willmott, C.J. (Eds.) Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century , New York: Oxford University Press, 314-325.
Wright, D.J., Marine geography in support of "reefs at risk," in Warf, B., Janelle, D., and Hansen, K., (eds.), WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems, New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 325-330.
Wright, D.J., O'Dea, E., Cushing, J.B., Cuny, J.E., and Toomey, D.R., Why Web GIS may not be enough: A case study with the Virtual Research Vessel, Marine Geodesy, 26(1-2), 73-86.
Wright, D.J. Internet GIS at Oregon State University, in Peng, Z.R. and Tsou, M.H., Internet GIS: A Distributed Geospatial Information Service for Wired and Wireless Networks, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 198-199.
Wright, D.J., Review of Geographic Information Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries by V.D. Valavanis, London: Taylor & Francis, 209 pp., ISBN 0-415-28463-5, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(6): 599-600.
Wright, D.J., Haymon, R.M., White, S.M., and Macdonald, K.C., Crustal fissuring on the crest of the southern East Pacific Rise, 17° 15'-40'S, Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2001JB000544, 2002.
Rub, M.W., D. Wright, and J. Jones, A novel landscape ecology approach for determining microhabitat correlations and faunal patchiness in extreme environments: Pilot study for the southern East Pacific Rise at 17-18° S, CBM-Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 43: 307-311.
Wright, D.J., Introduction, in D.J. Wright (Ed.), Undersea with GIS, Redlands, CA, Esri Press, xiii-xx. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., B.T. Donahue, and D.F. Naar, Seafloor mapping and GIS coordination at America's remotest national marine sanctuary (American Samoa), in D.J. Wright (Ed.), Undersea with GIS, Redlands, CA, Esri Press, 33-63. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., Selected bibliography and Internet resources, in D.J. Wright (Ed.), Undersea with GIS, Redlands, CA, Esri Press, 245-253. [pdf]
Wright, D.J., Mapping the seafloor in American Samoa, Geospatial Solutions, 12(7): 24-25.
Wright, D., D. DiBiase, C. Pancake, R. Wright, and K. Foote. Challenges and opportunities in distance education for geographic information science, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science Special White Paper, 20 manuscript pages.
Wright, D.J., Towards a data management infrastructure for MARGINS: Examples from Boomerang 8 and the Virtual Research Vessel [pdf], MARGINS Newsletter, 9:34-36, 38.
Breman, J., D. Wright, and P. Halpin, The inception of the ArcGIS marine data model, in Breman, J. (ed.), Marine Geography, Redlands, CA, Esri Press, 3-9.
Nasby, N., Embley, R., Hixon, M., Merle, S., Tissot, B., and Wright, D., Integration of submersible transect data and high-resolution sonar imagery for a habitat-based groundfish assessment of Heceta Bank, Oregon, Fisheries Bulletin, 100: 739-751.
Walsh, K., C. Pancake, D.J. Wright, S. Haerer, and J. Hanus, "Humane" interfaces to improve the usability of data clearinghouses, in Egenhofer, M. and Mark, D. (eds.), GIScience 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2478, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 333-345.
Smith, D., S. Carbotte, S. Cande, S. Miller, D. Wright, and W. Ryan, Data Management for Marine Geology and Geophysics: Tools for Archiving, Analysis, and Visualization [pdf], NSF/ONR Workshop Report, Geosciences Professional Services, Inc., Washington, D.C., 32 pp.
Wright, D.J., Bloomer, S.H., MacLeod, C.J., Taylor, B., and Goodliffe, A.M., Bathymetry of the Tonga Trench and forearc: A map series, Marine Geophysical Researches, 21(5): 489-512, 2000.
Wilson, J.P., Mitasova, H., and Wright, D.J., Water resource applications of GIS, Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 12(2): 61-79.
Tivey, M.K., Bemis, K., Bradley, A.M., Butterfield, J., Delaney, J.R., Ding, K., Dziak, R.P., Fisher, C., Fox, C.G., Hautala, S., Jackson, D., Jannasch, H.W., Johnson, H.P., Juniper, S.K., Kadko, D., Kelley, D.S., Lilley, M., McDuff, R.E., Rona, P., Sarrazin, J., Schultz, A., Seyfried, W.E., Jr., Thomson, R.E., Wheat, C.G., Wilcock, W., Wright, D., and Yoerger, D., The RIDGE Endeavour Segment seafloor observatory: Recent successes and an overview of coordinated experiments for Y2K, RIDGE Events, 11(1): 10-17, 2000.
Wright, D.J., Down to the sea in ships: The emergence of marine GIS, in Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J. (eds.), Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, 1-10.
Wright, D.J., Spatial reasoning for marine geology and geophysics, in Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J. (eds.), Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, 117-128.
Bartlett, D.J. and Wright, D.J., Epilogue, in Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J. (eds.), Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, 295-315.
Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J., Preface, in Wright, D.J. and Bartlett, D.J. (eds.), Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, xvii-xviii.
Wright, D.J., Getting to the bottom of it: Tools, techniques, and discoveries of deep ocean geography, The Professional Geographer, 51(3): 426-439.
Wright, D. J., Semantic modelling for oceanographic data in Craglia, M. A and Onsrud, H. (Eds.), Geographic Information Research: Trans-Atlantic Perspectives, London: Taylor and Francis, 405-414.
Wright, D.J., "Virtual" seminars in GIS: Academic future or flash in the pan? Geo Info Systems, 9(3): 22, 24-26.
White, S.M., Macdonald, K.C., Haymon, R.M. and the Sojourn-2 Science Party (S. Baron, B. Bezy, E. Birk, L. Crowder, G. Levai , L. Magde, J. O'Neill, D. Schierer, P. Sharfstein, S. Sudarikov, D. Wright), 1999, Volcanoes of the southern East Pacific Rise: A new view of crustal accretion and ridge segmentation at super-fast spreading rates, RIDGE Events, 10(2): 16-22.
Wright, D.J., Formation and development of fissures at the East Pacific Rise: Implications for faulting and magmatism at mid-ocean ridges, in Buck, W.R., Delaney, P., Karson, J. A., and Lagabrielle, Y. (Eds.), Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges, Geophysical Monograph 106, Washington, D.C: American Geophysical Union, 137-151.
Wright, D.J., Wood, R., Sylvander, B., ArcGMT: A suite of tools for conversion between Arc/INFO and Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), Computers and Geosciences, 24(8):737-744.
Clift, P.D., MacLeod, C.J., Tappin, D.R., Wright, D.J., and Bloomer, S.H. Tectonic controls on sedimentation in the Tonga Trench and Forearc, SW Pacific. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 110(4):483-496 + Front Cover.
Wright, D.J. and McDuff, R., A geographic information system for the Endeavour Segment, RIDGE Events, 9(1):11-15, 1998.
Wright, D.J., Creatures of the deep and maps of the ocean floor, Association for Women in Science Magazine, 27(2):10-12.
Wright, D.J., Goodchild, M.F., and Proctor, J.D., Demystifying the persistent ambiguity of GIS as "tool" versus "science," (pdf) The Annals of the AAG, 87(2): 346-362.
Wright, D.J., Goodchild, M.F., and Proctor, J.D., Still hoping to turn that theoretical corner, The Annals of the AAG, 87(2): 373.
Wright, D.J., Fox, C.G., Bobbitt, A.M., A scientific information model for deepsea mapping and sampling, Marine Geodesy, 20(4): 367-379.
(portions reprinted in Wright, 1999, "Semantic modelling..." by permission of Taylor & Francis, due to the loss of my original manuscript by the editor of Marine Geodesy while the paper was supposed to be in review.)
Wright, D. J., and Goodchild, M.F., Data from the deep: Implications for the GIS community, Int. J. Geographical Information Science, 11(6): 523-528.
Wright, D.J., Rumblings on the ocean floor: GIS supports deep-sea research, Geo Info Systems, 6(1):22-29 + Front Cover.
Wright, D.J., Aboard Alvin submersible: ArcView supports sea floor exploration, ARC News, 18(1):14.
Scheirer, D. S., Macdonald, K. C., Forsyth, D. W., Miller, S. P., Wright, D. J., and Cormier, M.-H., A map series of the southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks, 15°S to 19°S, Mar. Geophys. Res., 18, 1-12.
Wright, D.J., Haymon, R.M., and Macdonald, K.C., Breaking new ground: Estimates of crack depth along the axial zone of the East Pacific Rise (9° 12'-54'N) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 134:441-457.
Wright, D.J., Haymon, R.M., and Fornari, D.J., Crustal fissuring and its relationship to magmatic and hydrothermal processes on the East Pacific Rise crest (9° 12' - 54'N), J. Geophys. Res., 100(B4):6097-6210.
Wright, D. J., Geographic information systems for RIDGE research, RIDGE Events, 5(2):5-7, 11.
Wright, D. J., From Pattern to Process on the Deep Ocean Floor: A Geographic Information System Approach, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Califonia, Santa Barbara, CA, 341 pp.
Scheirer, D. S., K. Macdonald, D. Forsyth, R. Alexander, T. Atwater, N. Beedle, M. Cormier, K. Feldman, C. Hollinshead, D. Levitt, M. A. Lynch, S. Miller, A. Padgett, A. Sauter, K. Sayanagi, Y. Shen, C. Weiland, and D. Wright, Wide-spread volcanic and tectonic activity on the southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks, RIDGE Events, 4(1): 1-2, 8-9.
Haymon, R. M., D. J. Fornari, K. L. Von Damm, M. D. Lilley, M. R. Perfit, J. M. Edmond, W. C. Shanks III, R. A. Lutz, J. B. Grebmeier, S. Carbotte, D. Wright, E. McLaughlin, E. Smith, N. Beedle, and E. Olson, Volcanic eruption of the mid-ocean ridge along the East Pacific Rise crest at 9° 45-52'N: 1. Direct submersible observations of seafloor phenomena associated with an eruption event in April, 1991, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 109, 85-101.
Wright, D. J., Convergence and strike-slip motion at the northern terminus of the Tonga Trench, Southwest Pacific, in CRC Handbook of Geophysical Exploration at Sea, edited by R. Geyer, p. 35-79, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Wright, D. J., and R. M. Haymon, Applications of ARC/INFO to the studies of the ocean floor, in ARC/INFO Maps 1991, edited by J. Dangermond, p. 28-29, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA.
Haymon, R., D. Fornari, R. Lutz, K. Von Damm, M. Perfit, M. Lilley, W. C. I. Shanks, K. Macdonald, M. Edwards, D. Nelson, D. Colodner, M. Kappus, D. Wright, M. Black, D. Scheirer, H. Edmonds, E. Olson, and T. Geiselman, 1991 eruption site on the East Pacific Rise at 9° 45'-52'N is evolving rapidly: Results of AdVenture '92 dive series, RIDGE Events, 3(2), 1-2, 11.
Haymon, R. M., D. J. Fornari, M. H. Edwards, S. Carbotte, D. Wright, and K. C. Macdonald, Hydrothermal vent distribution along the East Pacific Rise Crest (9° 09'-54'N) and its relationship to magmatic and tectonic processes on fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 104, 513-534.
Haymon, R. M., S. Carbotte, D. Wright, N. Beedle, F. Johnson, D. J. Fornari, K. Von Damm, J. Grebmeier, M. Lilley, E. McLaughlin, E. Olson, J. Edmond, M. R. Perfit, M. Smith, W. C. Shanks III, R. Lutz, J. Seewald, and D. Reudelhuber, Active eruption seen on East Pacific Rise, Eos Trans. AGU, 72, 505-507.
Haymon, R. M., D. Fornari, K. Von Damm, J. Edmond, M. Lilley, M. Perfit, W. C. Shanks III, J. Grebmeier, R. Lutz, S. Carbotte, D. Wright, M. Smith, E. McLaughlin, N. Beedle, J. Seewald, D. Reudelhuber, E. Olson, and F. Johnson, East Pacific Rise erupts north of Leg 142 drillsite!, JOI-USSAC Newsletter, 4, 4-12.
Wright, D.J. (ed.), 2021. Supplementary Digital Resources, GIS for Science, Volume 3: Maps for Saving the Planet, Esri Press, Esri, DOI: 10.17128/9781589485877.
Wright, D.J. (ed.), 2020. Supplementary Digital Resources, GIS for Science, Volume 2: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analytics, Esri Press, Esri, DOI: 10.17128/9781589485877.
Wright, D.J. and Harder, C. (ed.), 2019. Supplementary Digital Resources, GIS for Science: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analytics, Esri Press, Esri, DOI: 10.17128/9781589485877.
Wright, D.J., 2016. An Organizational "Landscape" - EarthCube Liaison Team Story Map, ResearchGate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36820.65925.
Wright, D. (ed.), 2016. Supplementary Digital Resources, Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions, 2nd edition. Esri Press, Esri, Inc. DOI: 10.17128/9781589484603_d.
Wright, D.J., Chandler, C., 2015. Indian Ocean Research Data: Past, Present and Future, ResearchGate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22193.02403.
Wright, D. (ed.), 2015. Supplementary Digital Resources, Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions, 1st edition. Esri Press, Esri, Inc. DOI: 10.17128/9781589483651_d.
Wright, D. and Haymon, R.H., 2015. Processed Near-bottom Navigation Data (ASCII format) from the East Pacific Rise at 9N acquired during the Atlantis II expedition A125-38 (1992). Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/316376.
Wright, D. and Haymon, R.H., 2015. Seafloor Morphology Types derived from Photos acquired with Argo-I at the East Pacific Rise at 9N during Thomas Washington expedition VNTR03WT (1989) . Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/316631.
Wright, D., Fornari, D., and Haymon, R.H., 2015. Processed Near-bottom Navigation Data from the East Pacific Rise at 9N acquired during the Atlantis II expedition A125-24 (1991) . Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/316375.
Wright, D., Fornari, D., and Haymon, R.H., 2015. Seafloor observation and Interpretations based on Camera bottom photos from the East Pacific Rise at 9N acquired during the Atlantis II expedition A125-24 (1991) . Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/316632.
Wright, D.J., 2014. Story Maps as an Effective Social Medium for Data Synthesis, Communication, and Dissemination, ResearchGate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10448.97283.
Wright, D.J., 2013. Have I Been a Data Scientist from the Start? Parallels from the Geographic Information Science Community in the Early 1990s, ResearchGate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25548.46723.
Wright, D.J., 2013. Participation in Social Media as Academic Service, ResearchGate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15482.13769.
Wright, D. and Bloomer, S.H., 2012. Tonga Trench and Forearc Multibeam Bathymetry Grids (2005). Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/100011.
Frye, C.E., Sayre, R.G., Breyer, S., Roehrdanz, P., Elsen, P., Butler, K.A., Karagulle, D., Sangermano, F., Wright, D.J., Smyth, R. and Wolff, N., Modeling and Comparing 2015 and 2050 SSP-RCP Projections of World Terrestrial Ecosystems with ArcGIS Software, Eos, Trans. AGU, 105, Fall Meet. Suppl., Poster in B53A | actual poster.
Frye, C.E., Sayre, R.G., Breyer, S., Roehrdanz, P., Elsen, P., Butler, K.A., Sangermano, F., Karagulle, D., Smyth, R., Wolff, N., Wright, D.J., Sohl, T., Martin, M.T., Wu, Z., and Cress, J., Comparison Between Distributions of 2015 and Potential 2050 World Terrestrial Ecosystems Modeled from CMIP6 SSP-RCP-Based Climate Regions and Land Cover, Eos, Trans. AGU, 105, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper B52A-01A.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Summit, 2024 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 15-19.
Wright, D., On Art, Afrofuturism, and Geography, Northstar of GIS Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting, 2024 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 15-19.
Wright, D., Hello HBCU Superstars!, Special Program for undergraduate scholars of the Harris-Stowe State University HBCU Immersion in GEOINT program, 2024 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 15-19.
Wright, D., Climate Science at Esri, Climate Action Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting, 2024 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 15-19.
Wright, D., Hello 2024 UC Assistants!, UC Student Assistantship Dinner Meeting, 2024 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 15-19.
Wright, D., Impact of EMUs, ECUs, and now EBUs: Esri Perspective, Invited Presenter, Workshop on Global Seafloor Classification of Ecological Benthic Units (EBUs), GeoHab 2024 (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping Conference), Arendal, Norway.
Wright, D., Progressing Deep Ocean Observing for the Next Generation: Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO), Invited Presenter, Deepening the Decade: Deep Ocean Actions for a Sustainable Ocean Satellite Event, 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Wright, D., Science and Solutions for a Safe and Predicted Ocean, Invited Panelist (moderated by Mark Heine, CEO of Fugro w/Patricia Miloslavich, Program Lead of the East Antarctic Monitoring Program; Pierre Bahurel, Director General, Mercator Ocean International; Ann-Christine Zinkann, Program Manager, NOAA; and Kimberly Mathisen, CEO of HubOcean), Plenary Session 3, 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Sayre, R.G., Sohl, T., Wu, Z., Martin, M., Cress, J., Frye, C., Karagulle, D., Butler, K., Breyer, S., Wright, D.J., Brown, C., Smyth, R., Sangermano, F., Elsen, P., Wolff, N., and Roehrdanz, P., Projecting the 2050 distribution of World Terrestrial Ecosystems (WTEs) to assess potential changes in ecosystem extent and vulnerability, GEO BON Global Conference: Monitoring Biodiversity for Action, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 10-13 Paper 10005.
Wright, D., The Future of Women in STEM & Exploration, Invited Panelist (moderated by Maria Tzortziou, CUNY w/Mande Holford, CUNY; Citlali Morelos-Juarez, Tesoro Escondido Reserve, Ecuador; Alifa Haque, Bengal Elasmo Lab Collaboration, Bangladesh; Emma Camp, U. of Technology Sydney, Australia; and Zuzana Burivalova, U. Wisconsin-Madison), WINGS WorldQuest Women of Discovery Global Explorers Forum, New York, NY, October 13.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2023 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 10-14.
Wright, D., Film Geographies and the Rise of Academic Filmmaking, Panelist (moderated by Joseph Palis, U. of Philippines-Diliman w/ Jessica Jacobs, Queen Mary U. of London; Jose Carlos Pons, U. of Texas-Austin; Alice Salimbeni, U. of Cagliari; Laurel Smith, U. of Oklahoma; Heather Davis, U. of Tennessee; and Amandine Desille), Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Session 5810 | slides.
Wright, D., Humanistic GIS: Towards a Research Agenda, Invited panelist (moderated by Ling Bian, U. at Buffalo w/Luke Bergmann, U. of British Columbia; Harvey Miller, Ohio State; Trisalyn Nelson, UCSB; and Bo Zhao, U. of Washington), Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Session 5616 | slides.
Visbeck, M., Kollert, J., Bronner, U., Siddorn, J., Wright, D., Chai, F., Muelbert, M., and Krug, M., Digital Twins of the Ocean -- DITTO, a UN Ocean Decade Program, Proceedings of IUGG Berlin 2023, The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin, Germany, 11-20, July, Abstract IUGG23-4601.
Wright, D.J., The Ocean Decade: Delivering the Science, Technology and Skills for the Future, Invited Plenary Panelist (moderated by Nicole LeBoeuf, NOAA NOS w/ Margaret Leinen, Director of Scripps; Jyotika Virmani, Exec Director of Schmidt Ocean Institute; and Kate Wing, Exec Director of Intertidal Agency, Oceanology International Americas, San Diego, CA.
Wright, D.J., Inspiring the Next Generation of Ocean Scientists and Technologists, Invited Plenary Panelist (moderated by Liesl Hotaling, Eidos Education w/ Captain Don Walsh; Edith Widder, Ocean Research & Conservation Association; and Mandy Joye, U. of Georgia), Oceanology International Americas, San Diego, CA.
Wright, D.J., Entryways to Environmental Data Science, Invited Plenary Panel Moderator (with Noam Ross, EcoHealth Alliance; Dorris Scott, Washington University St. Louis; Leah Wasser, PyOpenSci; and Wendy Guan, Harvard), NCEAS Environmental Data Sciences Summit, Santa Barbara, CA.
Wright, D.J., Brumby, S., Breyer, S., Fitzgibbon, A., Pisut, D., Statman-Weil, Z., Hannel, M., Mathis, M., and Kontgis, C., Mapping the world at 10 m: A novel deep-learning land use land cover product and beyond, Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Abstract Vol. 25, EGU22-9012, Vienna, AUSTRIA, May 23-27.
Wright, D.J., Vescovo, V., MacDonald, T., McCallum, R., and Morizet, J., Initial results from DSV Limiting Factor Dive 115 to Challenger Deep, July 2022, including first successful operation of a sidescan sonar at full ocean depth, Eos, Trans. AGU, 103, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper #OS25B-01.
Stocks, K.I., Beaulieu, S., Berys, C., Biddle, M., Smith, L., Vardaro, M., and Wright, D.J., SeaFAIRing: experiences supporting deep ocean data providers towards more FAIR data, Eos, Trans. AGU, 103, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper # IN26A-02.
Farley, A., Wynne, R., Wright, D.J., Rodrigues, M., and Chauhan, R., [Open Access/Open Science Week 2022 special] How the US OSTP policy could transform academia: A cross-section of expert views, Editage Insights Online.
Sayre, R., Butler, K., VanGraafeiland, K., Breyer, S. and Wright, D., Ecologial Coastal Units - Standardized global shoreline characteristics, Proceedings of Oceans 2022 Hampton Roads (aka IEEE Oceans), Hampton Roads, VA, October 17-21, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977390.
Wright, D., The Challenge of Challenger Deep, 2022 Esri Ocean, Weather and Climate GIS Forum, Redlands, CA, Invited Plenary Opening.
Wright, D., Exploring the Ocean's Depths, Invited Keynote Panelist (moderated by Kakani Katija, MBARI w/ 'Aulani Wilhelm, White House Office of Science Technology & Policy), VERGE 22 Climate Tech Event, San Jose, CA.
VERGE 22 summary article in Greenbiz
Wright, D., Earth Optimism, Half-Earth Day Closing Plenary, Invited Panelist (moderated by Jeff Corwin, wildlife TV show host, w/Kirk Johnson, Director of National Museum of History; Mamie Parker, Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO of World Resources Institute); livestreamed for registered attendees only, video recordings.
Wright, D., Esri Support for America the Beautiful, Linking Science to Decisions to Support Biodiversity Outcomes of America The Beautiful, Half-Earth Day supporting event, US Capitol Gallery Building, Washington, DC, video recordings.
Wright, D., Solutions and Changes, Invited panelist, moderated by Walter Jetz, Yale University and Scientific Chair of the EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation w/Jodi Hilty, President & Chief Scientist, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Chad Wilsey, VP, Chief Scientist, Audubon); Saving America’s Biodiversity: Wildlife Corridor Protection, Partnerships and Strategies with Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, Half-Earth Day supporting event, US Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC.
Wright, D., Closing Keynote, Esri Atlas of Climate Action: Resilience and Reduction Through a Geographic Approach, Esri and Los Angeles Times Executive Webinar, livestreamed and recorded, 475 registrations, 175 attendees.
Seabed 2030: Mapping for People and Planet, UN Ocean Conference Side Event, Invited Co-Moderator, with Kilaparti (Rama) Ramakrishna, Lisbon, Portugal and virtual, livestreamed.
Wright, D., California and Caribbean Coastal Digital Twins in Progress, International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit 2022, virtual from London, livestreamed and recorded.
Wright, D., Translating Science to Stakeholders, iDOOS Annual Meeting 2022, Addressing Global Challenges in the Deep Sea through Collaboration, virtual from US east coast, livestreamed and recorded.
Wright, D., A Perspective on Ocean Exploration, Plenary Video, 2022 National Ocean Exploration Forum - Ocean Exploration: Blueprint 2032, virtual from Austin, TX.
Smith, L., et al., Deep-Sea Connections: Developing Cohesion and Synergies among Deep-sea Networks, Programs, Projects and Scientists, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Town Hall TH45, livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only.
Zinkann, A.-C., Visbeck, M., et al., UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Program: Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO) - Information and Engagement, Invited Panel, moderated by Ann-Christian Zinkann, NOAA; w/Jeroen Steenbeek, Ecopath Internatonal Initiative; Kim Juniper, Ocean Networks Canada; and Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Town Hall TH50, livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only.
Sayre, R.G., Butler, K.A., Van Graafeiland, K., Breyer, S., Wright, D.J., and Martin, M., Ecological settings of Earth's coastlines, Eos, Trans. AGU, 102, Fall Meet. Suppl., eLightning B11A-03.
Easterday, K., Reynolds, M., Merrifield, M., Bell, M., Goering, M. and Wright, D.J., Building a digital twin of the Dangermond Preserve - the last coastal wilderness in southern California, Eos, Trans. AGU, 102, Fall Meet. Suppl., eLightning SY14A-02.
Williams, B.M., White, L.D., Fraiser, M., Wright, D.J., Garza, C., Matos, K., Dekens, P., and Myrbo, A., Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Earth and Space Sciences: Conversation on Issues and Opportunities with the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Eos, Trans. AGU, 102, Fall Meet. Suppl., AGU Town Hall Session TH45L, 16 December, AGU Fall Meeting VIRTUAL.
Wright, D., Our Planet... Our Future... 2021 Esri Ocean, Weather, and Climate GIS Forum, 3 November.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2021 Esri International User Conference, Virtual, July 12-15 [Recorded Video].
Williams, B.M., White, L.D., Fraiser, M., Wright, D.J., Garza, C., Matos, K., Dekens, P., and Myrbo, A., Diversity and Inclusion in the Earth and Space Sciences: Candid Discussion with the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Eos, Trans. AGU, 101, Fall Meet. Suppl., AGU Town Hall Session 103248, 16 December, AGU Fall Meeting VIRTUAL.
Koh, R., Matias, Y., Wright, D.J., and Chan, S., The Power of Deep Tech in Addressing Disaster Response, Understanding Risk 2020 Forum, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), World Bank, Virtual from Singapore
Wright, D., Fieldwork, Gender, and Diversity in the Earth Sciences, Texas A&M ADVANCE and the College of Geosciences Panel in conjunction with a showing of the documentary, Picture a Scientist, virtual, 29 October.
Wright, D., The Changing Boundary Between Human Habitats and the Sea: Coastal Issues, Geography 2050: The Future of the World Ocean, American Geographical Society, Virtual Plenary Panel, 16 November.
Wright, D., Our Ocean, Our Future, 2020 Esri Canada GIS Ocean Forum, 13 October.
Wright, D., Linking Evidence and Policy in Species Conservation [Dawn at 21:31], Half Earth Day Virtual Panel, 22 October.
Wright, D., Data for the Blue Future: New Collaborations for Progress, UN World Data Forum, Virtual Panel, 16-19 October.
Wright, D., Geospatial as an Accelerator of Impact, Smart Oceans 2020, Virtual Plenary Lightning Talk, 5 October.Wright, D., Esri: Private Partner Spotlight, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Partnerships for Data Innovations (PDI) Online Symposium, 1 July 2020, 500 Zoom attendees.
Kavanaugh, M.T., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F., Otis, D., Grebmeier, J., Estes, M., Geller, G., Turner, W., Canonico, G., Trinanes, J., and Wright, D., Dynamic seascapes as an essential biodiversity variable: Quantifying habitat extent and diversity for the global ocean, GEO BON 2020 Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting, 6-10 July 2020, Leipzig, Germany hosting VIRTUAL, Contribution ID 201.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2020 Esri International User Conference, Virtual, July 13-17.
Sayre, R., Martin, M., Karagulle, D., Frye, C., Wright, D., Breyer, S., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., Boucher, T., Wolff, N., McGowan, J., and Possingham, H., A new map of World Terrestrial Ecosystems at 250 m - ecosystem extent data for the planet, GEO BON 2020 Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting, 6-10 July 2020, Leipzig, Germany hosting VIRTUAL, Contribution ID 236.
Kavanaugh, M.T., Chavez, F., Doney, S., Grebmeier, J.M., Iken, K., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F., Otis, D., Siegel, D. Trinanes, J., Wright, D.J. and Klabjor, W., A hierarchical, synoptic, and dynamic seascape framework for observing and understanding biodiversity patterns in marine ecosystems, Eos, Trans. AGU, 100, Fall Meet. Suppl., modified Paper B22A-01.
Wright, D.J., Your knowledge, our community, one planet's resilience, Proceedings of the 2019 Esri Ocean and Atmospheric GIS Forum, November 5-7, Redlands, CA.
Ramiro-Sanchez, B., Henry, L.-A., Roberts, J.M., Morato, T., Duran-Munoz, P., Sacau, M., Garcia-Alegre, A., Wright, D., and Murton, B., Ecological Marine Units: Is deep-sea biodiversity represented? Poster DO-13, Proceedings OceanObs'19 Conference, September 12-16, Honolulu, HI.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2019 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 9-13.
Lingerfelt, E., Ramamurthy, M., Davies, J., Fils, D., Shepherd, A., McNurlan, A. Merritt, B., Allen, M., Lisowski, S., Hellman, S., Duerr, R., Richard, S., Zaslavsky, I., Valentine, D., Luetkemeyer, K., Kempler, L., Mahlke, C., Breyer, S., and Wright, D., GeoCODES: An Emerging Platform for Resource Registration, Discovery, and Access Utilizing Schema.org and Geoscience Vocabulary Extensions, Proceedings of 2019 Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting, July 16-19, Tacoma, WA.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., and Martin, M., A new map of global islands, Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Paper 23739, Special Extended Oral Presentation, April 3-7.
Wright, D.J. and Felt, H., Marie Tharp: Discoverer of the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and inventor of marine cartography (Invited), Eos, Trans. AGU, 99, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper U22A-02.
Van Graafeiland, K., Butler, K.A., Wright, D.J. and Skinner, A., Hi-resolution local Ecological Marine Units, Eos, Trans. AGU, 99, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper IN51D-0615.
Wright, D.J., Kavanaugh, M.T., Henry, L.-A., Brandt, A., Saeedi, H., Bednarsek, N., Van Graafeiland, K., Butler, K.A., Breyer, S., and Sayre, R.G., Use cases of Ecological Marine Units for improved regional ocean observation data integration within the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (Highlighted), Eos, Trans. AGU, 99, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper B41L-2897.
Kavanaugh, M.T., Canonico, G., Chavez, F., DiGiacomo, P., Doney, S.C., Grebmeier, J.M., Hales, B.R., Iken, K., Montes, E., Muller-Karger, F., Brooks Otis, D., Siegel, D., Trinanes, J.A. and Wright, D.J., A hierarchical, synoptic, and dynamic seascape framework for observing and understanding pelagic biodiversity (Invited), Eos, Trans. AGU, 99, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper B43E-07.
Wright, D.J., Esri [ocean] science: An agenda for hope, Proceedings of the 2018 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, November 6-8, Redlands, CA.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2018 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 9-13.
Nuhfer, E., Cogan, C., and Wright, D., Unpacking the "S" and "T" of STEM: Overlooked conceptual differences are important, Proceedings of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 37(1): 148, Abstract 245, Pomona, CA, June 12-15.
Aydin, O., Butler, K.A., and Wright, D.J., Integrated GIS/machine-learning workflows for modeling spatiotemporal variations in potential seagrass habitats within a changing climate, Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Abstract Vol. 20, EGU2017-10081, Vienna, AUSTRIA, April 8-13, 2018.
Stephens, D., Sayre, R.G., Wright, D.J., Breyer, S.P., Butler, K.A., and VanGraafeiland, K., Local Ecological Marine Units for 3D ocean mapping and analysis, Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Abstract Vol. 20, EGU2017-6938, Vienna, AUSTRIA, April 8-13, 2018.
Kavanaugh, M., Iken, K., Grebmeier, J., Otis, D., Muller-Karger, F., Montes, E., Canonico, Wright, D., and Sayre, R., Monitoring and predicting Arctic marine biodiversity across dynamic seascapes, Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 13-16.
Maurer, T., Wei, H., and Wright, D.J., Toward easy export of imagery products and feature classes as training data for deep learning frameworks, Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 10-18.
Wright, D.J., Sayre, R., Breyer, S., Butler K.A., VanGaraafeiland, K., Goodin, K., Kavanaugh, M.T., Costello, M., Cressie, N., Basher, Z., Harris, P., and Guinotte, J., Ecological marine units as a framework for collaborative data science and knowledge discovery, Abstracts of the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, Paper OD24B-2728.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., and Breyer, S., Global terrestrial and marine ecosystems - The GEO approach, Proceedings of the 2017 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, Abstract UC1732, July 10-14.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2017 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 10-14.
Wright, D.J., Sayre, R., Breyer, S., Butler K.A., VanGaraafeiland, K., Goodin, K., Kavanaugh, M.T., Costello, M., Cressie, N., Basher, Z., Harris, P., and Guinotte, J., The Ecological Marine Units project as a framework for collaborative data exploration, distribution, and knowledge building, Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Abstract Vol. 19, EGU2017-6051, Vienna, AUSTRIA, April 23-28.
Frye, C., Wright, D., and Nordstrand, E., Detecting the likelihood of textural features in Landsat 8 panochromatic imagery to model human settlement, Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Session 3275, Paper 82983, April 5-9.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., Breyer, S.P., Butler, K.A., and Van Graafeiland, K., A new map of global ecological marine units (EMUs): An environmental stratification approach, Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Paper 83141, Special Extended Oral Presentation, April 5-9.
Sayre, R. and Wright, D., A New Map of Global Ecological Marine Units (EMUs) - An Environmental Stratification Approach, Proceedings of the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Session 27804, April 5-9.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., Breyer, S.P., Butler, K.A., Van Graafeiland, K., and Frye, C., Standardized terrestrial and marine ecosystems of Oceania, Proceedings of the Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum (ACES 2017), Brisbane, Australia, March 27-31.
Wright, D., Sayre R., Breyer, S., and EMU Project Team, Update: Ecological Marine Units (EMU) Project, Third ODIP-II (Ocean Data Interoperability Platform) Workshop, March 7-10, Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA.
Wright, D.J., Your knowledge, our community, the ocean's resilience, Proceedings of the 2017 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, October 31-November 2, Redlands, CA.
Duffy, D., Law, E., Little, M.M., and Wright, D.J., Exploiting Big Earth Data: GIS and Beyond I and II, Eos, Trans. AGU, 97, Fall Meet. Suppl., Sessions IN52A and IN53A.
Perry, C.H., Shrestha, S.R., and Wright, D.J., Communicating Science through Data-Driven Story Telling, Eos, Trans. AGU, 97, Fall Meet. Suppl., Session PA21A.
Wright, D.J., Breyer, S., Hogeweg, M., Foust, J., Jordan, L., and Plunkett, G., The role of content aggregators in GEOValue, Eos, Trans. AGU, 97, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PA11D-05.
Wright, D.J., Raad, M., Hoel, E., Park, M., Mollenkopf, A., and Trujillo, R., Feature geo analytics and big data processing: Hybrid approaches for Earth science and real-time decision support, Eos, Trans. AGU, 97, Fall Meet. Suppl., Invited Abstract IN12A-01.
Wright, D.J., Sayre, R., Breyer, S., Butler K.A., VanGaraafeiland, K., Goodin, K., Kavanaugh, M.T., Costello, M., Cressie, N., Basher, Z., Harris, P., and Guinotte, J., 52 Million points and counting: A new stratification approach for mapping global marine ecosystems, Eos, Trans. AGU, 97, Fall Meet. Suppl., Invited Abstract IN53E-02.
Wright, D.J. Climate information, tools, and services for enhancing resilience, Invited remarks, White House Frontiers Conference, Global Frontiers Track, October 13, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sayre, R. and Wright, D.J., A three-dimensional mapping of the ocean based on environmental data, Proceedings of the 2016 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, November 1-3, Redlands, CA.
Costello, M., Sayre, R., Basher, Z., Wright, D., Butler, K., and Breyer, S., Mapping marine ecosystems, biogeographic realms, and other regions, Proceedings of the 2016 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, November 1-3, Redlands, CA.
Wright, D. J., A geospatial industry perspective on becoming a data professional, Proceedings of SciDataCon 2016, September 11-17, Denver, CO, Abstract 57 for Session 98.
Wright, D. J., Davis, R., Powers, L. A., Young, J., and EarthCube Liaison Team, Towards an organizational landscape of worldwide data infrastructures, Proceedings of SciDataCon 2016, September 11-17, Denver, CO, Abstract 73 for Session 44.
Wright, D. J., Young, J., Powers, L. A., and Davis, R., An EarthCube perspective on data infrastructure services, Proceedings of SciDataCon 2016, September 11-17, Denver, CO, Abstract 60 for Session 32.
Frye, C., Nordstrand, E., Wright, D. J., Foust, J., and Terborgh, C., Mapping population distributions for GIS users, Proceedings of SciDataCon 2016, September 11-17, Denver, CO, Abstract 316 for Session 74.
Wright, D.J., Esri Science Symposium, 2016 Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-30.
Davis, R., Young, J., and Wright, D., Mapping the EarthCube landscape, EarthCube 2016 All Hands Meeting, July 6-8, Denver, CO.
Costello, M. J., Sayre, R., Basher, Z., Wright, D., Butler, K., and Breyer, S., Mapping marine ecosystems, biogeographic realms, and other regionalisations, GEO BON (Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network) Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting, Paper ID 5565, July 4-8, Leipzig, Germany.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., Breyer, S., Butler, K., Van Graafeiland, K., and Costello, M., Mapping global ecological marine units (EMUs), GEO BON (Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network) Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting, Paper ID 5438, July 4-8, Leipzig, Germany.
Wright, D., Esri and ODIP, Second ODIP-II (Ocean Data Interoperability Platform) Workshop, May 2-5, Boulder, CO.
Wright, D., Sayre R., and EMU Project Team, Progress Report on the Global Ecological Marine Units (EMU) Project, Second ODIP-II (Ocean Data Interoperability Platform) Workshop, May 2-5, Boulder, CO.
Sayre, R., Wright, D.J., Aniello, P., Basher, Z., Breyer, S., Costello, M., Cribbs, D., Frye, C., Goodin, K., Guinotte, J., Halpin, P., Harris, P., Monaco, M., Morgan, L., Stephens, D., Van Esch, B., and Vaughan, R., Ecological Marine Units project overview and preliminary results, Proceedings of GeoHab 2016, the Sixteenth International Symposium of Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping, May 2-6, Winchester, UNITED KINGDOM.
Wright, D., Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: A dark side to data-centric geography? Where are the reward systems?, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Panel Session 23950, Session Organizer, Chair, March 30 - April 2.
Sayre, R., Wright, D., Frye, C., Breyer, S., and Butler, K. An ecological stratification approach for mapping global marine ecosystems, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Special Extended Oral Presentation, March 30 - April 2.
Wright, D., Comments on Future Directions in CyberGIS, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Panel Session 24839, March 30 - April 2.
Wright, D.J. Toward a digital resilience (with a dash of location enlightenment), Leptoukh Award Lecture, Eos, Trans. AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN23F-01, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2224.6489.
Wright, D.J., Little, M., Hoebelheinrich, N.J., Gallaher, D.W., Wyborn, L.A., and Wang, S., Exploiting Big Earth Data: Computation, Testing and CyberGIS I, II, and III, Eos, Trans. AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Sessions IN43B, IN51C, and IN52A.
Wright, D.J., and the Esri Living Atlas Team, Should data frameworks be inherently multiscalar? A use case of the Living Atlas of the World, Eos, Trans. AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN13D-03, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2748.9368.
Sayre, R. and Wright, D.J., An ecological stratification approach for mapping global marine ecosystems, Proceedings of the 2015 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, November 4-6, Redlands, CA.
Wright, D.J., An ecological stratification approach for mapping global marine ecosystems, Global Marine Protected Areas Summit, November 2-3, Redlands, CA2015.
Sankaran, S. and Wright, D.J., A pragmatic approach to sustainable interoperability for the Web 2.0 world, Eos, Trans. AGU, 96, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PA51D-08, DOI: 110.13140/RG.2.1.3535.3684.
Wright, D.J., Sayre, R., Frye, C., Vaughan, R., Aniello, P., and Breyer, S. A new global map of ecological land units, Proceedings of the 2015 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Paper 55083, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3731.9761.
Sayre, R., Wright, D.J., Frye, C., Aniello, P., Vaughan, R., and Breyer, S. Global ecological land units and ecoinformatics, Proceedings of the 2015 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Paper 56541.
Frye, C., Sayre, R., Wright, D.J., Vaughan, R., Aniello, P., Breyer, S., and Dangermond, M. Analyzing ecological land units to improve understanding of landscape composition, Proceedings of the 2015 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Paper 55683, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1372.6800.
Sayre, R., Wright, D.J., Aniello, P., Breyer, S., Cribbs, D., Frye, C., Vaughan, R., Van Esch, B., Stephens, D., Harris, P., Macmillan-Lawler, M., Basher, Z., Costello, M., Finkbeiner, M., Monaco, M., Goodin, K., Guinotte, J., Morgan, L., and Halpin, P., Mapping EMUs (Ecological Marine Units): The creation of a global GIS of distinct marine environments to support marine spatial planning, management and conservation, Proceedings of GeoHab 2015, the Fifteenth International Symposium of Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping, Salvador, Bahia, BRAZIL.
Lupia, A., Balinska, M., Countryman, M., Kennedy, M., Kline-Pope, B., Schalet, A., and Wright, D.J., Models in Practice, 2015 Michigan Meeting: Academic Engagement in Public and Political Discourse, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Wright, D.J. and Maso, J., Organized Session: CyberGIS as an Engine of Data Stewardship, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Session ESSI2.8, Posters R291-R296, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Fuka, D., Collick, A., MacAlister, C., Braeckel, A., Wright, D.J., Jodha Khalsa, S., Boldrini, E., and Easton, Z., Brokering as a framework for hydrological model repeatability, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Abstract Vol. 17, EGU2015-7897-1, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Wright, D.J., An ocean of story maps, Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2015, North Charleston, SC.
Wright, D.J., An ocean of data for climate resilience, before time runs out, Avoiding Collapse: Human Impacts on the Biosphere Symposium, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA.
Wright, D.J., Emerging citizen science initiatives at Esri, Citizen Science 2015, San Jose, CA.
Wright, D.J., Verrill, A., Artz, M., and Deming, R., Story maps as an effective social medium for data synthesis, communication, and dissemination, Eos, Trans. AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN33B-3773.
Raines, C. and Wright, D.J., Synthesizing bathymetry data within a community-dependent basemap for spatial data display in the Arctic Ocean, Eos, Trans. AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31A-0974.
Easton, Z.M., Collick, A., Srinivasan, R., Braeckel, A., Nativi, S., McAlister, C., Wright, D.J., Khalsa, J.S., and Fuka, D., Hydrological modeling and repeatability with brokering, Eos, Trans. AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN31D-3740.
Sayre, R. and Wright, D., A new map of Global Ecological Land Units, Town Hall on the Launch of the President's Ecosystem Vulnerability Climate Data Initiative and EcoINFORMA: Using Data and Tools to Build Resilience, Proceedings of A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) 2014: Linking Science, Practice and Decision Making, Washington, DC.
Wright, D., The future of higher education, Plenary Panel Presentation, Proceedings of the 2014 Esri Education User Conference, San Diego, CA.
Wright, D. and Walbridge, S., Mapping tools: Where the wild whales are, Demo Theater Presentation, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA.
Wright, D. and Walbridge, S., Exploring, analyzing, and understanding Davey Jones' Locker: Using the Benthic Terrain Modeler, Demo Theater Presentation, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA.
Dick, D., Walbridge, S., Wright, D., Calambokidis, J., Falcone, E., Steel, D., Follett, T., Holmberg, J., and Baker, C. S., geneGIS: Geoanalytical tools for individual-based genetic records, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper UC1462.
Walbridge, S., Wright, D.J., Pendleton, M., Boulware, J., Gerlt, B., and Eslinger, D. Benthic Terrain Modeler: Interpreting the Bathymetric Environment, Proceedings of GeoHab 2014, the Fourteenth International Symposium of Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping, Lorne, Australia.
Baud, D., Raad, M., and Wright, D., Bathymetry: Reducing Big Data. Abstracts of the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Session 113, Abstract OS-17291, Oral.
Stephens, D. and Wright, D., GIS as a multidisciplinary integration tool for marine ecosystems. Abstracts of the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Session 002, Poster OS-1559.
Wright, D.J., Participation in social media as academic service, (click on the AGU graphic to go to the story map version) Eos, Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PA31B-1824.
Wright, D.J., Have I been a data scientist from the start? Parallels from the geographic information science community in the early 1990s, (click on the AGU graphic to go to the story map version) Eos, Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN43A-1639.
Chandler, C., Wyborn, L.A., Wright, D.J., and McGuinness, D.L. Organized sessions: Data Stewardship in Theory and in Practice, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sessions IN51D and IN53C.
Dick, D., Walbridge, S., Wright, D., Calambokidis, J., Falcone, E., Steel, D., Follett, T., Holmberg, J., and Baker, C. S., geneGIS: computational tools for spatial analyses of DNA profiles with associated photo-identification records, 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND, December 9-13.
Wright, D., A hero's journey across the ocean, Proceedings of the 2013 Esri Ocean GIS Forum, Redlands, CA, Nov. 5-7.
Cornillon, P., Arrott, M., Gallagher, J., Graybeal, J., Sullivan, B., and Wright, D., Ocean data sharing and analytics, Schmidt Ocean Institute Research Symposium, Honolulu, HI, Nov 1-2. [Full Conference Report]
Wright, D., Data, Data Quality, and Access to Data, Proceedings of Ocean Exploration 2020: A National Forum, Long Beach, CA, July 19-21.
Hellmann, J., Bennett, E., Gerber, L., Hadly, L.A., Jahren, H., and Wright, D., Unclogging institutional conduits between research and outreach: Part 3 #reachingoutsci, Nature.com Blog, Soapbox Science.
Hellmann, J., Bennett, E., Gerber, L., Hadly, L.A., Jahren, H., and Wright, D., The twenty-fifth hour of the day: Finding time for outreach: Part 2 #reachingoutsci, Nature.com Blog, Soapbox Science.
Pomeroy, C., Sullivan, C., Hall-Arber, M., Conway, F. and Wright, D., Combining GIS and ethnography to better understand and plan ocean space use, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Session 3554, April 9-13.
Wright, D.J., Pendleton, M., Boulware, J., Walbridge, S., Gerlt, B., and Eslinger, D. Major Update to the Benthic Terrain Modeler (BTM), Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2013, Myrtle Beach, SC, originally for March 25-28 [abstract only].
Walbridge, S., Pendleton, M., and Wright, D.J., Showcase of new functions in the Benthic Terrain Modeler (BTM), Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2013, Myrtle Beach, SC, originally for March 25-28 [abstract only].
Devillers, R., Harvey, F. and Wright, D.J., Organized session: Geographic Information Ethics and GIScience, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Sessions 5460 and 5560.
Wright, D.J., "Story Mapping" the Geographic and Knowledge Networks of Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Wright, D.J. and Hadly, E., Organized symposium: The Beauty and Benefits of Escaping the Ivory Tower, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Murphy, S., Arctur, D., Wright, D.J., and Edwards, P. Organized session: Advancing Partnerships, Collaborative Platforms and Knowledge Networks in the Earth Sciences, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Session IN54A.
Dick, D., Baker, S., Wright, D., Calambokidis, J., Holmberg, J., Falcone, E., Follett, T., Steel, D., and Slikas, B., gene GIS: Computational tools for spatial analyses of DNA profiles associated with photo-identification records of whales and dolphins, Abstracts of the 19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, OR.
Noll, G., Wright, D., and the Esri Oceans Team, Esri's Ocean Initiative, Abstracts of the Society for Conservation Biology, North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Oakland, CA, Symposium SYM38, Paper 373.
Glickson, D., Barron, E.J., Fine, R.A., Bellingham, J.G., Boss, E., Boyle, E.A., Edwards, M., Johnson, K.S., Kelley, D.S., Kite-Powell, H., Ramberg, S.E., Rudnick, D.L., Schofield, O., Tamburri, M., Wiebe, P.H., Wright, D.J., Critical infrastructure for ocean research and societal needs in 2030, Eos, Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS13D-1550.
de Silva, S., Duncan, R., Wright, D., de Silva, L., and Guerrero, E., Increasing Diversity in Earth Sciences (IDES): An Oregon program, Abstracts of the Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43(5): XXXX, 9-12 October, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, Paper 195692.
Keon, D. and Wright, D.J., User interactivity in time-series tsunami simulation modeling and web-based visualization, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Paper 38368.
Harvey, F., Wright, D.J., and Dibiase, D., Teaching ethics in GIS&T: Final results of NSF-funded research on ethics in GIS&T education, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Paper 40272.
Taylor, K., Wright, D., Dwyer, N., Haddad, T., O'Dea, L., Hart, D., LaVoi, T., Nyerges, T., Berman, M., and Helly, J. Introducing the International Coastal Atlas Network, Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting, Advances in Coastal Atlases, Habitat Mapping, and Habitat Assessment Science to Support Fisheries and Ecosystem Decisions, Seattle, WA, September 4-8.
Wright, D., Dwyer, N., Haddad, T., O'Dea, L., Hart, D., LaVoi, T., Nyerges, T., Berman, M., and Helly, J. Introducing the International Coastal Atlas Network, Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools, Myrtle Beach, SC, March 21-24.
Wright, D. and Goodchild, M.F., Leveraging technological change for the betterment of society, as part of the panel Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences: The Forthcoming National Research Council Report, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Session 3123, Washington, DC.
Wright, D. and Heyman, W.D., Thoughts on algorithmic approaches to reveal marine geomorphology as a proxy for habitat, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 91, Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract IT13B-01.
Hogrefe, K.R., Wright, D.J., Miller, J., and Battista, T., Improvements to a methodology for the derivation of shallow-water bathymetry from high resolution multispectral imagery, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 91, Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., Abstract MT13A-01.
Kopke, K., Dwyer, N., Belpaelme, K., Berman, M., Taylor, K., Hart, D., and Wright, D., Improving participation of users in coastal web atlases, Proceedings of Littoral 2010: Adapting to Global Change at the Coast, London, September 21-23, 2010.
Lieberman, J.E., Diggs, S.C., and Wright, D.J., Frontiers in Ocean Data Management and Interoperability: The Future is Now I, II, III, 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, Sessions MT11A, MT13A, MT15A.
Harvey, F. and Wright, D.J., Organized session: Geographic Information Ethics and GIScience, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Session 5421.
Wright, D.J. and Yang, C., Organized session: What are the Grand Challenges of Geographic Information Science?, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Session 8645.Wright, D.J., DiBiase, D., Harvey, F., and Solem, M., Graduate ethics curricula for future geospatial technology professionals, Eos, Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN34B-01.
Wright, D.J., Lassoued, Y., Dwyer, N., Haddad, T., Bermudez, L., and Dunne, D., Interoperability between coastal web atlases using semantic mediation: A case study of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), Eos, Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN21B-1054.
Wright, D.J., Hogrefe, K., Naar, D., Roberts, J., Miller, J.E., Ferguson, S., Koppers, A., Battista, T., Lim, E., Taylor, L.A., and Anderson, P., Regional and nearshore bathymetry of American Samoa: Implications for tsunami run-up and public awareness Eos, Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U21D-07 .
Kirby, S., Hino, R., Geist, E., Wright, D.J., and Wartman, J., Tectonic settings of great outer-rise/outer-trench-slope (OR/OTS) earthquakes in the instrumental record , Eos, Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U21D-06.
Wright, D., Dwyer, N., Haddad, T., O'Dea, L., Hart, D., LaVoi, T., Nyerges, T., and Berman, M., Introducing the International Coastal Atlas Network, Proceedings of Coastal Zone '09, Boston, MA.
Lord-Castillo, B., Wright, D., Mate, B., Follett, T., Customizing the Arc Marine Model to Support Whale Tracking, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Esri User Conference, Special Session: Advances in GIScience, San Diego, CA, Paper UC1896. [published in full in Transactions in GIS].
Wright, D., Dwyer, N., Haddad, T., O'Dea, L., Hart, D., LaVoi, T., Nyerges, T., and Berman, M., Building the digital coast with the International Coastal Atlas Network, Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools '09, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Wright, D.J. and Heyman, W., Organized sessions on Marine Geomorphology and Mapping for an Ecosystem-Based Management Approach to Marine Reserve Design and Planning, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Sessions 7476, 7478, 7479.
Wright, D.J. and Harvey, F., Organized sessions on Geographic Information Ethics and GIScience, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Sessions 7472, 7473.
Wright, D., Longhorn, R., Dwyer, N., Lassoued, Y., and Boucelma, O., The International Coastal Atlas Network: An emerging spatial data infrastructure initiative, Proceedings of the Third INSPIRE Conference, in conjunction with the Eleventh International Conference of the GSDI (GSDI 11), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Lassoued, Y., Dwyer, N., Wright, D., Bermudez, L., and Boucelma, O., Enhancing interoperability between web-enabled coastal atlases using an ontology-based metadata mediation approach, Proceedings of CoastGIS 2009, 9th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Kopke, K., Belpaeme, K., Dwyer, N., and Wright, D., The International Coastal Atlas Network: Building a digital atlas of the global coast, Proceedings of CoastGIS 2009, 9th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Car tography for Coastal Zone Management, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
DiBiase, D., Goranson, C., Harvey, F., and Wright, D., The GIS professional ethics project: Practical ethics education for GIS pros, Proceedings of the 24th International Cartography Conference (icc2009), Santiago, Chile, November 15-21, 2009, International Cartography Association (ICA).
Lassoued, Y., Boucelma, O., Wright, D.J., and Bermudez, L., International Coastal Atlas Network: An ontology-based mediator for Catalogue Services for the Web, Proceedings of JIGOT 2008 (Journees Informations Geographiques et Observation de la Terre or Days of Geographic Information and Earth Observation), Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systemes (Laboratory of Information and Systems Sciences), Saint-Jerome, Marseille, France, November 24-25, 2008.
Wright, D.J., Lassoued, Y., Bermudez, L., Nyerges, T., Haddad, T. and Dwyer, N., Semantic mediation as a gateway to interoperability, with a case study of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), in Cova, T., Miller, H., Beard, K., Frank, A.U., and Goodchild, M.F. (eds.), Geographic Information Science: 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, September 23-26, 2008, Extended Abstracts, 201-218.
Harvey, F., DiBiase, D., and Wright, D.J., Geographic information ethics and GIScience: Developing a model curriculum, in Cova, T., Miller, H., Beard, K., Frank, A.U., and Goodchild, M.F. (eds.), Geographic Information Science: 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, September 23-26, 2008, Extended Abstracts, 242-244.
Goodchild, M., Mark, D., Raskin, R., Tao, V., Wright, D.J., and Yang C., Digital Earth plenary panel, in Cova, T., Miller, H., Beard, K., Frank, A.U., and Goodchild, M.F. (eds.), Geographic Information Science: 5th International Conference, GIScience 2008, Park City, Utah, September 23-26, 2008, Extended Abstracts, 7.
Kinzel, M. and Wright, D., Using geovisualizations in the curriculum: Do multimedia tools enhance geography education? Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Esri Education User Conference , San Diego, CA, Paper EdUC1290.
Wright, D.J. and Oregon Territorial Seafloor Mapping Task Force, The quest for a high-resolution map of the Oregon Territorial Seafloor in the context of current west coast marine reserve initiatives, Organized Session on Marine Geomorphology as a Determinant for Essential Life Habitat: An Ecosystem Management Approach to Planning for Marine Reserve Networks, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Paper 15723.
Kinzel, M. and Wright, D.J., Using geovisualizations in the curriculum: Does multimedia enhance geography education? Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Paper 18301.
Wright, D.J., Bermudez, L., O'Dea, L., Haddad, T., and Cummins, V., A prototype ontology tool and interface for coastal atlas interoperability, Eos, Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Poster IN53B-1211.
Graybeal, J., Neiswender, C. Wright, D.J., and Bermudez, L., Marine interoperability efforts and standards: What's missing?, Eos, Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Paper IN44A-05.
O'Dea, L., Dwyer, E., Cummins, V., and Wright, D.J., Potentials and limitations of coastal web atlases: Outcomes of a transatlantic coastal mapping workshop, Proceedings of CoastGIS 2007, Santander, Spain.
Wright, D., Cummins, V., and O'Dea, L., U.S./European partnerships in coastal atlases and coastal/ocean informatics, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper UC1065 [ppt].
Lord-Castillo, B., Follet, T., Weiss, A., Mate, B., and Wright, D., Tracking the great whales: An Arc Marine case study, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper UC1569.
Wright, D., Haddad, T., Klarin, P., Lavoi, T., Cummins, V., and O'Dea, L., U.S./European partnerships in coastal atlases and coastal/ocean informatics, Proceedings of Coastal Zone '07, Portland, OR. [pdf]
Wright, D., Cummins, V., O'Dea, L., Haddad, T., and Lavoi, T., Trans-Atlantic partnerships in coastal/ocean informatics and an International Coastal Atlas Network, Organized Session on Distributed Geospatial Information Processing: Cyberinfrastructure, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Breman, J., Wright, D., Halpin, P., and Blongewicz, M., Arc Marine data model, Abstracts of the Pacific Geospatial Conference (PacGeo) 2006, Honolulu, HI.
Wright, D. GIScience and its roots in geography, Southwest Association of American Geographers (SWAAG) Meeting, Norman, OK.
Wright, D., Geographers in charted and uncharted waters, Presidential Plenary: Geography, the Original Integrated Environmental Science, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Dailey, M.M., Wright, D., Edwards, M.H., and Johnson, P.J., Archive for geophysical research - Implementing the digital archiving and long-term preservation framework, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Critical Coasts, Sustainable Seas: A Session to Honor Dr. Raymond C. Smith, Session 1841, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Wright, D.J., Lundblad, E.R., Fenner, D., Whaylen, L., and Smith, J.R., Initial results of submersible dives and multibeam mapping to investigate benthic habitats of Tutuila, American Samoa, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS12B-04.
Klarin, P., Haddad, T., Cone, J. and Wright, D., Living on the edge with the Oregon Coastal Atlas, Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2006), San Diego, CA.
Johnson, P.J., Edwards, M.H., Wright, D.J. and Dailey, M., AAGRUUK: the Arctic archive for geophysical research, Eos, Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN31B-1145.
Bermudez, L., Graybeal, J., Galbraith, N., and Wright, D.J., Engaging a community towards marine cyberinfrastructure: Lessons learned from the Marine Metadata Interoperability Initiative, Eos, Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN44A-08.
Edwards, M.H., Johnson, P.J., Wright, D.J. and Dailey, M., A Distributed Data Management System to Support Arctic Geology and Geophysics: A Resource for Extended EEZ Claims, Eos, Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13D-0497.
Bermudez, L., Graybeal, J., Isenor, A., Lowry, R., and Wright, D., Construction of Marine Vocabularies in the Marine Metadata Interoperability Project, Proceedings of Oceans 2005 Americas, MTS/IEEE, Washington, DC.
Wright, D.J., Blongewicz, M.J., Halpin, P.N., and Breman, J., A new object-oriented data model for coasts and oceans, Proceedings of CoastGIS 2005, 6th International Symposium on Computer Mapping and GIS for Coastal Zone Management, Aberdeen, SCOTLAND.
Cooper, C. and Wright, D., Building spatial metaphors for the Catalogue of Oregon Marine and Coastal Information, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Wright, D.J., Lundblad, E., Larkin, E., Rinehart, R., and Murphy, J., Benthic terrain modeling algorithms and web distribution, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Rinehart, R., Wright, D., Murphy, J., Cary-Kothera, L., Lundblad, E., and Larkin, E., 3-D Benthic terrain mapping and modeling in American Samoa, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Bower, P., Wright, D.J., and Feldburg, M., Using Internet Map Services (IMS) and coastal remote sensing for education, Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2005, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Breman, J. and Wright, D., Evaluating data models and related GIS tools for marine and atmospheric applications, Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2005, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Rinehart, R.W., Wright, D., Murphy, J., Cary-Kothera, L., Lundblad, E., and Larkin, E., 3-D benthic terrain mapping and modeling in American Samoa (poster), Proceedings of Coastal GeoTools 2005, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Wright, D., Haddad, T., Klarin, P., Dana, R., and Dailey, M., Infrastructure for data sharing, spatial analysis, resource decision-making, and societal impact: The Oregon Coastal Atlas, Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Seattle, WA, pp. 131-132.
Haddad, T., Dailey, M., and Wright, D., The Oregon Coastal Atlas; A Pacific Northwest coastal information management system, Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2004), Seattle, WA, 310-311.
Wright, D. J., Spatial reasoning for Terra Incognita -- Challenges and progress in coastal/marine GIS, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Symposium: Place Matters: Geospatial Tools for Marine Science, Conservation and Management, Track: Living Oceans and Coastlines, Seattle, Washington, Session 10056.
Wright, D. J., Blongewicz, M.J., Halpin, P., Breman, J., Grise, S., and the ArcGIS Marine Data Model Review and Case Study Teams, A new object-oriented data model for oceans, coasts, seas, and lakes, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Centennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Session 4106, online program and CD-ROM.
Rinehart, R. and Wright, D. J., Benthic habitat classification and 3-D visualizations, derived from acoustic multibeam data, for Vatia Bay, American Samoa, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Centennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Session 4406, online program and CD-ROM.
Rinehart, R., Wright, D., Lundblad, E., Larkin, E., Murphy, J., and Cary-Kothera, ArcGIS 8.x Benthic Terrain Modeler: Analysis in American Samoa, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 1433.
Aaby, A., Wright, D., and Tissot B., Case study of the ArcGIS Marine Data Model: Examining habitat utilization patterns of reef fish along the west coast of Hawaii, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 1458.
Lundblad, E., Wright, D., Naar, D., Donahue, B., and Miller, J., Classifying deep water benthic habitats around Tutuila, American Samoa , Proceedings of the 24th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 1208.
Larkin, E., Wright, D., and Lundblad, E., Bilingual marine data distribution using ArcIMS for coral reef conservation , Proceedings of the 24th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 1123.
Wright, D., Haddad, T., Klarin, P., Dailey, M., and Dana, R., The Oregon Coastal Atlas: A Pacific Northwest NSDI contribution, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 105.
Wright, D. J., Haddad, T., Klarin, P., Dailey, M., Marra, J., Dana, R., Revell, D., Tavakoli-Shiraji, M., and Crouse, K., Infrastructure for data sharing, spatial analysis, resource decision-making, and societal impact: The Oregon Coastal Atlas, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Paper 827.16199, CD-ROM.
Wright, D., Breman, J., ArcGIS Marine Data Model Working Group, A New Marine Data Model, Proceedings of the Oceans 2003 Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, San Diego, CA, Abstract 945.
Wright, D.J., Interoperability among spatial data resources along a continuum: "Data-to-data," "data models," and "data-to-interpretation," Eos, Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS61C-09, F700.
Keon, D., Pancake, P., Wright, D.J., and Walsh, K., Virtual Oregon: A proof-of-concept for seamless access to distributed environmental information, Eos, Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS62B-0244, F706.
Wright, D., Mapping and GIS capacity building in American Samoa, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 101.
Wright, D.J. and Crouse, K., GIS capacity building for the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, American Samoa, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, CD-ROM (abstract only, no presentation due to illness).
Wright, D.J., O'Dea, E., Toomey, D.R., Cushing, J.B., and Cuny, J.E., The Virtual Research Vessel: A prototype for coupling mid-ocean ridge data, maps, and models, Geological Society of America, 2002 Abstracts with Programs, Cordilleran Section Meeting, Corvallis, OR, 34(5): A-85, P-70.
Keon, D., Pancake, C., and Wright, D., Virtual Oregon: Seamless access to distributed environmental information, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2002, Portland, OR.
Wright, D.J., O'Dea, E., Cushing, J.B., Cuny, J.E., Toomey, D.R., Hackett, K., and Tikekar, R., Developing a computational environment for coupling MOR data, maps, and models: The Virtual Research Vessel (VRV) prototype, Eos, Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS11B-0353, F590.
Wright, D. J., GIS coordination at America's remotest marine sanctuary (American Samoa), Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, New York, Session 3.2.32, CD-ROM.
Wright, D. GIS coordination at America's remotest national marine sanctuary (American Samoa), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 140.
Rub, M.W. and D. Wright, A novel landscape ecology approach for determining microhabitat correlations and faunal patchiness in extreme environments: Pilot study for the southern East Pacific Rise at 17-18°S, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, 16 pp.
Nasby, N., Embley, R., Tissot, B., Hixon, M., Wright, D., Merle, S., and Wakefield, W. Integration of historical groundfish habitat data with new, high-resolution, remotely-sensed data at Heceta Bank, Oregon, 11th Western Groundfish Conference, Sitka, Alaska.
Wright, D., Duvall, G., and Ward, B., Metadata matters: A national geospatial clearinghouse for the Oregon Coast, Proceeedings of The Coastal Society 17th International Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Wright, D. J., A geospatial clearinghouse for the Oregon Coast: Implications for improved hazard assessment, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, Session 313.
Wright, D. J., Steinberg, P., and Psuty, N. Coastal and marine geography: More than just flotsam and jetsam, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, Session 95.
Wright, D. J., Multiscale, high resolution mapping of superfast seafloor spreading, Undersea Explorations '99, Portland, Oregon.
Wright, D.J., R.M. Haymon, K.C. Macdonald, S. White, D.S. Scheirer, and J.M.H. O'Neill. High-resolution mapping of crustal cracking at the superfast-spreading EPR at 17-18 S: Preliminary results from Sojourn II, Eos, Trans. AGU, 79(45), F811.
Wright, D., Tools, techniques, and discoveries of marine geography. Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science, Salem, OR, 34:24-25.
Wright, D. and Brett, M. Two years and counting: Site license adventures at Oregon State University. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA.
Wright, D. Marine GIS in the Eastern Pacific: Nested sampling strategies and a scientific information management schema for deepsea environments. Proceedings of GISPlanet '98, Lisbon, PORTUGAL.
Chapin, K., J. Vergun, D. Wright, Development of an aquatic habitat geographical information system for Pacific lamprey habitat in Rock Creek (Siletz), Oregon, Proceedings of Bridging Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Ecosystem Science, Flagstaff, AZ.
Wright, D. J., Haymon, R. and Macdonald, K., Tracking deep sea eruptive and hydrothermal activity with ArcView, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA.
Haymon, R.M., K.C. Macdonald, S. Baron, L. Crowder, J. Hobson, P. Sharfstein, S. White, B. Bezy, E. Birk, F. Terra, D. Scheirer, D.J. Wright, L. Magde, C. Van Dover, S. Sudarikov and G. Levai. Distribution of fine-scale hydrothermal, volcanic and tectonic features along the EPR crest, 17 15'-18 30'S: Results of near-bottom acoustic and optical surveys, Eos, Trans. AGU, 78(46), F705.
Hobson, J.M., R. M. Haymon, S. M. White, S.R. Baron, P.J. Sharfstein, K.C. Macdonald, D.J. Wright, and D.S. Scheirer. Hydrothermal vents along the Spike segment of the southern EPR (17 15-40'S), Eos, Trans. AGU, 78(46), F690.
Baron, S.R., R M Haymon, K.C. Macdonald, J.M. Hobson, D. Scheirer, D.J. Wright, and E.T. Baker. Distribution of hydrothermal plumes along the S. EPR: 17 12' - 18 35'S , Eos, Trans. AGU, 78(46), F690.
Wright, D. J., Bloomer, S. H., and Boomerang 8 Shipboard Scientific Party. New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and sidescan data on the Tonga Forearc and Trench: Results from Boomerang Leg 8, an ODP site survey, Eos, Trans. AGU, 77(46), F326.
Bloomer, S.H., Wright, D. J., and Boomerang 8 Shipboard Scientific Party. Geology of the Tonga Forearc: A supra-subduction zone ophiolite. Eos, Trans. AGU, 77(46), F325.
Clift, P.D., MacLeod, C.J., Tappin, D., Bloomer, S.H., Wright, D. J., and Boomerang 8 Shipboard Scientific Party. Forearc sedimentation, subduction erosion and the effect of seamount collisions in the Tonga Arc. Eos, Trans. AGU, 77(46), F325.
Sato, H., Ishii, T., Bloomer, S.H., and Boomerang 8 Shipboard Scientific Party. Serpentinites from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana and Tonga Forearcs: Similarities and differences. Eos, Trans. AGU, 77(46), F325.
Wright, D. J., A. M. Bobbitt, and C. G. Fox, Marine geography at work: Adventures with a seagoing GIS, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 322.
Bobbitt, A. M., C. G. Fox, and D. J. Wright, ArcView supports deepsea research with famous submarine, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Esri User Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
Fox, C. G., A. M. Bobbitt, and D. J. Wright, Integration and distribution of deepsea oceanographic data from the NE Pacific using Arc/Info and ArcView, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Esri User Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
Wright, D. J., M. F. Goodchild, and J. D. Proctor, The "Tool v. Science" Debate in GIS, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 335.
Bobbitt, A. M., D. J. Wright, and C. G. Fox, VENTS' geographic information system at sea in support of 1995 Axial, CoAxial, and N. Cleft ALVIN dives, Eos, Trans. AGU, 76(46), F410.
Wright, D. J., R. M. Haymon, and K. C. Macdonald, Estimates of crack depth along the axial zone of the East Pacific Rise (9°12'-54'N), Eos, Trans. AGU, 75(44), 601.
Wright, D. J., R. M. Haymon, K. C. Macdonald, and M. F. Goodchild, The power of geographic information systems (GIS) for oceanography: Implications for spatio-temporal modelling of mid-ocean ridge evolution, Proceedings of The Oceanography Society Pacific Basin Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 66.
Miller, S. P., K. C. Macdonald, D. S. Scheirer, R. Alexander, N. Beedle, C. Weiland, D. Wright, D. Forsyth, and Y. Shen, New Sea Beam 2000 bathymetry and side scan data on the East Pacific Rise, 15-19°S, Eos, Trans. AGU, 74, 306.
Scheirer, D. S., K. C. Macdonald, D. Forsyth, R. Alexander, T. Atwater, N. Beedle, M. Cormier, K. Feldman, C. Hollinshead, D. Levitt, M. A. Lynch, S. Miller, A. Padgett, A. Sauter, K. Sayanagi, Y. Shen, C. Weiland, and D. Wright, An extensive seamount field near the southern East Pacific Rise, 15° to 19°S, Eos, Trans. AGU, 74, 297.
Mayer, L. A., C. Ware, S. P. Miller, K. C. Macdonald, D. S. Scheirer, D. J. Wright, and D. Forsyth, Interactive 3-D flight through Sea Beam 2000 data from the East Pacific Rise between 15 and 19 degrees south, Eos, Trans. AGU, 74, 594.
Haymon, R., D. Fornari, R. Lutz, M. Perfit, K. Macdonald, K. Von Damm, M. Lilley, W. C. I. Shanks, D. Nelson, M. Edwards, M. Kappus, D. Colodner, D. Wright, D. Scheirer, M. Black, H. Edmonds, E. Olson, and T. Geiselman, Dramatic short-term changes observed during March '92 dives to April '91 eruption site on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) crest, 9° 45-52'N, Eos Trans. AGU, 43, 524.
Wright, D. J., R. M. Haymon, and WHOI Imaging Group, Analysis of ocean floor data using GIS techniques, Abstracts of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 262.
Haymon, R. M., D. Fornari, K. Von Damm, J. Edmond, M. Lilley, M. Perfit, W. C. Shanks III, J. Grebmeier, R. Lutz, S. Carbotte, D. Wright, M. Smith, E. McLaughlin, N. Beedle, J. Seewald, D. Reudelhuber, E. Olson, and F. Johnson, Eruption of the EPR Crest at 9¡45'-52'N since late 1989 and its effects on Hydrothermal venting: Results of the ADVENTURE Program, an ODP site survey with Alvin, Eos Trans. AGU, 72, 480.
Wright, D. J., and R. M. Haymon, Abundance and distribution of fissures and age distribution of lavas along the axial zone of the East Pacific Rise (9¡12'-54'N): Manipulation of ARGO data using the geographic information system ARC/INFO, Eos Trans. AGU, 72, 495.
Wright, D. J., and R. M. Haymon, Along-strike variations in fissure density and widths along the axial zone of the EPR (9° 12'-54'N), Eos, Trans. AGU, 72, 491.
Wright, D. J., W. W. Sager, and T. Hilde, Plate boundary structures and processes at the northern terminus of the Tonga Trench, Eos, Trans. AGU, 67, 1238.
"Interdisciplinary and Global Collaboration," OceanX Deep Blue Initiative Virtual Meeting 3, Invited Moderator/Discussant.
"Identifying Critical Technology and Innovation Gaps for Marine Spatial Planning," UNESCO-IOC MSPGlobal Ocean Observation for MSP Online Workshop 2.
"Acceptance Remarks and Audience Q&A," 2024 Friend of Darwin and Friend of the Planet Celebration, National Center for Science Education, virtual.
"We are Here for the Ocean.... We are Here for Each Other," Black in Marine Science Week Keynote Address, San Diego, CA.
"The Interconnections of Science and Foreign Policy" (with Stephanie Diem and Peggy Hamburg), Norman E. Alexander Family M Foundation Forum on Science and Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations Headquarters, New York City, recording and transcript.
"My Deep Blue Home," Society of Extraordinary Women Quarterly Conversation & Learning Series, Invited Evening Keynote, Riverside, CA.
"The Dive of a Lifetime to the Deepest Place on Earth," Women in STEM Distinguished Lecture (and meetings across campus), Division of Research and Innovation, San Diego State University.
"Our Ocean, Our Future," Esri Portugal UC (EUE24) Keynote Address, Centro Cultural de Belem, Belem, Portugal.
"Fireside Chat," NOVA Innovation and Analytics Lab with Prof. Marco Painho, Information Management School, NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal.
"Mapping the Deep Marine Environments: Integrating Diving Experience with GIS Technology," Special Webinar for Center for Marine and Environment Research, Algarve University, and several other universities across Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.
"Science at Esri, Inc.," Special Seminar, Esri Portugal Headquarters, Lisbon, Portugal.
"Dive In with Dawn Wright," Ocean Elders DIVE IN series with Liz Taylor and Sylvia Earle, Virtual, livestreamed and recorded.
"The Dive of a Lifetime to the Deepest Place on Earth," Esri UC Science Summit Keynote Address (in lieu of illness of Rae Wynn-Grant), Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA.
"Discover the Story in Science Communication," ArcGIS StoryMaps Fireside Chat Pavillion, Esri UC Map Gallery, Esri International User Conference, San Diego, CA.
"Social Impact of Research for Climate Resilience," Invited, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Summer Meeting, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, Virtual.
"Ask Me Anything" session with students and faculty in an NSF-funded Immersive Summer Research Program for Undergraduates of US Mid-Atlantic Region HBCUs, hosted at Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.
"Science at Esri," Esri Sales Academy Base Camp, Redlands, CA.
"Empowering Explorers," Explorers Club World Ocean Week Live Classroom Event (with Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and other classrooms on YouTube Livestream), Virtual.
"The SIDS Global Data Hub: How Geospatial Information and Data Can Create a Resilient and Prosperous Future for SIDS," Invited Closing Remarks, PVBLIC Foundation Side Event at the 4th International Conference on Small Islands Developing States (SIDS4), Antigua & Barbuda.
"The SIDS Center of Excellence and the Growth of a SIDS-Based Entrepreneurial Ecosystem," Invited Panelist (with Greg Scott, Executive Director of PVBLIC Foundation), PVBLIC Foundation Side Event at the 4th International Conference on Small Islands Developing States (SIDS4), Antigua & Barbuda."Impact of EMUs, ECUs, and now EBUs: Esri Perspective," Invited Presenter, Workshop on Global Seafloor Classification of Ecological Benthic Units (EBUs), GeoHab 2024 (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping Conference), Arendal, Norway.
"Data Science is for US," Openscapes Pathways to Open Science webinars (2) in partnership with Black in Marine Science (BIMS) and Black Women in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Science (BWEEMS), and PREreview
"Introduction to Girl Talk, Marie Tharp and Her Ongoing Impact: Girl Talk with Dawn Wright," Special Seminar, Girl Talk: Engaging Diverse Young Women in Ocean Mapping, Session 1, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia, University, Virtual.
"Science and AI at Esri, Inc. + Challenger Deep," Special Seminar, Esri Deutschland, Niederlassung Bonn Office, Bonn, Germany.
"Environmental Digital Twins," Esri Germany User Conference (EsriKon) Supporting Technical Session, tag-team with Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck of GEOMAR, Kiel University, Bonn, Germany.
"Digital Twins of the Ocean", Esri Germany User Conference Keynote, tag-team with Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck of GEOMAR, Kiel University, Bonn, Germany | recording.
"The Dive of a Lifetime to the Deepest Place on Earth," Richard A. Marston Distinguished Lecture in Geography, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR | Recording.
"Careers Discussion with Geography and Geospatial Science Students," College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospherics Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
"Guest Lecture, GEOG 360, GIScience I: Geographic Information Systems and Theory," College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
"Guest Lecture, MRM 507, MRM Orientation," College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
"Personal Reflections on Courage and Resilience," Morning Keynote, Northstar of GIS Homecoming, Howard University, Washington, DC and Virtual.
"Science and Careers at Esri," Mt. San Antonio College Geospatial Society, Walnut, CA and Virtual.
"Empowering Explorers," Afternoon Keynote, Map the Gaps Symposium, Principality of Monaco and Virtual.
"The Dive of a Lifetime to the Deepest Place on Earth," Hill-Lopes Scholars Distinguished Lecture, Towson University, Towson, MD.
"Science and AI at Esri, Inc.", Esri Europe Leadership Team Meeting, Virtual on MS Teams via Esri Europe offices in Rotterdam, The Netherlands (and for distribution to all Esri European Distributors).
"Why the World Needs Maps Now More than Ever," WINGS WorldQuest Women of Discovery Explorers Forum, New York, NY.
"Deepening the Decade Mini-Workshop Report Out, Day 1," Deep Ocean Collective Solution Accelerator workshop of the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy (DOOS) and partners, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, October 2-5.
"Hello 2023 UC Assistants! Invited Keynote, UC Student Assistantship
Dinner Meeting, Esri User Conference, San Diego, CA.
(this was also done at the 2019, 2018, and 2017 UCs)
"World Ocean Day Inspires," Invited Instragram Live speaker, moderated by Alysia Dempsey of Inspires with Nicole Yamase (Maduro Project and U. of Hawaii) and Tiara Moore (Black in Marine Science), virtual.
"Mapping Microplastics to Advance Ocean Health," Invited Host and Moderator Esri LinkedIn Livestream for World Ocean Day (w/ Jennifer Webster, NOAA NCEI and Ebenezer Nyadjro, NOAA NCEI and Mississippi State), June 8, virtual.
"Mission Accomplished: Dive to and Exploration of Challenger Deep," Invited Keynote, Esri Canada Marine and Inland Waters Forum, Virtual with 394 registrants.
Skype-a-Scientist webinar, Lighthouse Connections Academy 6th-7th-8th-grade classes, Troy, MI
"Digital Resilience in the 21st Century," Invited Keynote, GeoAI and the Future of Mapping: Implications for 21st Century Digital Resilience, National Academy of Sciences Geographical and Geospatial Sciences Committee Spring 2023 Event, Washington, DC and 500+ registered for livestream and recording.
"My Deep Blue Home: Toward a Deep Blue Digital Twin," Invited Evening Keynote, Spring 2023 Meeting of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Board of Trustees and Corporation Joint Meeting, Woods Hole, MA.
"Save Our Planet, Save Ourselves," moderated by Mamie Parker w/Christian Cooper, The Central Park Birder and Ben Jealous, CEO of the Sierra Club, former president of the NAACP); WildSTEM Webinar Celebrating Earth Day, The Links, Inc. STEMREADY Signature Program, 450+ attended via livestream.
"The Dive of a Lifetime... Challenger Deep, July 2022,"
From Every Nation STEM Distinguished Lecture, Calvin University
Department of Geology, Geography & Environment and the university's School of STEM, Grand Rapids, MI
Special Evening Public Lecture,
Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
"Digital Twin/GIS Career Q&A," Followup Q&A with students in the GEOM20013 Applying Digital Infrastructure class of Prof. Stephan Winter, University of Melbourne, Australia.
"How can the Dangermond Preserve be a platform for the conservation community?" Invited Plenary Panelist, Point Conception Institute (Dangermond Preserve) Science Symposium, UCSB campus, Santa Barbara, CA
"Challenger Deep," Andiamo Ladie's Club of Redlands, Redlands, CA
Pathways to Open Science Session 3 webinar, in partnership with Black in Marine Science (BIMS) and Black Women in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Science (BWEEMS)
"First, But Not Last" Guest Speaker Webinar, US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF), Building Respect, Inclusion, and Diversity for the GEOINT Enterprise (BRIDGE) Working Group
Skype-a-Scientist webinar, Reach Cyber Charter School high-school STEM Club, Harrisburg, PA
Invited Facilitator, Environmental Data Science Summit, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA
"Ocean Exploration Day: Q&A with Don Walsh and Dawn Wright," Ocean Discovery League Special Webinar, livestreamed to 140+ and recorded.
"Esri, GIS, and Digital Twins for the Environment," Guest Lecture for the GEOM20013 Applying Digital Infrastructure class of Prof. Stephan Winter, University of Melbourne, Australia.
"Below the Depths," Black in Marine Science Week Closing Keynote, virtual | recording.
"Ocean Data Management," A joint Deep Ocean Observing Strategy (DOOS) and Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Marine Data Cluster webinar for early-career researchers, virtual.
"Challenger Deep GIS Day Presentation" for 3 classes of Mariposa Elementary 5th graders in person + livestreamed to over 2300 students throughout the Redlands Unified School District, Redlands, CA.
"Meeting the Challenges of Challenger Deep," Invited Evening Public Lecture, Redlands Forum and Jefferson Educational Society Global Summit Speaker Series, Redlands, CA; 350 attending, 400 via livestream.
"Overview of Esri," Union of Concerned Scientists Board of Directors Meeting, Virtual to 80+ attendees.
"The Geographic Approach to Our Ocean, Our Future," NOAA Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping Seminar Series in association with the multi-agency and White House National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization (NOMEC) Council, virtual from Washington, DC, access recording, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6578755.
"The Courage to Escape," Oregon State University CEOAS Association of Graduate Students (CAGS), Spring Term Radical Earth Science Equity Transformations (RESET) Seminar Series, virtual, livestreamed and recorded, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6578765.
"National Nature Assessment," White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Knowledge in Nature Roundtable, moderated by Enric Sala, National Geographic; w/Elizabeth Gray, National Audubon Society; livestreamed for registered attendees only, YouTube recording.
"Our Ocean, Our Future," Bromery Distinguished Lecture and Student Careers Discussion, Johns Hopkins University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, virtual from Baltimore, MD.
"Monitoring and Managing Marine Protected Areas," The Economist 9th Annual World Ocean Summit Plenary Panel, moderated by Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, The Commonwealth, w/ Andre Perez, Belize Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation; Corey Glickman, Infosys; Emanuel Goncalves, Oceano Azul Foundation, recorded prior and streamed to ~5000 attendees.
"Meet the Plenary Speaker - Dawn Wright," Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Student and Early Career Session, virtual, livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only.
"Our Ocean, Our Future," Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Keynote Address, virtual, livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6578775.
"Beyond the Ivory Tower: Geography Careers in Research and Policy Development," American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, National Academy of Sciences Geographical Sciences Committee Special Panel moderated by Pat McDowell (University of Oregon), with Elisabeth Root (Institute for Disease Modeling at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and Laura Szymanski (AAAS/AGI Congressional Science & Engineering Fellow), livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only.
"UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Program: Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO) - Information and Engagement," Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 Town Hall TH50 Panel, moderated by Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research); with Ann-Christine Zinkann (NOAA); Kim Juniper (Ocean Networks Canada); Jeroen Steenbreek (Ecopath International Initiative); livestreamed and recorded for conference attendees only.
"Arctic StoryMaps Workshop Ask-Me-Anything," Harvard Kennedy School and Woodwell Climate Research Center, livestream.
"Mapping Black Health and Wellness," NorthStar of GIS Black History Month Event, Opening Plenary Remarks, followed by a panel, moderated by Clinton Johnson, Esri, w/ Lauren Powell, Takeda; Kevin Carrington, Loma Linda University Health and Carrington Case; Nicholas Okafor, Sidewalk Labs and MIT, livestreamed.
"Woman of the Year Moderated Discussion," Women's Aquatic Network Award Acceptance, virtual with Letise LaFeir, NOAA.
"A New GEO Map and Characterization of Global Coastlines," GEO Week 2021 (Group on Earth Observations) Side Event, Moderator with Roger Sayre, USGS; Keith Van Graafeiland and Kevin Butler (Esri), Laura Bachmaier (Imperial College London), virtual from Geneva, Switzerland.
"Communicating Our Science in a Rapidly Changing World," Coastal & Estuarine Research Foundation, CERF 21, 26th Biennial Conference, Plenary Panelist, moderated by Don Boesch, U. of Maryland emeritus, w/ Christopher Joyce, NPR emeritus; Howard Forbes, Jr., Virgin Islands Marine Advisory Service (VIMAS), virtual from Washington, DC.
"Our Planet, Our Future," 2021 Esri Ocean, Weather and Climate GIS Forum, virtual, livestreamed.
"The Story of the Tubeworm Barbecue," Jacksonville University Marine Science Pioneer Award Acceptance Talk, virtual.
"Ask Me Anything with Dawn Wright," Scripps Institution of Oceanography Women and Minorities in Science (WMIS) Seminar, virtual.
"Identifying Critical Technology & Innovation Gaps,"UNESCO Conference: Identifying Critical Science Gaps at Marine World Heritage Sites, virtual from Paris, France.
"Our Ocean, Our Future," Global Climate Action Symposium Keynote Address, Georgia Tech University Global Change Program, Virtual, livestreamed and recorded (0 to 1:05:44).
"BIMS DIVES into Ocean Mapping & GIS with Dr. Dawn Wright," Black in Marine Science (BIMS) DIVES, virtual, livestreamed and recorded.
"Dive In with Dawn Wright," Ocean Elders DIVE IN series with Liz Taylor and Sylvia Earle, virtual, livestreamed and recorded.
"Scientific Storytelling with StoryMaps," Futurism Isn't a Bad Word: Uplifting Insights into Science for Your Storytelling Webinar, Writers Guild of America West as facilitated by The Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences, moderated by Spiro Skentzos, TV and feature writer, w/Jaime Marach, Abzena Biotechnology; Randii Wessen, NASA JPL; Juston Johnson, Stanford Computer Science), livestreamed and recorded.
"Storytelling for Ocean Science and Sustainability," 2021 ArcGIS StoryMaps Challenge for Restoring Our Ocean Webinar, livestreamed and recorded, 200+ attendees.
"Meet the Manager: Esri Chief Scientist," Esri Summer Interns Brownbag Series, virtual from Esri Headquarters, Redlands, CA.
"Climate Change Special Interest Group," Esri Education Summit, moderated by Michael Gould, Esri, livestreamed and recorded.
"Meet-and-Greet, Time Slot 3 (Pacific), Virtual Early Career Ocean Professionals (V.ECOP) Day 2021," UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, moderated by Andrew Kornblatt, OnlineOceansSymposium + OceanSciRadio, livestreamed on YouTube.
"Coralpalooza Women in STEM Panel," DEEP RESTORATION: Youth Rising in Equity + Coral Science, Heirs to Our Oceans Webinar, moderated by Catalina Martinez, NOAA; w/ Elva Escobar, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Samantha Davis, UCSB; Dijanna Figueroa, Lucas Scholars STEM Program. Recording on DropBox.
"Ocean Stewards: An Explorers Club 50 Speaker Series Event," Explorers Club, moderated by Joe Rohde, former head of Disney Imagineering and Disney World's Animal Kingdom in Florida; w/ Inti Keith, Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Marine Reserve; Michel "Goff" Strogoff, Environmental Filmmaker + Photographer, Madagascar; Margaret "Maggie" O'Leary Amsler, U of Alabama at Birmingham).
"Why the World Needs Geospatial (i.e., YOU) Now More Than Ever," Keynote Address, Virtual Washington GIS Conference, Washington Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (WAURISA)/WA GIS Association (WAGISA), livestreamed.
"Women in STEM Distinguished Panel," 2021 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF), moderated by Nancy Shute, Editor-in-Chief Science News; w/ Dapo Ajayi, Johnson & Johnson; Heidi Williams, Stanford; Huda Zoghbi, Baylor College of Medicine). Recording forthcoming
"US Pilot Program: A Shared Roadmap for Equitable Coastal Solutions to Climate," Session 2A, 2021 Ocean Visions Summit, moderated by Laura Engeman, Scripps and CA Sea Grant; w/ Craig McLean, NOAA; Van Johnson, Mayor of Savannah, GA; Kelly Hereid, Liberty Mutual; Serge Dedina, Mayor of Imperial Beach, CA, livestreamed and recorded.
"Why the World Needs Geospatial Now More Than Ever," Keynote Address, National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) 2021 Conference & Training Symposium, livestreamed.
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping and Modeling the Ocean," the Judd H. and Cynthia S. Oualline Centennial Lecture in Geological Sciences, DeFord Lecture Series, University of Texas School of Geological Sciences, livestreamed and recorded internally [material in this talk continually evolving].
"Closing Plenary Panel Discussion," Esri Imagery and Remote Sensing Educators Summit, Invited Moderator (w/Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, U. of Vermont; Marguerite Madden, U. of Georgia; Karen Schuckman, Penn State; Joseph Kerski, Esri; Delphine Khanna, Esri).
"Why the World Needs Geospatial Now More Than Ever," Carnegie Institution for Science (Washington, DC) Capital Science Evening Lecture, livestreamed.
"The Story of the Tubeworm Barbecue," Women of the Deep Panel Discussion by the Explorers Club, moderated by Martha Shaw, w/Jenifer Austin, Vicki Ferrini, Edith Widder), livestreamed on Facebook.
"Every Day is Earth Day!," A.K. Smiley Public Library Earth Day Presentation, Redlands, CA, livestreamed internally.
"US Perspective: Half Earth and 30x30," Earth Observation for Conservation Policy and Practice: Trans-Atlantic Perspectives, Virtual Webinar coordinated by the Eurosite European Land Conservation Network, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and the IUCN, moderated by Jim Levitt, Lincoln Institute with Jeff Allenby, Lincoln Institute Center for Geospatial Solutions; Odean Serrano, Earth League International, livestreamed to ~500.
"Oregon State University College of Science BIPOC in STEM Discussion," moderated by student Ashley Francis with Jacob Benson (CEO, Innovator Semiconductor Solutions), Kim Tran (Quality Control Specialist, Integrity Bio), and Shaznin Daruwalla (OSU Counseling Center), livestreamed internally.
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping and Modeling the Ocean," UNH CCOM, University of New Hampshire Center for Ocean and Coastal Mapping (CCOM)/Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC)/Ocean Engineering Joint Seminar, livestreamed and recorded and with additional resources.
"Sparking Change in the Face of Climate Skepticism," Changemakers: A Watermark Conference for Women Plenary, moderated by Heather Clancy of GreenBiz with Katharine Hayhoe (Texas Tech University) and Healy Hamilton (NatureServe), livestreamed internally to a registered audience of 2000.
"Women, Science and the Road to Inclusive Leadership," USC Wrigley Institute Delta Murphy Distinguished Lecture, moderated by Carley Kenkel of USC with Rita Colwell (University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins and Former Director of NSF) and Hope Jahren (University of Oslo and author of the best-selling Lab Girl and The Story of More), livestreamed to ~500.
"International Women's Day 2021," Keynote Address, plus Panel on Women's Leadership in the Geospatial Field moderated by Gala Camacho (Data and Analytics Strategic Consultant, Australia/UK) with Clara Mundia (Dalberg Research, Kenya) and Emily Selwood (Satellite Applications Catapult, UK), Women in Geospatial+ 2nd Anniversary, livestreamed.
"Join the Rebel Alliance - An Openscapes Interview with Dr. Dawn Wright at Mozfest," with Julia Stewart Lowndes and Erin Robinson, MozFest, Mozilla's Internet Festival, livestreamed to a limited, registered MozFest audience. Esri mirror site
("MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world.")
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping and Modeling the Ocean," University of Georgia Department of Marine Science Seminar, livestreamed.
"Conversations with GSA's Bromery Awardees Featuring Dr. Dawn Wright, Chief Scientist, Environmental Systems Research Institute" with Wes Ward (USGS Chief Geologist of the Western US emeritus + Bromery Awardee), Geological Society of America, livestreamed, 457 registrants, 233 unique visitors, 149 additional recording views.
"A New Era of Climate Understanding," Esri Federal GIS Conference Climate Special Interest Group (SIG), with Lawrence Friedl, NASA; Tom Wall, Argonne National Laboratory; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Jim Ellenwood, USDA Forest Service; livestreamed, 650 visitors.
"The Role of GIS in Ocean Conservation" with Sandra Turner (National Geographic Certified Educator), Facebook livestreamed and recorded, 359 Esri livestream attendees, 89 Facebook Live attendees, 934 additional recording views.
"Arctic Data Stories: Data Visualization and Maps for Data-driven Policymaking," with Fran Ulmer (former Lt. Governor of Alaska), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Workshop, Harvard Kennedy School and Woodwell Climate Research Center; recorded presentation and livestream.
"The Importance of Racial Equity & Representation in Coastal Management," Coastal GeoTools Plenary session with Clinton Johnson, Esri; Deirdre Johnson Burrel, W.K. Kellogg Foundation; livestreamed to paid registrants only, 444 unique visitors.
"Discovery, Technology, Hope," UC-Riverside Osher Life Lecture, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, UC-Riverside Extension; livestreamed.
"Biodiversity Conservation in the American West," NASA + The Metropolitan Group, Virtual Roundtable.
"Geosciences Career Frontiers," Texas A&M University College of Geosciences Panel, with Carolyn Wilson, Southeastern Universities Research Association; Russ Calendar, Washington Sea Grant; Ron Bisio, Trimble; Jill Urban-Karr, Trimble; livestreamed.
"DEEP Connections: Diversity & Science Lecture Series," Scripps Institution of Oceanography Deepening Engagement through Existing Pipeline Program, with Keiara Auzenne, Scripps; Billy Williams, AGU Senior VP, Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion; Brandon Jones, NSF Geosciences; livestreamed.
"Discussion Panel for the Film Picture a Scientist," Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, with filmmaker Sharon Shattuck; Julie Packard, Monterey Bay Aquarium; Chris Scholin and George Matsumoto, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute; Marcia McNutt, National Academy of Sciences President; Penny Chisholm, MIT; Corey Garza, Cal-State Monterey Bay; livestreamed.
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping and Modeling the Ocean," Wesleyan University Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Colloquium; livestreamed.
"Discovery, Technology, Hope," Cleveland Museum of Natural History Explorer Series Keynote; livestreamed.
"Fieldwork, Gender, and Diversity in the Earth Sciences: A Discussion of the the Film Picture a Scientist," Texas A&M University (TAMU) College of Geosciences, International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)and TAMU ADVANCE Program, with Jen Biddle, U. of Delaware; Hiroko Kitajima, TAMU; Jennifer Middleton, Lamont; Suzanne O'Connell, Wesleyan U.; Kathy Smith, IODP; livestreamed.
"Storytelling for the SDGs" (Sustainable Development Goals), Hostess and moderator for 2-hour Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Esri webinar with Jeffrey Sachs et al.; livestreamed, 300+ registrants.
"Move Over, Aquaman: Three of the World's Top Female Ocean Explorers Talk Trailblazing in Ocean Discovery and Conservation," AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles Webinar, with Allison Fundis, Ocean Exploration Trust and Carlie Wiener, Schmidt Ocean Institute; livestreamed.
"Maps as Stories: A Seafloor-Mapping Celebration Honoring Marie Tharp," Initiative on Communication & Sustainability, The Earth Institute, Columbia University; livestreamed on YouTube, Periscope, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Webinar on Twitter Science Communication Best Practices, UC-Santa Cruz Communicating Oceanographic Research Effectively (UCSC-CORE) graduate student organization; livestreamed via Zoom.
"Generation Equality: Creating Awareness of the GIS World to Africa Women," African Women in GIS International Women's Day Webinar; livestreamed via Zoom with remote participants from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and more.
"GIS for Science," Los Angeles Geospatial Summit Keynote, USC Spatial Sciences Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
"The Promise and Perils of Spatial Data Science for Environmental Scholarship," Spatial Data Science Symposium 2019 Keynote, UCSB Center for Spatial Studies, Santa Barbara, CA.
Esri Australia Assignment | Media/PR
"Swells, Soundings, and Sustainability... But 'Here be Monsters,'" Esri Australian User Conference (Ozri) 2019 Keynote, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.
"GIS as a Grand Enabler of Environmental Management, Protection, and Science," Department of Environment and Science Keynote Seminar, Queensland Government Ecosciences Precinct, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.
"Transforming Ocean Data," a workshop of the Ditchley Project, Oxfordshire, UK | Flickr Seabed 2030 Vision-to-Action Summit, London, UK | Flickr Day of Science: 2019 Science-a-Thon Keynote, Online for Earth Sciences Women's Network
"Would the Development of Operational and Informational Products Benefit from an AtlantOS?" OceanObs'19 Conference Side Event on the All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantoOS) Evening Keynote, Honolulu, HI.
"An Overview of Esri Science," Department of Geography Colloquium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
"Esri Science Overview," Esri Olympia Regional Office All Hands Meeting, Olympia, WA.
"Ease Leads to Exposure. Exposure Leads to Adoption." Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting Morning Plenary, Tacoma, WA.
"Esri Science Overview," Esri Distributor Webinar, hosted by Esri Europe.
"Courage," UCGIS TRELIS (Training and Retaining Leaders in STEM) Workshop Keynote, Washington, DC.
"Career Trajectories," UCGIS TRELIS (Training and Retaining Leaders in STEM) Workshop Panel (w/Kate Beard-Tisdale, U. of Maine; Laxmi Ramasubramanian, Hunter-CUNY; Kathy Hart, Library of Congress; Karen Kemp, USC; Babs Buttenfield, CU-Boulder), Washington, DC.
"Esri Science Overview," Esri Denver Regional Office All Hands Meeting, Broomfield, CO.
"Beyond Climate Change - The Earth in the Anthropocene," Harold I. Roberts Endowed Symposium Plenary Panel (with David Montgomery, U. Washington; Michele Koppes, U. British Columbia; Alan Townsend, Provost of Colorado College), Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO.
"Women in Science Afternoon Discussion with Students, Staff, Faculty," Harold I. Roberts Endowed Symposium, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO.
"Guest Lecture/Discussant, EV260/GY250, Studies in Geology: Introduction to Geodesign," Harold I. Roberts Endowed Symposium, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO.
"Midday Break: Lunch and Salon Discussion with Students, Postdocs, and Prof. Karen Seto," 35th Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Research Conference, New Haven, CT.
"The Perils and Promise of Data Science for Environmental Scholarship," 35th Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Research Conference Keynote, New Haven, CT.
"Esri Science Overview," Esri DC (Vienna) Regional Office, Special Town Hall, Vienna, VA.
"The Exciting World of the Science of Where," Esri Higher Education Open House, Redlands, CA.
Smart Oceans: Tech from Surf to Seafloor,", SXSW, Invited Future of Oceans Track Panelist (with Phil Bresnahan, Scripps and Lauren Ellis, Seeker, Group Nine Media), Austin, TX.
"Ocean/Climate Environmental Leadership," Environmental Leadership Master of Environmental Management (DEL-MEM) Program, Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment, Online via Zoom.
"Discovery... Technology... HOPE," 100 Years of Women Distinguished Lecture, Center for Geospatial Analysis, William & Mary and Virginia Geographic Alliance, Williamsburg, VA.
"Replicability and Reproducibility via Workflows and Workbenches," Replicability and Reproducibility in Geospatial Research: A Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
"Replicability, Reproducibility, Resilience," Replicability and Reproducibility in Geospatial Research: A Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
"Growing up in Science," Scripps Institution of Oceanography session with doctoral students and post-docs, La Jolla, CA.
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping Global Marine Ecosystems," Scripps Institution of Oceanography Special Seminar, La Jolla, CA.
"Maps as Artistic Pathways to Societal Solutions," American Association of University Women (AAUW), Redlands Chapter, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA.
"The Courage to Escape," Brownbag seminar and discussion with students, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering, Woods Hole, MA.
"52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping Global Marine Ecosystems," Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Steinbach Scholar Lecture, Woods Hole, MA.
Technology for Conservation Convening, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, Invited Participant
"Swells, Soundings, and Sustainability in the Ocean," Bromery Distinguished Lecture, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Department of Geosciences, Amherst, MA.
"Bridging the Gap Between Scientists and Policy Makers: Whither GIScience?," Waldo Tobler Distinguished Lecture in Geographic Information Science, AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group, AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
"Arc Marine v. 2.0," Esri Webinar w/~25 attendees worldwide, accompanying blog post
"Framing the Future of Ecosystem Restoration - Staying Relevant in a World of Changing Priorities," 6th National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, Tampa, FL.
"Work in Progress Toward Enhancing Multidimensional Visualization with Analytical Workflows", Microsoft e-Science Workshop 2012: e-Science in Action, Chicago, IL.
"The Age of Science and 'Big Data,'" ISTeC Distinguished Lecture, The Information Science and Technology Center, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
"A New Science Agenda at Esri," Geospatial Centroid Center Brown Bag Presentation, Geospatial Centroid, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
"CyberGIS and Big Data," Plenary Panelist, GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH.
"CyberGIS Progress and Perspectives," Plenary Panelist, CyberGIS '12, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
"Esri's Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda," Livestream Webinar, Ecosystem-Based Management Tools Network.
"Ocean GIS," Plenary Speaker, Esri International Users Conference, Monday afternoon session, San Diego, CA.
"Geodesigning Coastal and Ocean Space," Plenary Panelist, Landscape Infrastructure Symposium, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA.
"Esri's Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda," Brownbag Seminar, Conservation International Headquarters, Arlington, VA.
[Note: This particular title has several variations in content, depending on the audience.]
"Esri's Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda," Plenary Address, Esri
CA/HI/NV Regional User Conference Redlands, CA.
"Esri's Emerging Natural and Ocean Sciences Agenda," Spring 2012 Environmental Geomatics Lecture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
"Esri's Emerging Ocean Science Agenda and Initiative," Keynote Address, Monterey Bay Marine GIS User Group Meeting, USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA.
"Geospatial Tools for Ocean Management and Decision-Making," Environmental Law Institute Workshop on the National Environmental Policy Act in a Geospatial World, Boalt School of Law, UC-Berkeley, CA.
"GIS 'in Depth:' An Emerging Ocean and Natural Sciences Agenda at Esri," 12th Annual Dangermond Lecture, Department of Geography, UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Glory Road and the Desegregation of College Basketball: The Untold Story at Oregon State," Special Event of the Association of Faculty for the Advancement of People of Color (AFAPC), The Varsity O Club, and the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. Panelists and Moderators: Natalia Fernandez, Larry Griggs, Norman Monroe, Dwaine Plaza, Craig Robinson, Alex Sanchez, Paul Valenti, Charlie White, and Dawn Wright, The Loge, Reser Stadium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
"Networking of Coastal Web Atlases and Other GIScience in Action at OSU," Department of Earth and Physical Sciences Natural Science Seminar Series, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR.
"Explore the Ocean and Sustain Society," Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Conference, Anaheim, CA, Invited Panelist with Deidre Sullivan (Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, Monterey Peninsula College), Dwight Coleman (Institute for Exploration, University of Rhode Island), Liesl Hotaling (U. South Florida), October 2nd.
"International Coastal Atlas (ICAN) Great Lakes Workshop", sponsored by the NOAA Coastal Services Center, U.S. Geological Survey's Wisconsin Water Science Center, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and University of Wisconsin Sea Grant, organizing committee member and presenter, September 13-15th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Yi-Fu Tuan Invited Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. [Note: This particular title has several variations in content, depending on the audience.]
"GIS Bootcamp," NSF-funded Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences program (9 undergraduates + 5 incoming freshmen with SMILE program), OSU Geosciences, June 28th - July 1st.
"Teaching Ethics in GIS&T: Final Results of NSF Funded Research on Ethics in GIS&T Education," UCGIS Summer Assembly Plenary with Francis Harvey (U. Minnesota), Crowne Plaza Beach Resort, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 15th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Department of Geography, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, September 18th.
"Technical Workshop: Arc Marine - Managing and Analyzing Ocean and Coastal Data in ArcGIS," 29th Annual Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) User Conference, San Diego, CA, July 14th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Hall-Bonner Lectureship Program, College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, VA, October 10th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, October 9th.
"Careers and Coping for Minority Students in Marine Science," Hall-Bonner Lectureship Program, Hampton University, Hampton, VA, October 8th.
"The Interntional Coastal Atlas Network," FGDC Marine & Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Meeting, NOAA Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, October 8th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Department of Environmental Earth System Science Seminar, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, May 28th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Directions and Challenges in Ocean Informatics," Department of Geography and Regional Development Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, March 7th.
"The Exciting World of Ocean Exploration and Science for Teaching and Learning," Keynote Address GeoTech 2008, Dallas, TX, March 1st.
"Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and Creative Maps of the Ocean Floor," GeoTech 2008 Pre-Conference Public Lecture, Dallas, TX, February 29th.
"Exploring the Deep with Cool Vehicles and Maps," Bishop Dunne High School Student/Parent Night, Dallas, TX, February 29th.
"Towards an International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN)," IODE Workshop on Coastal Atlas Requirements, UNESCO IODE (International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange) Headquarters, Oostende, BELGIUM, February 22nd [Meeting Report].
"The Oregon Coastal Atlas: Infrastructure for Data Sharing, Spatial Analysis, Resource Decision-Making and Societal Impact," IODE Workshop on Coastal Atlas Requirements, UNESCO IODE (International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange) Headquarters, Oostende, BELGIUM, February 21st.
"Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and Creative Maps of the Ocean Floor," Friends of Straub Environmental Learning Center Distinguished Lecture, Salem, OR, October 25th.
"Exploration and Mapping of the Ocean Floor Around American Samoa and Tonga," Academy for Lifelong Learning Series on Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, OSU Alumni Association, Corvallis, OR, September 27th.
"The Oregon Coastal Atlas and Decision-Support Tools," Spatial Mapping of Marine Data and Information Workshop for the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC), Newport, OR, March 23rd.
"Exploring the Deep: Cracks, Creatures, and Creative GIS," Keynote Presentation, Oregon Geographic Alliance Spring Conference, Seaside, OR, March 17th.
"Mapping and Exploring the 'Hidden Oregon,'" Coast Conference South, sponsored by the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, Coos Bay, OR, November 4th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Progress and Challenges of Ocean Informatics," VPAST Distinguished Lecture, Geospatial Technology Lecture Series (Vice Provost for Academic Service and Technology), Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, October, 25th.
"Acoustic Remote Sensing and Marine GIS in the South Pacific (and Elsewhere)," American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Student Chapter, Portland State University, Portland, OR, October 13th.
"GIS Training for Marine Resource Managers", sponsored by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, the California Department of Fish and Game, the NOAA Coastal Services Center, and MATE, Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA (modules on benthic terrain modeling, and the ArcGIS Marine Data Model [Arc Marine], announcement about the Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative), June 13-16th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Progress and Challenges of Ocean Informatics", Hatfield Marine Science Center Seminar, Newport, OR, May 19th.
"Why Spatial is Special: An Overview of Geographic Information Systems and Science", OSU Department of Statistics Seminar, Corvallis, April 25th.
"Spatial Reasoning at Sea and Ashore: Progress and Challenges of Ocean Informatics", Marine Science Institute Colloquium, UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, March 1st.
"How to Get Your 'Stuff' Out There: Issues of Data Access and Sharing," Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science, Student Seminar and Lunch, UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, March 1st.
"Coastal/Marine Resource Management in Ireland: Insights from a Recent Fulbright", Oregon State University, Department of Geosciences Joint Seminar, "Land as Society's Mirror: Human Dimensions of Landscape Change," Corvallis, OR.
"The New Explornography in the Age of Digital Earth, Digital Government, and Cyberinfrastructures", Invited Plenary Address, GIS Ireland 2004, IRLOGI (Irish Organisation for Geographic Information), Dublin, IRELAND, Oct. 13th.
"The ArcGIS Marine Data Model," Invited Half-Day Workshop, Irish Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway, IRELAND, Oct. 15th.
"Cracks, Creatures, and Creative GIS in the Pacific Ocean and the Western U.S.", Department of Geography Seminar, University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND, Oct. 20th.
"Marine Data Model Technical Workshop," with J. Breman, P. Halpin, and M. Blongewicz, 24th Annual Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) User Conference, San Diego, CA.
"Ocean Explorers: Ocean Science Summer Workshop", sponsored by the Center for Image Processing in Education (CIPE), NOAA's Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS), and the National Science Foundation, (hands-on GIS and data management instruction and presentation on marine GIS and seafloor mapping), Ventura and Santa Cruz Island, CA, July 6-11.
"GIS and Marine Science: Using GIS to Model Marine Habitats", Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center 6th Annual Summer Institute (lectures on marine GIS, GIS analysis models, and benthic habitat characterization), Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA, July 12-17.
"Spatial Reasoning for Terra Incognita: Progress and Challenges of Ocean GIS", Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Distinguished Lecturer Series, Corpus Christi, TX.
"Coastal Geographic Information Systems", University of Washington Extension, (introductory modules on marine GIS, marine metadata, and the ArcGIS Marine Data Model), University of Washington Educational Outreach Center, Bellevue, WA.
"A Framework for Marine Metadata: The ArcGIS Marine Data Model and its Common Marine Data Types," Marine Mapping User Group Marine Metadata Workshop, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA.
"Ocean Cracks, Creatures, and Creative GIS" Keynote Address, Third Annual Esri Education User Conference, San Diego, CA.
"Marine Data Model Technical Workshop," with J. Breman, P. Halpin, and M. Blongewicz, 23rd Annual Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) User Conference, San Diego, CA.
"Marine Science, Technology, and GIS", Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center 5th Annual Summer Institute (lectures on marine GIS, GIS analysis models, and benthic habitat characterization), Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA.
"Spatial Reasoning for Terra Incognita: Development of a New Marine Data Model", University of Redlands/Esri Colloquium Series, M.S. Program in GIS, Redlands, CA.
"The Oregon Coastal Atlas: A Pacific Northwest Coastal Information Management System" GIS in Action Conference (Oregon URISA/ASPRS), Portland, OR.
"Crustal Fissuring on the Crest of the Southern East Pacific Rise, 17° 15'-40'S" Oregon State University Department of Geosciences Geology Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"Ocean Exploration and Conservation with the National Geographic's Sustainable Seas Expeditions," University of Oregon Department of Geography Seminar, Eugene, OR.
"Towards a Digital Earth: Oceanographic Applications of Geographic Information Systems," U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Invited Seminar, Monterey, CA.
"Marine Science, Technology, and GIS," Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center 4th Annual Summer Institute (lectures on marine GIS, GIS analysis models, spatial internpolation, error and uncertainty, and dynamic segmentation), Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA.
"Crustal Fissuring on the Crest of the Southern East Pacific Rise, 17° 15'-40'S," Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Spring Speakers Series, Durham, NC.
"Mapping and GIS in Support of Samoa Coral Reef Management," for the online workshop Conservation and the Coral Reef World, sponsored by the Sustainable Seas Expeditions (SSE) and the College of Exploration.
"Oceanography Series," Wheaton College, Department of Geology & Environmental Science, series of 6 sabbatical guest lectures for students in GEOL 208, General Oceanography, Wheaton, IL.
"Challenges and Progress in Coastal/Marine GIS," Wheaton College, Department of Geology & Environmental Science, sabbatical guest lecture for faculty and students in GEOL 371, "Introduction to GIS," Wheaton, IL.
"Mapping and GIS in Support of Samoa Coral Reef Management," for the online workshop Conservation and the Coral Reef World, sponsored by the Sustainable Seas Expeditions (SSE) and the College of Exploration.
"Mapping and GIS in Support of Samoa Coral Reef Management," for the online workshop Conservation and the Coral Reef World, sponsored by the Sustainable Seas Expeditions (SSE) and the College of Exploration.
"Challenges and Progress in Marine GIS," UC-Santa Barbara, Department of Geography, sabbatical guest lecture for faculty and students in GEOG 176C, "GIS Design and Applications," Santa Barbara, CA.
"Seafloor Mapping and GIS for the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary," Public Library, Pago Pago, American Samoa.
"Towards a 2nd Age of Discovery: Emerging Research Priorities in Geographic Information Science," University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science Fall Colloquium, Eugene, OR.
"Virtual Oregon: Establishing a Web-Based Archive for Oregon's Geographic Data," Internet2 Days, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
"Creatures of the Deep and Maps of the Ocean Floor," Classes Without Quizzes, OSU Alumni Association and OSU Distance and Continuing Education, Corvallis, OR.
"The Role of GIS in Coastal Zone Management: Examples from the Oregon Coast," Keynote Address, SEAGIS Conference on the Use of GIS in Coastal Zone Management and Planning, European Union Interreg IIc, Bergen, NORWAY.
"Data Systems: Case Studies Within and Outside of Marine Geology and Geophysics," DESCEND 99' (DEveloping Submergence SCiencE in the Next Decade), University National Oceanographic Laboratory System Workshop, National Science Foundation Headquarters, Arlington, VA.
"Getting to the Bottom of it: Recent Discoveries of Seafloor Creation and Destruction in the South Pacific," Wheaton College, Geology Department Special Seminar, Wheaton, IL.
"Davey Jones' Locker: Seafloor Mapping / Marine and Coastal GIS," Esri User Conference, Ocean GIS Special Exhibition and Demos, San Diego, CA.
"Spatial Reasoning for Terra Incognita," University of Minnesota Department of Geography Spring Seminar, Minneapolis, MN.
"Discovering Oregon's Offshore," University of Oregon Department of Geography, Discover Oregon Freshman Orientation Presentation, Eugene, OR.
"Spatial Reasoning for Terra Incognita," UC-Berkeley Department of Geography Spring Seminar, Berkeley, CA.
"Towards a Second Age of Discovery," TED 9 (Technology, Entertainment, Design), Monterey, CA.
"Creatures of the Deep and Maps of the Ocean Floor: Dawn's Advantures in Marine Geography," Portland State University Department of Geography Fall Colloquium, Portland, OR.
"Introducting the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science," EPA Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"Data Infrastructure Issues for 9N: Keeping up With the Joneses," RIDGE Results Symposium: Field Studies Along the East Pacific Rise, 9° - 10° N, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Journey to the Center of Earth: A Geoscientific Tour of Iceland," Oregon State University Department of Geosciences Geology Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"New Data From Both Ends of the Plate Boundary Spectrum in the South Pacific," University of Oregon Department of Geology Seminar, Eugene, OR.
"Scientific Information Modeling for Oceanographic Data: An Example from the Northeast Pacific," The Ohio State University, Center for Mapping Columbus, OH.
"Discoveries of Seafloor Exploration," Keynote Address, 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Latest Discoveries of Seafloor Creation and Destruction in the South Pacific" and ArcView Demo for Introductory GIS Class, The Colorado College, Department of Geology Seminar Colorado Springs, CO.
"The Creation and Destruction of Seafloor Across the Pacific," Oregon State University Department of Geosciences Geology Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems," Workshop for Online Northwest '97, Sponsored by the Interinstitutional Library Council, the Oregon State System of Higher Education, and the Online Coordinators Committee, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR.
"Marine Geography at Work: Adventures with a Seagoing Geographic Information System," University of Oregon Department of Geography Seminar, Eugene, OR.
"From Pattern to Process on the Deep Ocean Floor: A GIS Approach," USC Dept. of Geography Colloquium, Los Angeles, CA.
"GIS and Oceanography: Exploring Uncharted Waters," NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Lab Seminar, Seattle, WA.
"A Gameplan for GIS: Sink or S.I.M.?" NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Lab Seminar, Newport, OR.
"Current Musings in the Discipline of Geography Regarding the Interplay Between Science and Technology," Oregon State University Dept. of Geosciences Geography Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"Current Musings in the Discipline of Geography Regarding the Interplay Between Science and Technology," 13th Annual Ford Foundation Doctoral and Postdoctoral Conference of Fellows, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, CA.
"From Pattern to Process on the Deep Ocean Floor: A Geographic Information System Approach," UCSB Department of Geography Colloquium Presentation, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Underwater Remote Sensing and Seafloor Mapping at UCSB," Santa Barbara Research Center Summer Seminar, Santa Barbara, CA.
"GIS and Oceanographic Research: A Match Made in Heaven? Examples from the East Pacific Rise," MIT Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Lecture Series, Cambridge, MA.
"GIS and Underwater Remote Sensing Reveal Cracks and Creatures on the Crest of the East Pacific Rise," Oregon State University Dept. of Geosciences Geography Seminar, Corvallis, OR.
"GIS and Underwater Remote Sensing Reveal Cracks and Creatures on the Ocean Floor," National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) Board of Directors' Meeting, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Underwater Remote Sensing Reveals Cracks and Creatures on the Ocean Floor," 12th Annual Ford Foundation Doctoral and Postdoctoral Conference of Fellows, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
"Discoveries of New Volcanoes on the Ocean Floor," Guest speaker at Ouachita Baptist University Women's Club Meeting, Arkadelphia, AR.
"The Science of Exploring and Mapping the Ocean Floor," Presentations to undergraduate students at Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, AR.
"GIS and Oceanography: Data Synthesis and Interpretations from the East Pacific Rise," NOAA-Pacific Marine Environment Lab Special Seminar, Newport, OR.
"GIS and Oceanography: Examples of Integrated Alvin and Sea Beam Data from the East Pacific Rise," Sea Beam Instruments Inc. Special Seminar, E. Walpole, MA.
"Preliminary Results from Sea Beam 2000 Swath Bathymetry and Sidescan Sonar," Sea Beam Instruments, Inc. Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA.
"GIS and Oceanography: A Match Made in Heaven? Examples from the East Pacific Rise," Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Seminar, Monterey, CA.
"Is Geography a 'Science?' Should it Be? UCSB vs. the Rest!" UCSB Department of Geography Colloquium Presentation, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Snoopy Goes to Sea: Creatures From the Deep and Maps of the Ocean Floor - THE SEQUEL," UCSB Department of Geography Colloquium Presentation, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Studies of the Ocean Floor Using Optics, Acoustics, GIS and Other Neat Things," Center for Remote Sensing and Environmental Optics Advisory Committee, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA.
"Snoopy Goes to Sea: Creatures From the Deep and Maps of the Ocean Floor," UCSB Department of Geography Colloquium Presentation, Santa Barbara, CA.
"1. Global Change Modelling and GIS. 2. ALVIN Diving." Presentation to the Business-Higher Education Forum, UCSB Department of Geological Sciences, Santa Barbara, CA.
Marine Science, Technology, and GIS, Marine Advanced Technology (MATE) Center 4th Annual Summer Institute, Monterey, CA.
Conservation and the Coral Reef World, Sustainable Seas Expeditions and College of Exploration Virtual Workshop.
Distributed GIS via Intranets or the Internet, Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) Pre-Conference Workshop, San Diego, CA.
Visual Basic, Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) Pre-Conference Workshop, San Diego, CA.
FGDC Metadata and Clearinghouse Hands-On Training, National Spatial Data Infrastructure Workshop, Charleston, SC.
Active Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges, RIDGE/Nordic Volcanological Institute Summer School, Lake Myvatn, ICELAND.
Creating a Clearinghouse Node for Spatial Data, Federal Geographic Data Committee Workshop, University Consortion for Geographic Information Science Annual Assembly and Summer Retreat, Bar Harbor, ME.
Geographic Information, ESF-GISDATA and NSF NCGIA International Young Scholars' Summer Institute, Berlin, GERMANY.
Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges, RIDGE Theoretical Institute Short Course, Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City, CA.
Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Science: GIS Data Issues, NCGIA Summer Institute, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA.
Hydrothermal and Magma Chamber Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges, RIDGE Theoretical Institute Short Course, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Fractals and Their Use in the Earth Sciences, Geological Society of America Short Course, GSA Annual Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
Cycling (former collegiate and United States Cycling Federation licensed racer)
Peanuts Comic Strip Collectibles
Legos, especially the Pirates and Star Wars Ultimate Collectors Series
Independent Films
Film Animation
Native American Rights
Travels in Australia, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Easter Island, Fiji, France, Germany, Guam, Honduras, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Mauritius, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Samoan islands, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tahiti, the United Kingdom and most of the USA
President and CEO, Esri
Director of Budget & Fiscal Planning, OSU
Director Emeritus, Marine Resource Management Program, OSU
(Post-doc Supervisor)
Director Emeritus, National Geophysical Data Center
(Ph.D. Major Adviser)
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Computational Earth System Science, UCSB
(Ph.D. Committee Member)
Professor Emerita, Department of Earth Science, UCSB
(Ph.D. Committee Member)
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Science, UCSB
(Ph.D. Committee Member)
Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, UCSB
"What nobler employment, or more valuable to the state, than that of the man, who instructs the rising generation?" -- Cicero
"The greatest of all sacrifices is the sacrifice of time... " -- Plutarch
"Shut them up!... Win!"-- Coach Don Haskins to his Texas Western basketball players, in the film Glory Road
"We should not be afraid of being measured, unless we are afraid that we will not measure up." -- Gerry McGovern, Nua Limited, Ireland
"It is better to wear out than to rust out." -- Ruben Chamberlain
"Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on!"-- as seen on a Maryland license plate
Last update: January 21, 2025 |